On hearing this, Jiangning couldn't help laughing, which he had thought of for a long time, but at this moment, Jiangning could not agree with this group of people of the bala nationality. The previous time, Jiangning knew that the team of the bala people was strong, and their strength was extremely strong. However, there were too many personnel. It would be a bit inconvenient to act If it is the four of them, it will be even better!

Although sometimes, it may not be able to benefit a lot of things, but at least it can ensure their safety. If a person does not have any safety, then it is useless to say anything. After all, people's life is the first-class, and everything else has become a floating cloud without life.

"Well, I want to say that we still have four people to move forward. Your strength is extremely strong. I don't mean to dislike you, but I want to say that in this, the protoss is also extremely powerful. If I can, I will definitely fight against the protoss, but in this, I have two people with average strength, and I can't either I've lost them, so I can't promise you that! " Jiangning said it directly.

After all, what he thinks now is the safety of Fengying and Liumei. If the two women are not here, he can enter the ranks of the bala people at any time, which can be regarded as a kind of care. Bi jingyi'er's strength is also very strong. Among the bala people, although they are at the bottom, they can be regarded as fighting It was a fight.

As for the two women, Fengying and Liumei, they are just ordinary. If the strength of the two women meets the powerful Protoss, they will be completely capsized in the sewer. Jiangning has already predicted this.

However, Jiangning has an idea, that is to help these two women to stimulate their potential in advance. As long as the potential is stimulated, other things will be better done, just like Yueer. After being stimulated, Jiangning does not need to take care of them.

In a previous animal tide, Fengjing was also worried that the two women would be hurt, so she asked yue'er to help take care of Liumei and Fengying. If yue'er was fighting with Jiangning and others at that time, there might be a lot of harvest. Whether a person's strength is strong or not is doomed to this person's absolute statement 。

"Well, since you don't pass with us, that's fine. But I still hope you should pay attention to your own safety. After all, the protoss are extremely powerful. If you encounter a powerful Protoss, it will be completely destroyed!" The leader of the bala nationality frowned slightly. In this, he was also extremely worried about the safety of Jiangning.

Jiangning's strength is strong, but if two women implicate him, his strength may not be able to play out, and other things will be no exception at that time. So at this moment, the people of the bala nationality are very worried about Jiangning.

"Nothing! I'll pay attention to that. OK Jiangning smiles and answers. In this, he had already figured out the countermeasures. If he met a powerful Protoss, Jiangning would let yue'er lead two women to hold together, and he would break through each other. Although it would be a bit dangerous, in general, the danger is not very big.

"Well! Let's encourage each other The leader of the bala nationality also laughed at the moment, and then raised the bamboo tube to drink the wine.

In fact, there is great danger for them to crusade against the Protoss. If one is not careful, it will be completely killed in battle. At that time, the bala will lose a large number of experts. It can even be said that whether there is anyone in the bala nationality to dominate at that time is another matter, but they are not We don't have to do this kind of crusade.

If we continue to make the protoss powerful, it will undoubtedly be fatal to any race. There is no denying that when the protoss are strong to a certain stage, everything can be done well.

"I'm going to drink in the evening." When Jiangning said this, he just drank all the wine in the bamboo tube. It was a cool thing. After all, it was very happy to be with this group of people.

After the celebration, Jiangning and the three women immediately said goodbye to the people of the bala nationality. This time, the people of the bala nationality were sad. After all, they lived on the wounds. When they would be killed in battle is a matter of possibility. Moreover, whether there will be a chance to see them again after this time, it is still uncertain, After all, no one can say that he can survive under the Protoss.

Just like that time, if Jiangning didn't fight, then maybe the bala people would be completely defeated, because the leader of the protoss was an unstoppable state. Even so, as long as Jiangning couldn't beat that person, then there would be something wrong with the bala people.Not only them, but also some other people will suffer. After all, at this time, people of many races have come to this swamp. If there is an accident, something big may happen.

Jiangning and the three women left. Similarly, after celebrating for a while, the people of the bala nationality entered the journey again. They did not know about the future. However, they never flinched back. Even so, they would never shrink back. In the dictionary of the bala nationality, they did not shrink back It's a word.

"Tomorrow's road, how to get there, I don't know..." Jiangning couldn't help but murmured, because at this time, he really couldn't see the way ahead. If he continued to attack the protoss, he might not have achieved much. After all, with the help of the four of them, it was not enough to bring down the Protoss. Even if he was combined with the bala people, Jiangning did not want to. ..

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