If a person can be skillful among thousands of enemies, then this person can be called a great master, because he is fearless to any enemy on the opposite side, and in this respect, it also shows how powerful a person's strength is.

Now Jiangning is such a state, because the leading young man on the opposite side can't touch the corner of his clothes at all. Even in the endless pursuit, he can't do any substantial harm to Jiangning. Often, when he wants to touch Jiangning, Jiangning will quickly escape with a unique gesture.

"Dare you stop and fight me for 300 rounds?" The leading young man saw that he had no way but to use the method of encouragement, because he didn't want to see his own people in constant disability. If this situation continued again, it would be his turn at that time. When he thought that his excellent master was disabled by such a person, his scalp was numb.

The key point is that he brought hundreds of elites with him. If this thing fails and he is disabled, then the protoss will definitely abandon him. There is no saying at all. After all, the protoss don't raise waste. For such a bucket, the protoss will abandon it, just like the one who led the people before It's the same with the little leader who started with Jiangning.

Jiangning in the disabled after a person, a smile back, said: "do not you think this is extremely ridiculous? If you want to kill me, just come. Anyway, I'm here to accompany you. If you don't have the strength, you don't have to shout here. I don't need to pay attention to some rubbish! "

Speaking of this, Jiangning can not help sneering, he said is the fact, for such some waste, it is not to pay attention to, just continue to avoid it! Since the protoss can use such a bad plot, why can't he use it? It can even be said that he is only slowly returning some things to the Protoss. Compared with the damage the protoss have caused to other races, that is not enough.

Hearing this, the young man on the opposite side was gloomy. He did not expect Jiangning to be such a shameless person. However, he did not have any way. After all, the disparity in strength made him have no way.

If he could, he would not hesitate to kill Jiangning, because he also knew from the high priest that Jiangning was a key figure. If he could kill Jiangning, it would be a great achievement. At that time, he could rise to a very high position in the Protoss.

Taking power is what he wants to do, but the current situation is not enough for him to continue to daydream about it. After all, Jiangning in the field has not been solved, and his people are constantly disabled.

"We don't need to pay attention to other people. Kill this one first, and then repair others slowly." The young leader finally understood the key to this matter. As long as he could kill Jiangning, he would have no fear of the three women in the field, but if he could not kill Jiangning, they would be completely destroyed.

This is completely needless to say! After all, the situation in the field has been like this. All the protoss are constantly disabled, not only by Jiangning, but also by yue'er, who has great power, which directly cripples the surrounding Protoss.

As soon as the protoss heard this, they immediately went to Jiangning, because they also understood this. If Jiangning could not be killed, then their number would continue to decrease. This is extremely unfavorable for them. It can even be said that if there is no accident, maybe they are the team It will not last for a long time, and the whole army will be wiped out.

At the thought of the total annihilation of the army, their hearts could not help but feel depressed, and their scalp was also numb. After all, it would be a complete end in this way! It's not just their team that's finished, but also their people who can't continue to play.

But when they surrounded Jiangning and others, Jiangning sneered and said to the three women, "you can cripple these people on the periphery. As for me, don't worry about it!"

"Yes! This time I'll definitely kill all these people! " With a sneer on her face, and then the attacks in her hands, yue'er's anger has reached the extreme for these Protoss. Generally speaking, she can release 10% of her power, and now she can release 100% of her power.

There is no doubt that a person's hatred value can drive the strength of this person.

Even Liu Mei and Feng Ying are more and more straightforward at the moment. For these Terrans, they are also resentful, but their strength has punished their hands and feet, so in this respect, they are not compared with yue'er and Jiangning.After hearing Jiangning's words, the protoss were completely shocked. At this time, Liu Mei and others began to attack them. Originally, they thought that as long as it was limited to Jiangning, they could attack other people. At that time, the victory still belonged to them.

But they didn't think that at this time, the three women were actually in the periphery, and they didn't give them a little chance at all. This was a very depressing thing for them, and it was also a frame up for their own people.

"Kill! Kill them all Jiangning sneered. Although he was surrounded by himself, he also had no locks, because at this time, the women had already attacked these people. As long as they could hold down the pressure, nothing would be a problem.

"Kill!" Yue'er is also a low roar, and then quickly to these people in the field, each set goal, body is fast to play a wound to come, this is exactly what three women do, they are not to kill these people, but to cripple them. ..

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