"What's wrong with the wind? Did you find anything? " Liumei asked the shadow anxiously, and saw them feel the shadow of the wind in a hurry, and they kept asking the shadow.

"Don't talk. Look at it yourself. Look, what have I found?" The wind and shadow said to them.

"What did you find? Why don't we see anything? You fooled us, didn't you? " Liu Mei said to the wind.

"Liumei, would you still bring us to find the wind chime grass? Why don't you know anything now? You look at it carefully. It's so wet here, and there's so much vegetation covering it. And you guess what I just saw? You tell us that the grass, which is like wind chime grass, saw me coming, and then quickly hid. They are very small and not in large numbers. " Feng Ying to Jiangning Yueer and Liu Mei face solemn things said.

"Are you saying it really? Don't worry. Let me see first. " After Liumei heard the wind shadow said, she began to look for it carefully on the ground.

After a while, Liumei was very happy to say that we have found the trace of wind chime grass, but we must take out the liuyueyu knife now, dig and dig on the ground to see if they have roots. If they have roots, there will be no big problem. " "Liu Mei said to the three of them.

After hearing their words, Yueer also looked much better, and smiled and said, "great. We finally found the wind and the Qing grass. "

"Don't worry. I will dig and dig first. Because there are few roots in the wind chime grass, we must ensure that the leaves of each wind chime grass will not be let go. We have to dig. " Jiangning said very seriously.

Only seeing Jiang Ning just finished speaking, he immediately took out the willow moon jade knife from his body, and then he dug it constantly on the ground. Because the leaves of the wind chime grass are too small, and just saw the wind shadow coming, he also quickly hid. So even if there is a willow moon jade knife in hand, it is difficult to quickly dig out the wind chime grass.

Jiangning has been digging the ground constantly, but has not been digging out a wind chime grass for half a day. At this time, the wind shadow seems to be a bit anxious, "Jiangning, or you should rest first, I will dig for a while." The wind and shadow asked Jiangning in a hurry.

"It's OK. Let me go on and see what it is like? Maybe these wind chime grass have grown leaves, but no roots, so I have never dug it. " Jiangning said to the three of them.

It was a very fast afternoon, but they dug in this humid place for a long time and did not find a finished product of wind chime grass. At this time, Jiangning seems to be disappointed, and the moon wind and willow plum are also feeling sad.

Jiangning saw the wet place digging for so long have not seen the shadow of half wind chime grass, and all the leaves of the wind chime grass here have been dug by them clean. They will feel lost.

At this time, Jiangning has stopped the movement that is still digging. He looks at the moon wind and Liumei beside them. They are excited from the beginning, but now they look like they are lost. Jiangning knew what they felt, and comforted him.

"It is normal to dig wind and chime grass here. After all, we just entered the jungle. It's probably still on the edge of the jungle. You think wind Qing herb is very precious herb. If we can find it so easily now, can it not be said that it is not as precious as we think it is Jiangning comforted the three of them.

After the moon wind shadow and Liumei heard the speech of Jiangning, their mood was relieved a lot. Think about it. If it is easy to find it here, what are they doing so hard? Precious things must have his rarity, so many things are not as easy as they can imagine. Only by the constant search and continuous efforts of all, can we have a good result.

They four knew it was not easy, so they would not give up on it so quickly. Everyone is like this, only after constant training, constant pressure, can we grow, can we find that real self.

Jiangning, which stopped mining, took the willow moon jade knife that had just been planed in the soil to a stream nearby to wash it and then collected it. Because it's really important for them. Liu Yueyu knife is more important than anything, because it is not only the treasure of the town people of grassland tribe, but also the necessary equipment for them to dig the wind and Qing grass this time, so one side should cherish and protect it.

Jiangning wrapped the willow jade knife in a four-sided cloth, and then put it in the bag. It can be seen that Jiangning is very careful.

Although the four of Jiangning said that there was no wind chime grass dug here, but they were not discouraged, but they continued to move forward firmly. Now they may be more confident. Because of the experience of digging for wind chime grass just now, they know more about where to find wind chime grass and how to dig for wind chime grass.Yueer, who had just been ill, looks much better now. The spirit also came out, and the other three of Jiangning felt relieved.

"Jiangning, you say that we all have new clues to excavate the wind chime grass. Can we act separately?" The wind shadow asks Jiang Ning in the side.

"In fact, I have thought about your proposal, but in my opinion, there are still some things that can't work. For example, if we really go to find fengqingcao separately, even if we find fengqingcao, how can we inform the other party?

It's because we don't know how big the jungle is. What if we're in danger or we're all lost?

In fact, I don't think that your solution is not feasible. The main reason is that if a team is dispersed, the power of the whole team will be scattered. If there is a certain danger, it will be very difficult for us to get help in time. So I think we'd better stay together and find the wind chime grass together. " Jiangning patiently and carefully explained to Fengying. ..

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