However, Jiangning now understands that it is better to see the king of the spirit first, and only after solving the problem of the king can he talk about the fragments of the map with him. However, Jiangning is not sure whether there is any map fragment they need to look for in the end.

What if fengjiang cheated them?

There are so many accidental factors that Jiangning can't say what to do now. If you can't find the map fragments here, isn't everything in vain?

But the method just told Fengying is also Jiangning's only way. Now maybe only that method can work, so Jiangning is at a loss.

Yue'er is sitting in one side of the room, always in a daze. She doesn't know what to do now. She can't get in touch with Jiangning and she doesn't know what to do.

Yue'er has been thinking about fengjiang. Why didn't uncle Feng tell her about the spirit clan? And why didn't he tell himself about the deal between the Shapu and the spirit. Why did he keep it from himself? Did you forget to tell yourself or just don't tell yourself? Yueer doesn't know now.

She didn't want to speculate so much. On that day in Shapu, yue'er seemed to feel that uncle Feng was not mean to her, so when they were in Jiangning to guess whether fengjiang had other intentions for them, yue'er resolutely turned against Jiangning.

Yue'er has never had a fight with Jiangning, but she can't tolerate it because of the frontier. Although she was only a member of the Shapu ethnic group, Feng Jiang felt very warm about yue'er and her parents, and she felt that fengjiang was not as bad as Jiangning thought.

He made a deal with the spirit clan for the sake of his tribe. What's more, the passer-by also told them that what they needed was sand. Sand was very easy to get in the desert area, so fengjiang absolutely did not do any other harmful things to do business with the spirit clan.

So when Jiangning and Fengying became more and more suspicious of fengjiang, yue'er believed that fengjiang was a good man, at least in her eyes.

But since fengjiang was a good man, why did he keep so many things from her? It's about the spirit clan, about the trading of sand, about all about the spirit clan. The moon did not hear fengjiang mention it.

But yue'er doesn't think so much now. At least for yue'er, she doesn't need to think so much now. Anyway, she is already in prison. Everything is meaningless.

Yueer doesn't know if Jiangning will try to get them out, but Yueer Da still believes in Jiangning in her heart. At least Jiangning hasn't done anything to hurt herself along the way.

In this way, Yueer and Jiangning spent a day in prison with all their thoughts. It was like the days before in the cave.

No one here knows day or night, and no one knows the time outside.

But the three of them felt that the prison was much more terrifying than the cave where they were staying. Although it was still dark at that time, the three of them were together at that time, and no one was separated.

There is no sense of loneliness, no sense of insecurity.

But in this cage, the three of them can not get news from each other, at least in the eyes of yue'er, and they are so far away. Yue'er feels that it is unnecessary to take another second in this prison, and she doesn't want to stay in this prison for a moment.

In the early morning of the next day, Jiangning informed Fengying that he could start his action.

When there was no warden, Fengying immediately used all her strength to gather the wind to this area. Then, although they had no reaction in the prison, Fengying knew that all the wind was blowing around the spiritual prison.

All the clouds under the dungeon were floating in the middle of the dungeon. At this time, the dungeon was just like hanging in the air. Without the contrast of clouds, the dungeon was not smart at all.

Suddenly the alarm came to mind in the prison, as if someone had suddenly attacked.

However, Jiangning seemed to have anticipated this event. He was calm and calm. He was waiting for someone to come. At this time, he only needed to tell him those things.

Then, under the pause of wind shadow witchcraft. There seemed to be some sound outside, and the alarm in the prison was lifted. As if someone had just arrived in the prison, all the people watching the prison went out to meet them, and they looked respectfully like some big man.

After using witchcraft, Fengying suddenly felt a burst of discomfort, as if it was hypoxia.

It seems that in response to the words of fengjiang when they left, no one in the spirit clan can stay here all the time. There is a great loss of human body here, and no one can live here. The spirit people here must have their special functions to be like this.

Then, under the gaze of all the men in the prison, a man in gold armor and a silver hat came in, accompanied by all the others.Jiangning knows that this is the king of spirit.

The king of spirit looked carefully at everyone in the cell. It seems that everyone in the cell is what he has to see clearly, as if there is something important here.

Until King Ling came to the window of Jiangning's cell, he looked at Jiangning carefully, as if Jiangning was the person he was looking for.

Jiangning is also paying attention to the king of spirit in his cell. He knows that the king of spirit finally comes. At this time, he knows that he should say something necessary.

The king of spirit looked at the calm man in the cell. He knew that this was the man who had a dream last night. This person's ability must be not small, but the king couldn't tell what the man wanted to do with him. So when he learned that there was an outsider in the cell and the dream last night, the king knew that this man must be looking for himself.

"Are you the one who gives me dreams? It's not easy. It can give me a dream, and the people who use witchcraft in our spirit clan must be unusual. Come on, what do you want me to do

"I'm sorry, King Ling. It's not what I want you to do, it's what you want me to do. You know, I'll help you


The king of spirit looked at the conceited man in front of him. He could talk to himself like this. The king thought that this man was not simple. ..

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