Jiangning now sincerely apologizes like the king of spirit. He knows that the question he just asked must be very stupid. Asking such a question makes the king embarrassed.

"It's OK. I know why you asked about this. I won't blame you. Instead, I should thank you. If it wasn't for you, how could I have been rescued? I would certainly have endured more painful things. Instead, I should thank you, my benefactor."

The humility and good attitude of the king of spirit made Jiangning feel that the man in front of him was just opposite to the one who started. Now the king of spirit is really the representative of the spirit family.

"King Ling, you are welcome. In fact, there are other purposes for us to come here. We come to the spirit clan to look for map fragments. The map fragments of the moon family. "

Jiangning didn't want to dally with Lingwang any more. They would leave tomorrow. Today is the last day and tomorrow is the deadline. He can't dally like this. So he can only go straight to ask the king of spirit directly, although it is a little rude, but now is also the last way.

"Map fragments? What map fragments? What else about the Moon Clan? Jiangning, to be honest, I really don't know what you are talking about. I'm sorry, I can't help you

After the king said that, it was as expected by Jiangning. Jiangning turned his head and looked at the wind shadow. He knew that Fengying was aware of something. If the king didn't know about it, it would be no different from what they said last night. As expected, the spirit family had nothing to look for.

"Jiangning, the three of you have helped the spirit clan so much. In fact, I should have helped you, but I can't help anything about map fragments. In this way, except for the map fragments, I promise you everything you say, and I believe you know it.

Our spiritual family has a vast territory and abundant resources, and there must be a lot of things that your forehead clan does not have. As long as you want something, and as long as we have something, I will certainly help you. "

King Ling's sincere eyes let Jiangning be sure of his previous conjecture. Sure enough, the lingzu did not have what they needed to look for. These things directly confirmed their previous conjectures in their eyes.

"It's OK, spirit king. I already understand the answer you just gave. This is the best gift you give us. Thank you, King spirit. I hope you can take good care of yourself. We will go back tomorrow. I hope we can come to the spirit family and see your beautiful world."

After Jiangning finished speaking, King Ling nodded with him. He knew that this nod meant a lot of things, including his trust in him and his gratitude to him. Although the king's spirit is very lofty in his eyes.

In this way, Jiangning and Fengying went down. The king of spirit ordered those people to prepare a lot of food made of flowers for them. As for the king of spirit, since there is nothing that can help his benefactor, I can only repay them in this simple way.

Jiangning and the three of them went back to their rooms in a state of uneasiness. They were going to leave the lingzu tomorrow. Jiangning couldn't tell what it was like to be in lingzu for such a long time. In fact, it was only ten days, but in Jiangning's heart, the short ten days left them deep memories.

Jiangning is standing outside the room. It turns out that there are no seasons in lingzu's house. In this yard, Jiangning has been here for a long time, and it turns out that there was a cherry tree in the yard.

All the cherry blossoms are falling, flying, like free birds, like all the people of the spirit clan, here are equal and unrestrained, and no one is bound. For the whole spiritual people, their task is to make the spirit family become more powerful, and all people are striving for this goal.

Seeing this cherry tree, Jiangning thinks of Xiao Ying. She doesn't know whether she is living freely or not. She doesn't know if they are so unrestrained. Jiangning didn't know, but he knew that he missed Xiaoying incomparably now. More than ever.

Jiangning thought of Xiaoying when she was a child and always bullied herself, but now she doesn't know where to fly. Maybe life is like this, bringing one surprise after another, and giving people one after another despair. There is no reason, no nonsense.

Jiangning thought, maybe Sakura is now free to fly it, he can only wish her, perhaps, Sakura really left himself forever. Let's just let these things go. Everything will be dust laden.

Jiang Shanning didn't want to see him on the third day, but he didn't want to see him on the third day. They live in isolation.

But everything is over, now facing them is the Shapu people, now back to the Shapu people is the most important thing, all the paradise is fleeting.

At this time, a lot of people emerged behind the three of them. Among them, the one who took the lead was the king of spirit. His body seemed to have not rested well. Now someone carried him over, but he still insisted on sending them away from Jiangning. For him, these three people were the people who saved the spirit family.Then, just behind the king, Jiangning saw the bodyguard who caught them in the spirit prison when he came. He also saw the old man in the Ji Ling room. They are smiling at Jiangning, Jiangning's arrival is like a breeze, gently coming, and gently leaving.

Jiangning looks at them and smiles and prepares to leave. At this time, even if no one speaks, Jiangning understands that silence is better than sound. All people understand everything, all know what will happen, and all people are waiting. Thank you all.

After a while, a huge hole opened in front of Jiangning people. Jiangning knew that the king of Shapu was trustworthy. But before they could get through it, a man came out of it.

It was a frontier. ..

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