After summing up, several people immediately left Wunan mountain, because the pace of crusading against the protoss can not be slowed down. If it does, it will be a complete end. It can even be said that if the protoss in the middle do too many things, even if they want to recover, they can't do it, so for such things That can only be dealt with quickly, otherwise, it will be completely finished.

Several people have already left the Wunan mountain of the Yue clan. As for Li Dong, he did not take him with him this time, because his strength is not enough. With his words, he is a burden, unless Jiangning does not care about his life and death. However, it does not seem that Jiangning is a man of unfeeling feelings.

So don't take it at all. After all, this is a new life. If Jiangning and others are allowed to take it out, it will lose this life completely, and it has no value at all. After all, the power of the protoss has been seen. If there is no accident, many people will die in the future 。

Wunan mountain, after all, is not the ultimate goal of Jiangning and others. This destination only stayed for a short period of time, in order to recover Yueer's condition. In addition, it is to send fengxincao to Yuezu. In addition, other things are not related to Jiangning and others.

After going out, Jiangning and others have already passed the news of the trail and directly locked in the protoss' place, which is the protoss swamp.

This swamp is controlled by the Protoss. It is said that a long time ago, a lot of gods were born here, so the protoss occupied this place. It can even be said that they want to have this place, which means that they want to give birth to higher life.

It is also because of this that they named the protoss, and they came from the gods to show their identity.

In fact, each race is equal. Even if they are Protoss, it is no exception. Sometimes, your name does not represent your strength, so this is a redundant situation. However, now the protoss are powerful, so Jiangning and others can not easily kill these Protoss.

After locking in the protoss swamp, Jiangning and others did not have any stay, but went directly to this place. Now they mean that they want to make trouble with Huanglong. If they can, they will kill them directly, so that they have no chance to turn over.

"Are we sure we're going to this swamp?" Liu Mei couldn't help asking.

She doesn't approve of going to that place. After all, the protoss are there, and the base is also there. If there are masters, they will not be able to resist it. At that time, maybe they will bury their own lives. If this is the case, it is too big and not worth it.

Liu Mei also knows another point. If she wants to fight such a powerful Protoss, she has to unite with other people. But now they are going with four people. It can be said that they are taking great risks. As long as the protoss send out several experts, they will be killed completely.

In the same way, Fengying thinks it's wrong to kill four people at the door of a race. If it is spread out, it will definitely make people think it's a crazy move, and even make people feel like a fool. After all, the power of four people is still very limited.

As for yue'er, because she has hatred on her body, she will not stop Jiangning from going to the swamp. She even wishes to fly there now, and then she can teach the protoss a lesson.

"We are going to the protoss swamp, which is good, but we will not go deep into it. We will continue to plunder and kill the protoss in the periphery. As long as their people come out, we will kill them. If they send powerful people out, we will retreat. Moreover, when we kill the protoss, we will announce to the world, Let other races join in, and then it will have a good effect

"In fact, I mainly do this. I still want to tell other races that Protoss are not invincible. As long as they can't get out of their own territory, then we can join other races to attack this Protoss."

After all, this is the only way for other races to know that the protoss have a resurrection altar, and the protoss are still so powerful. That's why they won't fight against the gods.

But Jiangning's words, he will not think that the protoss is powerful, as long as he has the ability, then will let the protoss people out of the protoss swamp land.

"That's a good idea, but I think it's a bit inappropriate! If we gather other people, if we fail, it will completely disappoint the people of the world. At that time, other races will not be able to participate in it. At that time, there will be a situation in which there will be no one to participate in the war. In my opinion, it is better to gather other people first and then attack the Protoss. ""No, let's just do it like this! Don't worry about other problems! " Jiangning laughed and didn't mind these things, because he knew that if he really had an idea, he would definitely help him. If he didn't have an idea, he couldn't even call it.

Sometimes, it's often a concerted effort that wants to do something. It doesn't need to be said. Instead, it's about these big things. Therefore, Jiangning is not ready to call them. After they know the weakness of the protoss, they will naturally participate in it.

Moreover, at that time, Jiangning will also baptize these people. As long as it is properly baptized, it will be completely condensed into a large army. It is even undeniable that Jiangning can still have absolute dominance here. ..

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