Jiangning turned his head in silence, because he knew that this matter was much worse than they had imagined. They thought that if they found the leader, they would be able to treat the wounded people of the spirit clan. But now it seems that it is not very possible. Not only is it difficult to invite out the treasure of Zhenzu, but even the wind chime grass is the most difficult thing to find. Jiangning at this moment think of here, psychological can not help but lost.

But now Jiangning and Fengying dare not tell the worst news to those injured spiritual people, because it will not only make them hurt, but also die faster in their hearts. Therefore, we can't tell them the news first. We should try our best.

"It's OK. I'll find a way. I believe my people will agree! After looking at such an emergency, in order to rush the time, I think it will be set this afternoon, and let the people of my family get together to discuss this matter. " After listening to the leader's words, Jiangning and the wind and shadow calmed down, and they followed the leader around and went back to the tent.

When they came into the tent, they saw some of them sitting and lying down, groaning. Yue'er and the wife of the patriarch are constantly taking care of them, bringing them food and water. Seeing the leader and Jiangning people approaching the tent, the old man stood up and looked at the leader with tears in his eyes. Then he said a sentence: "clan leader, our group of wounded people came to you, brought you so much trouble, you have to heal for us, really, here I feel extremely sorry, your great kindness I will never forget!"

When the leader saw the old man standing there trembling, he kept saying words of apology and gratitude. In fact, the real situation was only known by the leader and Jiangning. But there is no way. They have to find a way to solve this problem as soon as possible. Otherwise, the injuries of the injured will become more serious and the consequences will be unimaginable.

The leader slowly walked to the old man's side, his hands also took up the old man's hands. "You will be all right. Since you are here, I will be responsible to all of you. Since you are here to look for me, this is the trust and respect for me. Of course, it is also my honor." The leader said to the old man in a deep voice.

Hearing the leader's words, the old man's face showed a slight smile. Now they have gone through so many tribulations and come here for treatment. It seems that they are right to come here and find the leader is the most correct thing they have done! As people of the spirit clan, Jiangning, a wizard of the spirit clan, met on the way to help them go through the most difficult road, which is also something they are very grateful for.

After talking with the old man, the leader waved to the wife of the leader on the side. The wife of the leader also came to the leader, and then they went out to the tent together. Although I don't know what the leader wants to say to his wife, Jiangning, who is standing on one side at the moment, must have guessed what the leader wants to say to his wife. Jiangning saw this scene, in the heart slowly light release down.

Then the leader and his wife finished talking and went back to the tent. The leader said, don't worry. I'll take care of the business here today. Let's have a rest first. Let me treat the people here first. Jiangning heard the leader's words, and then went with her to the side of the injured. After all, Jiangning is a wizard expert. At this moment, it is best that he can help the leader. Jiangning stood aside and looked at the leader's healing technique. The leader's healing technique is unusual. Compared with his master wizard, he seems to be a little better than him.

"Now I'm going to help them heal first, in order not to let their wounds invade the body further." Said the chief.

"You have a point, chief. I'll do what you say first." Jiangning responded.

The injured people at the scene all saw the leader and Jiangning heal for them. There was a slight smile on his face. In these days of their journey, perhaps now they feel the most gratifying time. You are from time to time, the leader and Jiang Ling said: "thank you very much, but for you, now we do not know where we would die?"

Perhaps the injured people are much more relaxed now, but Jiangning and the leader may not be so relaxed now, because they know all the situation. Because they don't know whether the people of grassland tribe will agree with this matter or not, they will agree that they will take the treasure of the town to help these spiritual people.

The leader and Jiangning have been healing for them one by one, and the wounds on those who have been treated are much less. But the leader and Jiangning knew that the wounds they had treated were only superficial phenomena, and the internal poison in their bodies could not be completely dissolved. Only by finding the wind chime grass and using the right method can they be restored. But there is no way, they can only do so now, to reduce their injuries a little, and then let their people get some comfort.

After the leader and the wounded had been healed, the wounded people would rest on one side, and the two of them left the tent. Came to the outside, the leader and Jiangning are worried about the appearance, was left in the side of the moon to see. Moon came to them both. He asked Jiangning, "I don't know the leader and Jiangning. Do you have something on your mind?""It's not a big problem, it's just that there are some difficulties in rescuing these injured people. But the leader and I believe it will be solved. " Jiangning replied.

Yueer heard Jiangning's answer and understood their confusion. Then he didn't ask any more questions. He left and went into tents to see the injured people. Now the leader's wife is gone. Jiangning should have guessed that the leader's wife should go to inform the clan. The leader has been thinking about how to tell his people about the problem so that his people can understand and agree with it. However, anyone will know that this is a difficult problem to solve. If anyone disagrees, the treatment of the injured will be stranded.

Jiang Ning understood the difficulties of the leader, but he couldn't help. After all, he was not from his own family, so many people were hard to convince. But they will try their best to persuade the people to agree and then go to save those who are injured.

After a while, the leader's wife came back. She said to the leader, "I have dealt with all the things you arranged. Don't worry, it will be OK." As soon as the words were finished, the leader's wife went into the tent. He walked slowly in his hands, thinking that he was farther away from the tent. Jiangning stood behind and looked at the leader from a distance. The leader's back is so broad, of course, his mind is so broad. He helped me so many people, he is a kind person, he is a person worthy of our admiration.

"Jiangning, please come here." The wind is calling Jiangning not far away. Jiangning also quickly felt the side of the wind.

"What's the matter?"

"It's OK. It's just that I know the troubles of you and the leader now. I want to call you out and let you come and talk with me. Maybe I won't be so unhappy."

"OK, it will be OK. Don't worry, thank you and yue'er are by my side.".

"All brothers. What thanks?"

Then he climbed his shoulders twice and went to the tent for the wounded. ..

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