The legacy civilization of some villages is extremely useful. Although the method is extremely clumsy, it also adds a lot of fun to their life. Not only that, but also other things will happen here. If the guess is right, these people are already very desperate.

It is always said that, as long as you can have a chance, you will never fall into the hands of some villages, because if you fall into the hands of villagers, you will never know what kind of death you will be. Sometimes, although it will be very happy, sometimes, when you play, you will be doomed.

The civilization of villages is in the process of continuous progress. Now Jiangning and others in this village have obviously not entered the stage of civilization. It is not only that, but also other villages. Some of them even remain in ancient times, which are absolutely not visible in this period.

Soon, people have gone to a small river, the river is turbulent, the water is very clear, let people look, feel very clean, and want to go down to play in the water, but an old man in this village said: "you don't go down, after we punish these three villains, then slowly go down to play, it doesn't matter here Before, this water is holy water, can not be defiled existence

"Of course, holy water can also eliminate people's resentment, so after soaking these three people in a pig's cage, their resentment will be eliminated. In the future, they can be reincarnated into human beings or become pigs, because they all died of being immersed in pig cages, and they will certainly be treated as pigs in their next life!"

After hearing this, Jiangning and others were depressed because they found that they could not find any words to answer this sentence. In fact, they did not expect that the civilization of a village would be like this. If he could, he would like to change these feudal ideas, but he did not have much time.

Fengxincao in hand, the people behind are still waiting. If it is later, maybe there will be big problems, or it can be said that often in here, they will be completely finished.

Several people watched the pig cage slowly sink, and the howl of the three people sounded in the field, and constantly floated into everyone's ears, but the people in the field were not satisfied with it, because they all knew that they were damned, and even treating them like this was just to let them die quickly.

Even if they are not allowed to die in this way, there are thousands of ways to make them die, so no matter which one is, it can be said that they will die.

"Is it cruel?" Yue'er can't help holding the wind and shadow on one side when she sees those people sinking down quickly. For her, this is undoubtedly much more cruel than killing with a knife. Sometimes, women are cruel. If they can be cruel, they can do a lot of great things.

It is even undeniable that women are superior to men in this respect. After all, women are delicate, not like men. Generally speaking, they are extremely negligent.

Without any hesitation, these people slowly sank into the river, some only bubbling sound, in addition, there was no sound, until three minutes later, the old man said: "let's go, this is the reincarnated people, don't pay attention to it!"

After hearing this, the villagers all left quickly. As for Jiangning and others, naturally, they also walked back together, because if they were here, they would not have any effect.

As for the three people, they have been sleeping in the river for nothing else, because they did something wrong, and they should be punished like this. If they were another person, maybe such a thing would not happen.

Back in the village, the atmosphere of the villagers gradually rose, as if they had conquered the devil. Everyone could not help but dance their own village dance. Not only that, but also some people have prepared a lot of food and wine here, which is obviously a happy time.

In fact, it is not. This is the characteristic of every village. If they make a big event, they will be happy quickly. In other words, these people share a common idea.

"It's not going to end up drunk again tonight, is it?" Yue'er is allergic to food and wine. Although it's fun here, she can't stand the wine. It's easy for people to get drunk. Not only that, they will worry about problems after they get drunk.

In this world, they can't believe themselves, and even more can't believe others. If they can, they'd rather believe in themselves, no one's.

"Don't worry. We'll leave after tonight. I don't think they'll get us drunk tonight." Jiangning laughed, and then continued: "tonight, you should be careful. Although people in this village are very peaceful, we should also prevent necessary things from happening! In this world, people who believe are only themselves. Sometimes, even their parents may not believe it! "Jiangning is telling the truth. After all, he has experienced these things. Sometimes, he may be able to do better, but if other people do it, they may not be able to do well, because others can't enter your inner world all the time. They don't know how you think and how to do things.

At this time, it was time to drink the wine. For Jiangning and other three women, these simple villagers were very welcome. Everyone started drinking with the four of them, but Jiangning pushed off every time, for nothing else, because he didn't want to get drunk, because he had to go on his way tomorrow How about it!

It was not until one o'clock in the morning that it ended. There were no wild monsters coming in, so everyone was relatively safe.

In the early morning of the next day, Jiangning got up early, and then said to the crowd, "we are going to leave. Thank you for your hospitality these two days. If there is another time, we will drink the wine again. This time we will come here first! On our way ..

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