In fact, survival in the wild requires a lot of skills. If you don't have skills, you can't survive at all. It's just like if you're alone in the wild mountains. If you don't have any experience, you can't continue to eat or explore the road. You can imagine how dangerous this is.

Fortunately, Jiangning has such a skill. No matter when he is in danger, he can calm down and think. This is not as good as other people. If he is in danger, he doesn't know how to do it.

Most people will not do this, but Jiangning will. No matter from the beginning of encountering boa constrictor or the following things, he has incomparably calm thinking ability. Don't let yourself be in a passive state. In this way, he can not only make himself get a safe time, but also make his teammates strive for a very safe place.

"Fortunately, you are back, and I wonder what we should do if you don't come back!" Yue'er can't help but worry, and her face is full of worry.

However, as soon as her words came out, she immediately knew that she was wrong, and immediately covered her mouth and walked aside without speaking. She is a straight woman, good, but in some things, it is better not to say, because every time you open your mouth, it will be considered that you are acting. In this way, it will be a very difficult thing to do.

Liu Mei glanced at yue'er and said, "go to bed! It's night now. Close the tent and go to sleep! Otherwise, if the noise leads to wild monsters, we will be finished! These wild monsters are already excellent, and some even a few people may not be able to cope with them. In this way, it will be a great blow to people! "

Jiangning also nodded and buried: "let's all sleep! It's already evening at this time. Liu Mei is right. If the noise leads to wild monsters, it's not worth the loss! "

In fact, Jiangning did not say a word, that is, on his way back, there are already many wild monsters approaching, among which wolves are one of them. If they stay here to talk, they are likely to be attacked by wolves.

Wolves, although individuals are very weak, perhaps can be killed by one person, but when a group of wolves appear, it is not one person can eliminate, often will appear human life, which is why in the exploration, almost all will take many people, only with more people, can someone escape Sheng, finish the task.

In Jiangning's account, the three goddesses could not help but change their feelings, and then entered the tent one after another, and then began to sleep. Because they were not stupid people, they understood the danger of the wild. If they could, they would not like to sleep in the wild like this, but now it is obvious that there is no way.

Jiangning watched the three women enter their dreams, but he was not sleepy at all. It was because there were many wild monsters around here. If he went to sleep and was surrounded by collective wild monsters, it would be the rhythm of the end.

Often, there is a need for a person to guard in the wild. If there is anything wrong, you can inform other people and let other people escape quickly. This is what many tribal people need to do. Over thousands of years, a set of things has been formed, which is the importance of sentry.

He can get a lot of information in advance. For example, if a person is in danger here, the person behind will quickly know it. Although the person in front cannot escape, the person behind can still escape quickly.

There was no accident. When the three women were sleeping, Jiangning went out of the tent directly. He had already seen the wolves. If he didn't know how to lure the wolves to other directions, they would be in great danger. After all, when the wolves attacked, the tents were useless.

One claw and one tooth of a wolf can make the tent shatter immediately. Of course, this means that the collective wolf comes. If the wolf comes alone, there is no way.

The individual's fighting ability is not very strong, but in the collective words, then is the cow force!

Without any explanation, Jiangning went out directly after the girls fell asleep and began to watch.


When Jiangning went out to defend, the voice came from afar.

Although it's a long way from here, Jiangning is shocked beyond any doubt. It's because the voice is very loud. If you guess it's right, it should be a monster Lord.

As long as those who are often in the upper position can make such a sound, even the general superior can not play it out. Naturally, the Lord who has remained unchanged for thousands of years can play it out.

"Paralyzed, this has to fall strong to have this sonorous voice!" Jiangning whole person can't help but feel depressed, and then don't say much, continue to monitor. He knows that the night is a very critical time. If he makes a mistake, he may make everyone fall into a desperate situation.If you can defend yourself, maybe there will be no danger at all, but in this case, it can't attract some powerful wild monsters. If there are powerful wild monsters, it will be a complete end.

A powerful wild monster can kill a lot of people. Moreover, wild monsters of the same level don't dare to fight, let alone kill each other. These powerful wild monsters will have their own ideas and become the same things.

When a woman is worried that she can't find out when she is sleeping in a tent, she is afraid that she can't find out.

"Look a little longer. I hope there won't be any wild animals coming!" Jiangning couldn't help but murmured, and then continued to look at the small dots not far away from the field. In his opinion, those small dots were the wind wolves he met, which was a kind of extremely fast ability. Even the long-distance running champion could not match him ..

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