Jiangning and his party started to set off again. They had been walking in the desert for a long time. They had forgotten. In the desert, they are hungry and thirsty. Suddenly Yueer stopped Jiangning: "Jiangning, Jiangning, what are you looking at over there? How can there be such a beautiful house here.

Jiangning and Fengying heard the voice of yue'er, and then stopped their steps and stood there. Then slowly sat on a small sand dune, with the direction of the moon pointed to slowly look, and then there, can not help thinking. How could there be such a beautiful house here? Is there something?

At this time, Jiangning's words have not yet landed, the wind has already stepped forward and rushed forward in general. While running, he also called out that I came, "let me just let me eat and drink a good meal.". Moon is still behind chanting, "just walk have no strength, now how to run as fast as rabbit." Jiangning said, "I'm probably hungry.". Jiangning and yue'er are also following the wind.

At this time, when they felt closer and closer, Jiangning felt more and more strange. Then he immediately called out the moon and the wind. "Moon, moon, wind and shadow, don't worry. Let me have a look at what's going on, OK?" At the beginning, the shadow of the wind stopped running like the wind. Yue'er also stopped and asked, "Jiangning, Jiangning, what's the matter?" "I think something's wrong here. Would you wait here first? I'll see what's going on." The moon and the wind and shadow answered at the same time, "OK.".

Originally very hungry Jiangning slowly to the front, did not go, for a while, his feet were uncontrolled into the sand. No, what's going on? Jiangning heart silently read the way, is this the so-called quicksand.

Then he immediately called out to the back, "don't come over the moon.". It may be because the distance is too far away. Yueer and Fengying didn't hear what Jiangning said. Then Fengying rushed over and asked Jiangning, "what's the matter?"

Jiangning yelled: "don't come here. There's quicksand here. You'll get trapped." After hearing Jiangning's words, Fengying stopped at once.

"Wind shadow, you throw your rope to me. Hurry up now. " The wind quickly untied the rope on his body. He threw one end of the rope to Jiangning, and Jiangning caught it. Then he quickly tied the rope to himself.

Jiangning said in a loud voice, "the wind is pulling hard."

At this time, I saw Jiangning's lower body legs had sunk into the sand. In the quicksand, if you don't move, he won't let me live in the county. During the action of Jiangning just generating the character, his lower body has been trapped.

In the distance of the moon saw the situation is not right, also immediately ran over. "What's going on?"? "It's too late to explain to you. I'll tell you slowly later," Feng Ying said. I saw the wind, while talking, while using the strength of milk will Jiangning from the inside of the quicksand pulled out.

Jiangning had not calmed down, and then lay on one side. It just sucked the sand into it quickly. He couldn't know it was moving. Then he let the wind and the moon leave the quicksand together.

Fengying, who was already hungry, said, "Jiangning, we were going to eat there, but what should we do now? Because of the quicksand, we can't get through. " Jiangning said to Fengying and Yueer, "no, we can't go there. It's a mirage. It's the most terrifying thing in the desert. If you walk in, there will be not only quicksand, but also sandstorms and so on. So in the desert, we should be careful.

Wind shadow and moon are nodding together.

Yue'er said, "what should we do now. Originally, we didn't have much dry food on us. Now we've all eaten up, and we are hungry and thirsty. What should we do next

"It's OK. I'll try my best," Jiangning said.

The quicksand just now makes Jiangning still have lingering fear. He walked slowly in front of him, trying to figure out how to get food in the desert.

Suddenly it occurred to him that he had seen some records in an ancient book. In the desert, as long as there are green plants, its roots will have some water. Of course, it's hard to find green plants in the desert. I can't help it. The three of them have to look for it together.

The three of them can't act separately, so that they will be lost in the desert. It's hard to save everyone's lives.

Watching the day slowly dark down, Jiangning and moon and wind shadow, they began to worry.

At this time, the moon suddenly roared loudly, Jiangning, would you like to come and see what this is?

Jiangning and Fengying quickly ran to Yueer's side. When Jiangning saw it, he said excitedly: "this is the so-called cactus growing in the desert. They contain high water in the middle. They are one of the few plants that can grow in the desert."

But Jiangning said later. It's a particularly troublesome thing to deal with this cactus.

Between Jiangning said, while taking out a knife on the body. Slowly cut the cactus. The wind shadow looks at Zhang Ning's practice also followed to do, when the month son also wants to prepare to help. Jiangning said you'd better not come.Yue'er heard Jiangning's words and stood beside her in silence. Looking at them a knife a knife cactus outside the thorn peel, will be inside the meat gouged out, also casually handed to the moon.

Moon, hands holding cactus, slowly handed to the mouth, and then gently licked with the tongue. It's a little bit colorful, she feels. But it's better than nothing. He then bit by bit to feed into the mouth, and then slowly chewing up.

Jiangning and Fengying also ate, thinking about it, they were in the desert. The only food they can eat, their hearts will be satisfied. The three of them had eaten cactus. I packed my bags and started to walk into the endless desert. ..

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