"Those who say no are already dead. Those who don't say no have become my harem." The young man laughed with a sneer on his face all the time. For the two women, he was destined to be in the pocket. After all, the strength of the two women was just ordinary.

If he could, he would definitely take away two women. When he came to the third room, he was no exception. Although he had won many women during the war all year round, he still did not get such a classic woman. Naturally, these people wanted to get Liu Mei and Feng Ying.

When Liu Mei and Feng Ying see this group of protoss, their hearts are completely cold. Especially when they see the strength of these Protoss, a heart has fallen directly into the ice cellar. Even if they can have a chance, they will not be defiled by these Protoss even if they are dead.

The protoss seemed to see clearly the thoughts of the two women, and the leader said, "do you think you won't be given that by us if you die? I tell you, even if you die, your bodies will also be stained by us

Liu Mei and Feng Ying, the last thing they want to hear is this sentence. They have never felt that someone is so disgusted. They can even say that they have never seen such a person since their debut.

However, the world is so big that you can't understand who there are in the world, and these are just a group of them. There are even more hateful people than these.

"If you want us, fight!" Liu Mei is a woman who does not admit defeat in her bones. She hates this group of Protoss. Although she knows that she can't defeat those Protoss, she doesn't shrink back. Even if she died in battle, she will never give in.

"Come on, even if it's war dead, I'll pull up a few backers. Even if it's ghost, we won't let you go!" The wind shadow is also cold said, but her momentum is not so strong, after all, this group of protoss in the field has completely covered the breath of the two women.

"Girls, in fact, there's something you can say. You don't know our strength doesn't matter, but if you do, you will regret it! In fact, we can go out together. Although we are not of the same race, we can keep you comfortable The leader of the protoss, with a smile on his face and the way he spoke, was disgusting.

Liu Mei and Fengying look at this disgusting person, and they all have the appearance of Jiangning in their mind. If Jiangning is here, this group of protoss will not be so clamorous, because they understand that Jiangning will definitely have the ability to stop these people.

But now Jiangning is not here, and they will rely on themselves. After all, if there is a problem, it will be a complete disaster.

"Fight, don't think about it!" Liu Mei is a very strong girl. After talking to Feng Ying at this time, Liu Mei directly attacked the Protoss.

Her move is very simple, that is to kill from the front, if it can kill people, then it would be better. If she can't kill the protoss, she can only be captured. After all, her strength is not good, and there is no way to do it.

There is no way for Fengying to attack these Protoss directly. At the same time, her breath suddenly erupts at this moment. If you can, it will completely frighten a group of people, but it is just momentum. There is no other way to say it.

The protoss didn't expect that these two women would be so stubborn, and it was a bit difficult to get off for a while. After all, Fengying and Liumei are the first-class beauties, but they are reluctant to do so. It can be said that if there is a chance, they will never use this method to get the two women.

But now they have no way to do it. If they don't, Fengying and Liumei will not stop at all. At this time, the two women have been trying their best to deal with them. Although they are resisting, if one is not careful, something will happen 。

"Up! Catch these two women alive, don't hurt them! " A man in the lead said coldly.

For those who don't give in to them, he will use the method of catching alive. For men, they will use the torture that is commonly used by the Protoss. This is a problem that the protoss are notorious for.

If the protoss didn't do it, it would have been hurt.

At this time, not far away, someone noticed the fight, and then only saw a lot of people rushing over.

When Fengying and Liumei saw this group of people rushing towards, they finally showed a smile on their faces. This group of people was not other people, it was the people of the bala nationality.The Baals are a race that is extremely angry with the protoss, and they are also a race that has just risen up with the Protoss. Whether you die or not is my living race.

"Help! Come and help When Liu Mei saw the people of the bala nationality coming over, she immediately yelled. Her voice had been added by her own internal force and spread to all around.

Originally, she could have yelled like this, but she didn't shout at first because she was afraid that more Protoss would be attracted. After all, if more Protoss came here, it would be a complete end.

It's not the same to see the people of the bala now, because they will definitely help them. After all, they are fighting with the Protoss. The enemy of the enemy is a friend. Besides, Liu Mei and Feng Ying are not the people of the bala nationality.

This kind of people, seeing this situation, will naturally help!

The protoss did not expect that there would be people from the bala nationality nearby. At this moment, there was no way to seal the mouths of the two women. After all, the people of the bala nationality were coming here soon. ..

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