"Dead? I don't know if we will die, because we have a resurrection altar, but I know you are going to die, just a few boys, and you want to fight against us. You really don't know whether to die or not The leader sneered and said that he chose to ignore Jiangning's words because he had his own ideas. He could even say that, as long as there was a chance, they would never be merciful.

"You are looking for death!" Jiangning has reached the edge of fury. For these people, he has only one idea in his heart, that is, to break them up into pieces is not enough to eliminate the hatred in his heart.

Liu Mei was about to be angry. She didn't think that these people were so shameless, even some civilians were not let go. From this point, she could think of what the result would be if her own people met these people. This is very obvious, but it must be dead, because all of them are the same 。

They didn't stop at all. Even if they had a chance, they would start to kill other people. For such people, Liumei also wanted to kill them. Even she wanted to kill all the protoss, because leaving them on this continent was just a cancer.

Even if you leave them in this world, it will be a disaster for them, because you don't know when there will be Protoss around you. Even when you walk, you will be killed by the gods. This is something that no one can think of and dare not think about.

"If you want to die, just come up. I'm waiting for you." The protoss don't seem to be afraid of Jiangning and others. In their opinion, two men and a few women can't threaten them at all. You know, there are dozens of them in their team. They once killed all the people in the area of ten miles.

People who have been killed for ten miles have never met an opponent, or even some simple resistance, because the lives of all the people killed by them are as fragile as paper paste.

Jiangning has already reached the edge of rage, just want to start to end these people, but at this time, yue'er is completely shouting, and is constantly trying to get close to those gods. This scene can't help but stop him from attacking.

Yueer is his friend. Even when he is crazy, he never gives up. Now, Jiangning doesn't dare to start at all, because he finds that Yueer's strength is so big that even if the wind shadow and willow eyebrows are catching her, they can't limit her. There is a feeling of rushing out.

"What's going on?" Jiangning frowned and then asked.

"I don't know. Yue'er seems to be crazy all at once. Now she has a lot of hatred for those gods and men. You can see her eyes, like she is going to kill all these gods and men!" Liu Mei's face was shocked. She couldn't figure out why yue'er went crazy when she saw the Protoss. She couldn't stop herself.

If it was not for the shadow of the wind and her restricting the moon, it must be now the moon has rushed up, if it is really rushed up, what kind of things will happen is not sure to know, this is certainly a great harm to the moon.

"Hold her and keep her from moving!" Jiangning can't help but get depressed, and then quickly go back. When she arrives at Yueer's side, she is attacked directly and knocked her unconscious.

For this situation, Jiangning did not have any hands to say. After all, at that time, if yue'er had already rushed out, it would have been a complete explosion. After all, the people on the opposite side are covetous, and the strength of those Protoss is also good. If yue'er rushes up one by one, no one can cure her at that time.

There is even a terrible thing to happen, that is, when the moon rushes up, it will affect his work. At that time, there may be another situation. It is said that in the battle, there should not be any external factors affecting yourself, which is what Jiangning always thinks is right.

But this month, obviously, is going to rush to compete with those Protoss. If Yue Er is not crazy, maybe she can fight with them. But after she is crazy, it is totally impossible, because all people do not know the fighting power of these Protoss. If she goes up rashly, she will surely suffer losses.

Without any statement, Jiangning knocked out Yueer and immediately said to Liu Mei, "you can get her to the back, and Li Dong and I will solve the problems in front of me and then we will go."

Now Yueer doesn't know what the situation is, so we can't let her have any danger. Jiangning knocks her unconscious, which is also the last resort. If it's another person, Jiangning may not do this, but Yueer's, that's what we have to do, because yue'er is his friend, or even can be said, they are all one Team.As his teammates, he can not let his teammates in a dangerous state. If even his teammates can not be protected, then it will be an incompetent man. Jiangning does not want to be this man, so he has to protect his teammates.

Liu Mei and Fengying naturally follow Jiangning's advice. They don't want to see yue'er have any danger. It can even be said that whenever Jiangning attacks other people, he will take care of his teammates. Whether his teammates are in the fight or watching from the side, they will take a little care of them.

A person with responsibility is like this. He doesn't want his closest people to be hurt or even allow any unknown things to happen. Therefore, it must be done, and for other people, it is very difficult. But for Jiangning, it is a very simple thing.

After the three women retreated, they were all completely safe. Jiangning only then focused on the protoss in front of them. In his opinion, these people are extremely good. If you can, Jiangning will never keep your hands. ..

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