"Yes, Fengying, you are right. In that case, we will only have time to go back. At that time, our task was not completed, but there was no time left. Moreover, it would be the appointed time given by fengjiang.

So I think the king of spirit seems to be deliberately delaying our time. I always feel that we are being led by him. But this kind of feeling is just a feeling. I can't tell you the details. "

Jiangning carefully recalled what he had just said. He really didn't start to feel that the king of spirit had problems now, but because of the investigation just now, Jiangning felt that the king of spirit began to cheat the three of them on the matter here.

Jiang Ning didn't think that King Ling would cheat them on this matter, but Jiangning was not sure whether he was lying to them. However, Fengying said that it was only a day or two to get to the monster's nest, and Jiangning felt that there was a problem.

After listening to Jiangning and Fengying's words, yue'er was terrified. She didn't expect that the king of spirits would be so scheming that they would be framed, but there were still suspicious places. After thinking about it, yue'er still felt that there was something strange about what Jiangning and Fengying said.

"But the king of spirit doesn't need to do that. Why does he do it? We are going to save the little princess. Isn't she the one he loves most? Why do you cheat us like this at this time? Are we thinking too much? Maybe the king of spirit doesn't mean that?

Jiangning, and what's the need for King Ling to dally with our time? If that monster is really there? What should we do? Let's follow the instructions of the spirit king. I just don't think it's necessary for the king to cheat us! You and Fengying speculated about the time

"No, yue'er, you must believe me this time. We don't have much time. We can't delay it. If we go on as the king of Spirit said, I'm afraid we can't even come back. I don't know why my premonition tells me that we must not go down this road."

"But Jiangning, if we don't go this way, where are we going? Where should we go now? We can't go back to the spirit clan now

After yue'er finished, she felt helpless. Even if they believe in Jiangning, no, they certainly believe in Jiangning, but according to Jiangning, they should not go to the place where the so-called monster lives now? But where should they go now if they don't walk through this place?

These are all problems, but according to Jiang Ning, the situation is really embarrassing. In that case, now they don't even know where to go. At first, they still have direction, but now they have no direction. What should we do? Yueer thought of scratching her hair and felt embarrassed.

Jiangning after listening to yue'er's words, in fact, has already been thinking about this problem, but now yue'er has directly raised it. In fact, at the beginning, when Jiangning thought that the king of spirit had problems, he thought about looking for wild animals, but he was not sure at the beginning.

But now it is obvious that the king of spirit is circling around with them. It seems that he is deliberately supporting them. He just wants to make their time here useless, just like a trip for nothing. If just their reasoning with Fengying is correct, then the king of spirit is too terrible.

So the king of spirit means they don't want them to save the little princess? Since the little princess is not there, where is it? Just like the moon just said, why didn't the king of spirit let them rescue the little princess? In this case, it is exactly the same as the reasoning at the beginning.

However, after the change of Wang Ling's opinion, it was only a question of why Jiang Ling's opinions were changed.

Even if Jiangning started to think correctly, but now it is still a few points short of thinking. In fact, Jiangning's heart can form a complete view on the king of the spirit, so in that case, Jiangning can directly guess, but now because of these points, Jiangning has no way to guess the next step plan of the king.

Fengying is also worried about looking at Jiangning, who is in a state of anxiety. In fact, he probably understands the meaning of Jiangning, but as for the complete map of Lingwang, he and Jiangning are still missing some pieces. Now because they can't form a complete concept of the king of spirit, their thinking is stagnant.

"Jiangning, let's go back. Go back to the spirit family, find all the secrets of all these things, and find out all the things about the king of spirit, so that all the truth can be revealed, right? "

When Jiangning heard the words of Fengying, she suddenly woke up. Yes, in this way, Jiangning would understand. Yes, Fengying is right. Maybe this is also true?

"Yes, Fengying, you are right. We should go back now. We should return to the spirit family. Looking for all secrets in the spirit family, the spirit family is the starting point of everything, so only when we return to the spirit family can we find the secret that everything starts. We have to go back to the originAfter Jiangning finished this sentence, it was not only yue'er, but also Fengying who was shocked. In fact, the beginning of Jiangning was just talking about it. I didn't expect Jiangning to agree with her point of view. This is a thing that Fengying didn't think of.

However, Jiangning still turned around and nodded firmly with Fengying. He was sure what he was doing now. He knew that he had confirmed one thing, that is, some secrets of the king of spirits. According to all the evidence now, Jiangning can see that these are absolutely like this.

This spirit king's Secret needs them to explore together.

"But Fengying, I think we have to go back quietly if we go back this time. We can't do it now. The best thing is not to let the king of spirit know that we are back. I'm afraid something will happen if he knows." ..

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