In the face of a girl like Liu Mei who is so incomprehensible, you will never be able to guess her idea. It is always so unpredictable! Jiangning, Yueer and Fengying are helpless to him. Therefore, on the way to find the wind chime grass, they have to face such an unpredictable person and go through a short journey.

"Well! Now that you've received an apology, we'll start tomorrow morning after tonight! Time can't be delayed any more. My injury is nothing. The spiritual people who are still in the grassland tribe are the people who need emergency treatment! If I let them all lose their lives because of my little injury, then my sin will be even greater.

"Let's go when you get better! We can't walk so fast as you do! Otherwise, if your injury recurred on the road, we would delay more and more Fengying said with concern to Jiangning.

"Yes, your injury is serious. I can't understand what I've done Liu Mei says to Jiangning, but Jiangning looks at Liu Mei with a speechless face.

"However, I still have a kind of herb that can make you feel better faster, but you need to bear it. Because it is too painful, you must clean your wound again, and then crush the herb and put it on your wound again. In this way, the wound will scab faster and get better soon." Liu Mei said to Jiangning and Fengying.

Fengying heard Liu Mei's words to Jiangning, and her body shivered. That sounds impossible. It hurts so much. How can it be tolerated by ordinary people. The wound of oneself is treated again again, that is uncovering scar! It's a very painful thing to think about.

"Jiangning, I think we'd better take a good rest first. I think we can omit the treatment method mentioned by Liu Mei. It's very painful to think about. How can we bear it? I think we should take it slowly. " Fengying said to Jiangning.

Liu Mei may see Jiangning want to quickly cure the wound mood, and then tell Jiangning the most direct and effective treatment method, although it will be painful, but this is the best treatment.

"I'm just a suggestion. It's all Jiangning's business. I will not force others to do such painful things Liu Mei said to Jiangning.

"Just follow Liu Mei's advice. If we treat the injury on the back of the hand almost the same now, we can't expect that we can start early tomorrow morning. Now that's the best way to do it. I will bear it. I'm a wizard. If I can't bear the pain, how can I defeat the bigger enemy who has been bothering us for a long time Jiangning said fiercely.

After listening to Jiangning's words, Fengying seems to understand Jiangning, because he thinks about others! To give others more time is to give themselves the greatest forgiveness!

After hearing what Jiangning said, Liu Mei felt that he must be cured. He said to the wind shadow directly: "you go out and lack a basin of hot water. I'll crush the herbs first. Then you clean his wound first, and I'll go out and look for something Liu Mei said to the wind.

Liu Mei, who had just finished speaking, began to search for things in a small wooden box at the right corner of her tent entrance, and Fengying went outside to boil water according to Liu Mei's orders.

Liu Mei is constantly searching for something. It is estimated that she is looking for the herb for Jiangning to treat the wound. After a while, I saw that Liu Mei seemed to have found an unknown herb. She only saw that she had pulled some leaves of the herb on the tip of her nose and smelled it, then put it in her mouth and chewed it up. And still nodding.

Jiangning saw Liu Mei's appearance, but her eyes were full of curiosity and doubt. This is a strange woman in the grassland. It's a wonderful skill to know the properties and functions of various herbs.

Liu Mei, who had just tasted the herbs in the sea, took out her sharpener and began to grind the herbs. It seems that she has found the right herbs. In a moment! Liu Mei grinds a bunch of herbs to the same size as flour.

She wrapped the ground powder in a square gray cloth and put it in the corner of the table. She said she would look for something, but she did not know what she was looking for. Jiangning and Fengying can only follow her arrangement, do what they should do, and don't ask much about it.

Jiangning quietly lying in bed, his face finally showed a happy smile, the mood has become more comfortable. His injury can be cured quickly. They can start faster tomorrow morning. Thinking of these, maybe Jiangning will be the most relaxed moment for him in such a long time.

Jiangning has only heard the wind outside the non-stop busy, do not know where the moon went! Yueer must have been wronged now, sad, crying is also should be, girls, crying should be good, there should be a place to let her vent. Think of here, Jiangning on the moon on a little bit of heartache. Let her suffer so much injustice, is also very should not.After a while, the wind and shadow will be cooked water carefully brought in. But now it's still very hot. It's impossible for Fengying to wash the wound for Jiangning. "Come on, Jiangning. I'll take off your clothes first. I'll clean your wounds." Wind shadow says to Jiangning! Jiangning also slightly nodded to agree.

After the wind shadow took off the clothes of Jiangning's uninjured arm, it was so troublesome for the other injured arm to take off the clothes. The wind and shadow dare not make the force too strong, otherwise a little strip of clothes will be connected with Jiangning injured scab place to pull together, that is, the old wound is not good, is really added to the new injury.

Jiang Ning didn't dare to see the wind, so he didn't worry too much. Jiangning then said to Fengying: "you do it, I will be OK!"

Hearing this, Fengying was relieved because he was afraid to hurt Jiangning. So he was so careful. With the sound of "Chi", Jiangning's clothes were torn off his arm. The wind shadow also gave a body of cold sweat! ..

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