Wind shadow and moon are also observing these walls.

"Jiangning, do you think this is the secret of the moon family's treasure. Do you think this is the treasure map we've been looking for. "

"No, it's not. I checked the pieces of map that boss Jin gave me. None of them matched it. So this should not be a map of your moon family's treasure. But what kind of map is it? We don't know, and I can't guess it now. But if you look carefully, it's your Ili map. "

"Do you mean that they have marked all the positions of our previous Yue tribes on this map?"

"Yes, that's right. It should be made by the people of the Moon Clan. That's why this map exists. It should be when you Yue people realize that they are going to perish, they will draw all their previous areas, and then for the discovery of your descendants. Leave a picture of your former district.

This is the cave where they should be trapped. And they should have done it themselves. "

"Well, if you follow your words, all our ancestors can't go out first, then how can the three of us be able to go out? In this way, there should be no exit in this place. It should be just a routine set up by them. So there's nothing strange about this cave, and it can't take us out yet, is it

"I can't say that. Without this cave, maybe we would not have found out that this is the place where the Yue people migrated, and we don't know so many secrets about the Yue people now. So don't be so absolute. "

"But even if it doesn't help us out at all, what should we do now?"

"Don't worry. Let me see.

After that, Jiangning immediately thought of another person, the man. If the moon touched the woman just now, and these words on the wall appeared, then what if I met the man? What will happen? After Jiangning thought of this, he immediately went to practice the action he had just said he wanted.

He let Yueer and Fengying go out, because after touching the man's body, he didn't know whether it was a good result or a bad result. Everything was unknown.

Yueer and Fengying go out and observe your surroundings carefully. After that, you can determine the current situation and choose the best way to escape later. He touched the man with his hand. Although everything just happened in yue'er's eyes was not what yue'er thought, many things still need to be done in this way.

Jiangning touched the man's body and immediately escaped from the cave. The result did not expect is to cause a more intense feeling of rock cave mountain.

This time, it's not just the small cave, but the whole cave. Jiangning carefully observed every move around him. Their bodies are shaking with the cave. This time, it's not just the man who turned to dust. And the walls seem to be shaking.

Jiangning looked at the water nearby, as if they were all flowing backwards.

The whole cave seems to be upside down, and everyone seems to be moving with the whole cave shaking. It seems that the whole cave can move according to the law.

The caves are moving upside down. Even the body just now seems to be upside down. Jiangning carefully observed the movement of the body, and then she found that all the objects in the cave and all the paintings on the wall seemed to be reversed.

Then when all the objects are turned upside down, it seems to be a complete picture. All the things I didn't understand just now seem to understand. All the pictures just now seem to have no rules to follow, but now they have become a complete picture. And that picture is actually the whole map of Yili area.

But that was what Jiangning expected. He was not looking for a map fragment. This map seems to be a great blessing for the Yue people. Their ancestors lived in that area, but it was not good for Jiangning, because it was not meaningful for him to search for the next map fragments.

Just after the whole cave was shaken, the moon suddenly quieted down. She went into the cave and carefully observed every inch of land. That's where her ancestors lived. To get familiar with the places along every inch of the hole. It seemed like the place she had lived since she was a child.

Fengying and Jiangning don't want to break the tranquility. There may be nothing for them, but for yue'er, it is the place where her ancestors lived before. That's where they were raised for generations.

Moon looked at the map and left tears. This place is the birthplace of their Yue nationality, and also the place they want to pursue for generations.

Maybe in the past, that place was also their haven. But one day it suddenly became a nightmare for their family. How long it will take them to move here. And how many people died in the middle. Because of wealth, because of treasure. A lot of people think it's OK to sacrifice others. But yue'er knows that it is a naked violation. There is no awareness of human rights.Moon thought of here, can not help but tears, she touched the wall and cried down, now for her, do not care about the existence of outsiders. Even if Jiangning and Fengying are here, she doesn't care at all. For her, maybe this is the responsibility and consciousness of being a king.

"Moon, don't be sad. In fact, everything has his fixed number. Everything has its roots. Now we have to find a way out. "

"Well, Jiangning, I know. Can you let me have a good look at this map first? When we get to Yili area, I want to have a look at all these landscapes. What a beautiful scenery it is. Maybe my ancestors used to live here happily and happily, but now it's all gone. "

"Yue'er, even if these things in the past do not exist, but now you have a new place, and you have a new place to live in.

But we wind clan. It's always in the process of migration, and even my king can't help anything. It seems as if I am escaping from my own mission as a king

"Fengying, don't say that. How hard did we find this place now, so you will find the area belonging to your wind clan. No one will disturb you then. There will be no more wandering, no more death of any people. "

"Well, yue'er, you're right. So don't worry about it now. Everything will be fine for us. As long as we look forward, everything will be fine. We can't just be limited to the present sentimentality. Our goal is to face the future, isn't it? "

Fengying's words let Yueer stop her tears. Yueer thinks of what Fengying has said. It is true that everything should look to the future. The wind clan is still wandering.

And since childhood, I have lived in a stable circle protected by my father and mother. Compared with the wind and shadow, I really want to be much happier.

Jiangning listened to the conversation between the two people. Jiangning couldn't say these words because for Jiangning, he was not Wang, and he didn't feel that way. But from their tone, Jiangning felt deeply heavy. Inexplicable sadness swept through.

For Jiangning, he may not feel that way. But there is a sense of responsibility. Jiangning can feel it from a young age. For Jiangning, it is a responsibility for everyone. Including his father, it is Jiangning's responsibility.

"Yue'er, let's not say so much. I seem to have found a secret road."

"Well? Jiangning, where is it? How come I didn't see it. "

"You see!" After Jiangning finished speaking, he pointed to the direction of the secret road he had just mentioned, so that the moon and the wind could see it. Feng Ying and yue'er also looked in the direction he pointed to, but they didn't seem to find any secret way. Two people have a dazed look at Jiangning.

"Don't you see it?" Such a big secret passage. They didn't see it. Jiangning was very surprised.

The two still shook their heads at a loss, saying that they could not understand what Jiangning was saying. But both of them seemed to be dizzy. I don't realize anything. All of a sudden, they fell down. What makes Jiangning even more surprised is. After the two men fell down, the wall next to them seemed to be shooting arrows.

At such a critical juncture, Jiangning pulled two people out of the hole with his magic whip. At that moment, Jiangning seemed to see that the place where the two people had just stood turned into dust.

Jiangning didn't know what those ashes were, but Jiangning knew they were deadly.

Jiangning immediately realized a problem, that is, just after two people went in to talk, he never stepped into the cave. So just now two people Xinkui did not go into that cave, otherwise it is estimated that now three people are dead.

What a blessing! Xin Kui just didn't go in!

Jiangning is outside waiting for two people to wake up. They've been in a coma since they came out. Then Jiangning can only quietly wait for two people to wake up.

While waiting, Jiangning has been looking at the hole, which has been surrounded by arrows and ash powder. ..

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