And the king really wanted to save the little princess. He must have saved the little princess, but he didn't tell us anything about it today, so there are only two possibilities.

The first is that he did not save the little princess himself. So it seems that there is no love for the little princess. The second situation is that he may have saved the little princess, but he must have failed. What's more, something happened in the process that would damage his spirit king's face, so he didn't want to tell us.

But in any case, it is said that the king of spirit has other purposes. Therefore, I also think that the king must have something to hide from us, and it is really troublesome to save the little princess. "

After finishing these words, Fengying fell into deep thought. In fact, he preferred that what he had just said was speculation. Because if all that just said is true, then king Ling asked them to save the little princess this time is an action with no return.

Because in any case, no matter whether the king of spirit has ever saved the little princess, according to today's spirit king's personality and speaking attitude, he is such a self-centered person. It must be because the beast is so powerful that they haven't rescued the little princess.

In this case, according to their present strength, the three of them may not be able to fight the beast. Besides, the king didn't tell them about the beast's shortcomings or fears. The three of them can't fight the beast now. They seem to be going to die anyway.

After hearing the wind shadow's inference, yue'er is also worried. What Fengying said just now is to tell them that the journey is very dangerous! But now Jiangning and Fengying's physical strength is not better than when they are in their world. They're a little bit unlucky this time.

Jiangning looks at the two people sitting opposite him who are at a loss. Then I want to talk to comfort them both.

"In fact, we don't have to be too pessimistic. What if we could save the little princess? Do you have to believe in yourself, and believe in me. Since I have brought you two out of prison, I will not let you two suffer. You two can rest assured

"Jiangning, that's what you said. But you are certain of it. You don't know it's right?"

"Fengying, but even if I don't know, as long as I know that I can protect you two, even if the beast is fierce, as long as the three of us try to fight against him, I believe we can save the little princess.

Even if there is no princess, our three good friends died together. Isn't it? It's worthwhile for us to die here because of the beautiful scenery of the spirit clan

After Jiangning finished this sentence, the three people all laughed. They didn't expect Jiangning would say such words to bluff people. It was something that Yueer and Fengying didn't think of.

In fact, Jiangning's heart is also very uneasy now, for what to do tomorrow, he actually has no bottom, he does not know how to deal with the monster, and he does not know how to deal with the spirit king.

As Fengying said, the king of spirit is not as simple as they think. There are many things that the king of spirit has not told them today. They don't know what the king of spirits is for.

Jiangning let Fengying and Yueer go down to have a rest first. He will find a way to fight with the monster tomorrow. But Yueer still has a pimple in her heart now. She wants to ask Fengying and Jiangning what they can know about this matter.

"Jiangning, Fengying, I don't want to go down and have a rest. I still have a big mystery to solve. I want you to tell me about it. It's about fengjiang. Did he tell you something, and what he said was different from what I said.

I was in prison yesterday for a long time, but I didn't think about it. So I think fengjiang must have said something to you, so you two would have said those words to me at that time. I think I still believe you, so I ask you now. I want you to answer this question honestly. "

"Yueer, in fact, you don't need to know so much. Knowing so much will only hurt you. Jiangning and I don't want you to be hurt, and fengjiang also guessed this point, so that we can say those words with no scruples."

"Fengying, if you miss me like that, I can't help it. But I want you to believe me. At least I hope that my appearance in your heart is different from that in fengjiang's heart. I don't care how he thinks about me, but what I think is how you think about me.

I want you to believe that I'm not the timid month in the past. I've experienced so much with you now. Don't you believe me? I have been strong enough in my first heart, and I hope you will tell me the truth. "

"Well, Yueer, in fact, I want to tell you that there is a purpose for fengjiang to contact you.

He saw that the spirit clan and his cooperation seemed to be due to some fluctuations in the affairs of the spirit clan recently. Therefore, in this uncertain transaction, fengjiang thought that he should find the next one they could cooperate with. But in the other world, the distance is just right between the spirit clan. But in our world, you are the only one who can cooperate.So he wanted to cooperate with you, and he told me and Jiangning that he didn't want you to come to the spirit clan, because he wanted to keep you in his hands as a handle. Otherwise, what would he exchange with the Moon Clan?

But what Jiangning and I didn't expect was that he let you come to the spirit clan with us. This is something I didn't think of

"There's nothing wrong. He let yue'er come to the spirit clan just to continue to threaten yue'er after ten days. At that time, if only yue'er can't go back, it's ok if yue'er's friends, that is, we can't go back.

He thought yue'er would compromise with her friends and cooperate with them. So I think that's why fengjiang finally sent yue'er to come with us to the lingzu.

It must be something in the middle of yue'er's life that makes her feel that we are very important to yue'er ..

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