Of course, Li Dong didn't refuse. He went ahead directly. After all, it was related to his Yue clan, and their princess was also in it. If this team was occupied, there would be little to say. In addition, he also wanted to take Jiangning and others to wunanshan mountain. Maybe he could oppress the Yue clan from other tribes Rescue.

Li Dong thought of these things, so he agreed without thinking. Then he walked ahead, even in a very front place. He did not have any objection to Jiangning's arrangement for him in front. Now he is a team member, and Jiangning is not the one who framed him, so he is still at ease.

However, at this time, Yueer is crazy again, sometimes normal, sometimes crazy, this state is very bad, if continue to go on like this, it will be a complete end of a thing, this point is everyone knows, but Jiangning also has no way, can only continue to look at yue'er, try not to hurt herself.

For such a crazy person, you want to stop her, but you can't bear it, because when you stop her, she will be very wary of you. This is what crazy people can do, because they are already in a dangerous period, and they don't trust everyone. If it is possible, Jiangning will never think of it It's like this, but it can't be done.

"It makes me want to cry! How can the fate of the moon be so rough? " The wind shadow said, a face is already sad.

It's true that yue'er is a better person with her, but now that she looks like this, anyone who looks at it will be sad. If it were in the war-torn era, it may have been abandoned for a long time, because in the war-torn era, no one will be allowed to push himself back, but now there is no war I will not abandon the moon.

Even in the war-torn era, Jiangning's character will not abandon yue'er. For no reason, because Jiangning can't do such things, he will not do such things. He is a positive person. Even at any time, he will not abandon his teammates, abandon his teammates, only those who are selfish People.

"Don't worry, it will be OK! Yueer's current state is only temporary. Believe me, find their people, and that's what can be cured! " Jiangning's heart is also uncomfortable, but this point, he does not say, because if he said it, it represents his own cowardice, as a man, his cowardly side is not allowed to appear in front of the public.

Without any accident, several people soon adjusted their state and then continued to move forward, because they had to get to Wunan mountain quickly. If they could not arrive in time, it would be an end. Everyone knows this.

If they didn't procrastinate in the beginning, they might be able to save the people of the next month clan. After all, as long as Jiangning is here, then everything can be taken down. It can even be said that the Yue people don't have to go through this disaster. However, when Jiangning and others go to look for fengxincao, they have already wasted a lot of time, which no one can break It came off.

Things have already happened and can only go on to make up for it. If it can't be made up for, then it can only be the loss of some people and some things. Life is not perfect. Sometimes, what is yours is yours, and what is not yours is not yours. In addition, there are some disasters that need to be experienced. Only in this way can we Can make people grow up.

Now yue'er is in such a state. If she can survive, it will be a good situation for yue'er in the future. If she can't make it, then yue'er will only be like this in her whole life. Even if she dies suddenly in the middle of the way, no one can foresee these things.

Jiangning led the way in the back, and Li Dong was in the front. But soon, there was a sad voice coming from the front. Hearing this voice, Jiangning could not help but sink his face, because this voice was familiar to all. It was Li Dong's voice, this sad voice, as if something had happened to him.

He was slightly surprised. Then Jiangning quickly went to the front without saying a word. But when he saw the situation in front of him, he was surprised and angry. For no reason, Li Dong had fallen into a deep pit. Not only that, but one arm of Li Dong was directly pierced by something, and the whole arm was bleeding.

Seeing this scene, Jiangning's anger suddenly came up. He didn't expect that there would be any of these things in it. If they were replaced by other people, they might have been killed in the battle, because if the knife had deviated a little bit, it might have been inserted into his body.

"Help me!" Li Dong's whole body seemed to be in vain, howling in the pit, but the blood did not stop, it was still flowing. When Jiangning went to the top of the pit, the pit was already full of blood. It looked startling. Even we could see that Li Dong's look was constantly turning white. If we don't deal with it in time, then There will be big problems."Stop the blood on your arm first, and I'll rescue you right away!" When Jiangning saw this situation, he could not help but remind Li Dong, who was howling under the pit, because the pit was too deep. Even if Jiangning had the strength, he could not go down to save him in the first time. Moreover, Jiangning still felt extremely dangerous in this situation. No reason, it was because of his sixth feeling.

If he was in danger when he was treating Li Dong, it would be more than worth the loss, because now it is a person who falls into a deep pit. If he falls into a person again, it will be completely finished. Therefore, Jiangning has to be cautious. He is more accurate in this point and will never let himself be in another dangerous state.

Mature people often let themselves in a very safe place, and then they can do other things. Otherwise, it will be a complete end. When the time comes, one person will be like this, and two people will also be like this. No matter how many words, they can't continue to talk. No matter how good things are, they will become extremely bad. ..

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