That afternoon.

There is a thing circulating in the whole city of waves, that is, about Jiangning's beating up the powerful people of Mingzhu Saint clan today.

"Did you hear that? A man who claimed to be the Lord of Donghuang defeated the people of Mingzhu Shengzu, and even asked the other party to take out 500 Peiyuan pills. Otherwise, he would kill the people of Mingzhu Shengzu.

This news, a sensation, attracted the attention of many people.

And now!

Jiangning has been waiting for a long time in the land of Mingzhu Saint clan. He is waiting for the reply of the people of Mingzhu Shengzu.

To give or not to give.

He came to Jiangning again.

"Are you really not afraid of death if you provoke the Pearl Saint like this?"

"Fear of death?" Jiangning looked at him, with a smile on his face, and there was indescribable confidence in his smile.

"Well, that's what you are. You are too arrogant, but you do have the right to be arrogant."

He said with a smile.

"Ha ha." Jiangning chuckled, but he didn't want to be contaminated with anything.

"But do you think the people of Mingzhu Saint clan will take out 500 Peiyuan pills?"

All of a sudden, Jiangning asked. After all, she was a member of the Holy Family in the Middle Earth. When asked about some information, she knew a lot better than herself.

"No! The Pearl Huang Yu is not worth five hundred Peiyuan pills. "

She said, then looked at Jiangning and said, "if you can beat the other's master next, I think it's worth it."

She continued.

"Oh? What else is strong? " Jiangning asked curiously.

"Martial master."

He said it very seriously and very seriously.

"Martial master?" As soon as Jiangning's face changed, the martial arts master surpassed the peerless master. He was afraid that it would be difficult to defeat him. This was not a great leap, but a great difference between the two.

The master of half step martial arts is still a peerless master. He is just a stronger and peerless master. He will still be suppressed by the same rank.

"Finally, cluck?"

He opened his mouth and said with a smile. Looking at Jiangning, Jiangning said with a smile: "afraid? If not, I'm not afraid to leave

Jiangning said with a smile.

It's normal that he doesn't care.

There is nothing to be ashamed of.

"Hum, it's just stubborn, but to tell you the truth, the martial master of the Pearl Saint clan will not come. If he has to, he will come, but there are some problems with this one."

She said.

"Some questions?"

Jiangning was extremely curious.

"This martial arts master was interrupted when he was promoted. Although he eventually became a martial arts master, his strength was quite different from that of a real martial arts master. It can be said that he has surpassed the peerless master. His true Qi in his body is still supreme, but his strength is not a true martial arts master."

He said so.

"I understand, that is to say, the strength of the other side is stronger than the peerless master, and even surpasses the so-called half step master, but it is quite different from the real martial arts master?"

Jiangning said so.

"It's true, but it can't be said like this. If this martial arts master appears, you can only escape with your strength!"

He said so.

"I see."

Jiangning nodded, but didn't say anything. After all, he didn't know his secret. If the other side really killed him, Jiangning had a certain number of cards.

You don't have to lose.

Because he has martial arts heavy pupil, once opened, it is not necessarily lost to the other side.

"But that man will not appear. Now the Kunpeng fierce beast ruins are a headache for all the great saints. It is impossible to spare any strength to trouble you. In the final analysis, although you are very strong, you are just a mole ant to some real saints."

He said, very serious.

"The true son?" Jiangning glanced at him. The latter covered his mouth and said with a smile: "I know you will not be convinced by this sentence, but I have to tell you that the Middle Earth is not as simple as you think. Let me just say a word. We Yinkui sect has an ally called Yanluo hall. The son of Yanluo palace is called Hei hei Wuchang. One of these two people can defeat you."

"Can you beat me alone?" Jiangning looked at her and just said so, but he did not explain too much.

Beat? The same level invincible open, black and white impermanence calculate what?

Of course, if black and white impermanence is the master of martial arts, Jiangning dare not say so. If he is still a peerless master, Jiangning is not afraid of everything.

After a long time, the people of the Pearl Saint family still didn't come, which made Jiangning want to kill the Pearl Huang Yu. However, she said, "you give these two people to me, and I can give you Peiyuan pills, but I don't have 500, and 200 are still there.""Why do you want these people?"

Jiangning said curiously.

"No, you know. Do you want to change it?"

She asked with a smile.

"No, it's too few. 499. I'll give you some face."

Jiangning said very seriously.

"Ha ha, you are so greedy. It would be nice if you were not born in Donghuang."

He said a word with some emotion, and finally left...


after leaving, Jiangning was a bit bored and seized the Pearl. Huang Yu said, "it seems that the people of your holy family don't want to protect you."

"Sir, I advise you not to set yourself on fire and let us go. Everything is fine. Otherwise, you and I will be in bad luck. If I die, you will not get any benefits."

He said, with a calm look and a tone of discussion, not of aggressiveness.


Jiangning is a slap in the face and coldly looks at the other side and says: "what qualifications do you have to discuss with me now? Was it not very arrogant before? Are you going to cut me off? "

He asked.

"You..." Pearl Huang Yu swallowed saliva, but did not dare to say any words.

After waiting for a long time, it's almost early in the morning, and the Pearl Saint family finally comes!

(first watch! I'm really sorry, there are some things during this period, which broke out at the beginning of the month! Strive for stability these days, five shifts a day!) ..

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