At this time, the elder of the grassland tribe came to the leader and said something to him. The leader always nodded his head and expressed his agreement. After talking for a while, the old man also walked towards the tent in the distance with his crutches, and slowly walked to the place where the leader stood, and yue'er also followed him. In fact, Yueer didn't know what Jiangning wanted to say to the leader. She just wanted to go with Jiangning, because she also saw the conversation between the leader and the old man and wanted to go over and ask the truth!

When the two of them came to the leader, the leader naturally turned around and was facing Jiangning and said to him, "can we talk about it?" "OK." Jiangning replied to the leader.

At this time, the leader's wife was also arranging the wounded spiritual people to go to the tent to rest. Yueer saw that the leader seemed to be talking to Jiangning alone, and seemed to be lost. But when she saw the wife of the busy leader, she went to help.

But yue'er also looked around, and the wind suddenly disappeared. She didn't know where she was going. She couldn't manage so much. She went to help the leader's wife directly.

Jiangning and the leader went to one side. At this time, the leader said to Jiangning: "although we have got the permission of other people, we can use our treasure to find wind chime grass, but now there is a premise."

"What's the matter with the chief? If there are any difficulties, you can tell us now, and then we will find a way to solve them. Jiangning replied to the leader.

"In fact, it's not a big difficulty. It's just that there is a custom in our grassland tribe that every time we want to invite out the treasure of the town people, we must hold a sacrifice ceremony. Moreover, every time the treasure of the town is asked for instructions, it is our most important Festival, and we can do it in this way. However, it is not Liuyu festival now, so our tribe must let the wizard calculate, and then choose a most sacred time, and ask for the blood of a foreign woman to sacrifice. Finally, the treasure of the cinengjiang town is asked for instructions.

After hearing the leader's words, Jiangning could not make trouble in his heart, because he didn't know how long it would take. The wounded people of the spirit clan would not be able to wait for such a long time. Now, his heart is so melancholy. But this is the custom of the grassland. We have to abide by it. We have entered other people's tribes abruptly, It is not polite to ask others to lend us their treasure to dig wind chime grass. However, at this time, we must have a proper time to ask for instructions. It must take some time, but we can't even break the most basic beliefs of others. Of course, it can't.

"Jiangning, I know what you think, and I'm also very anxious to help the people of the spirit people to get well as soon as possible, but this is our national tradition. Now it's very disrespectful for us to ask for instructions on the treasure of Jiangzhen people when it's not in Liuyu Festival, so please allow us to carry out our sacrifice. Just now, the old man of our tribe has told me all these things to the people who are older than me, so he knows more about these aspects than I do. So just now he went down and began to find the most powerful wizard in our tribe to calculate the most auspicious time. So don't worry about it for a while. It will be very soon. I will join my efforts to save your spiritual people

"It's OK, patriarch. I know you. You have done so many things for us. We are very grateful to you. Even if the treatment of our clan people is not successful, I will certainly not blame you. You are my most respected person, you have done your best to us. So we will always be grateful to you. "

"Well, that's the best way to think about it. Thank you for your trust in me." Said the chief.

After talking with the leader, Jiangning returned to his family. However, Jiangning is more melancholy now. No matter whether it is successful or not, he will try to find fengqingcao as soon as possible, and then rescue his spiritual friends.

Jiangning is as like as two peas to any man. He is a good soul. Whenever he or she is there, he uses his greatest ability to help every good man. Here we see another man who seems to be the same as Jiangning.

After hearing the leader's talk, Jiangning was also very solemn, but at this time he went into the tent and looked at the wounded spirit clan. Jiangning saw their injured appearance, then looked at yue'er, deeply helpless! And at this moment the moon is also slightly raised head. Look at him.

"What happened to Jiangning?"

"Get out of here and I'll talk to you!"

"Yes. Come in a minute

Yueer follows Jiangning out of the tent. Yueer follows Jiangning behind like a child. Like a very wrong child is waiting for the adult's instruction! They went to a picturesque hill and sat down.

"Yueer, we are now in some difficulties and may need your help." Jiangning said."What's the matter with you? Do you need my help? "

"Yes, just now the leader said to me that if we want to ask for instructions, we must first choose a auspicious time and make a sacrifice before asking for instructions. Because this is the treasure of their grassland tribe, which is the most sacred sacred thing of their tribe, it can not be so casually asked for instructions. " Jiangning said to yue'er.

"Let's hurry up. What are we waiting for? The name of the salvation people matters!" Yue'er said anxiously to Jiangning.

"Don't worry, but now you need one more thing. Because it's not the most important festival season for them to ask for the sacred things, so it's necessary to have the blood of a woman who is not a prairie tribe to sacrifice. So I just thought for a while. Now it's not the grassland tribe women here. It seems that you are the only one, so I need your help very much Help, I wonder if you would like to offer us a little bit of your blood for sacrifice? " Jiangning said to the moon with a deep look on her face. ..

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