As long as it is a trap to get Jiangning, the other three women for him, it is a matter of minutes, this is a person has already thought well, and can even say, as long as it is related to Jiangning, then this person will be interested in it, or even can say, absolutely not so, let Jiangning into their base inside 。

This is just like a trap. Let you go in quickly. As long as you are killed at that time, everything will be finished. Even if there is no accident, it will be an incomparable thing forced by cattle.

Jiangning pondered for a while, then without thinking about it, he said to the three girls: "you are here first. I will come when I go. I don't believe there is a dragon's nest in it. But even if there is such a thing, I won't have any fear. After all, if I'm here, as long as it is immortal, those who want to cause harm to me will die Come on

This is a mandatory requirement of Jiangning, but also confidence in himself. To say that he has no such strength, he will never say so. Only those who have strength will say such words. After all, Jiangning is not afraid to let anything happen at that time.

"Be careful!" Wind shadow gives Jiangning an embrace. In her opinion, it is very dangerous in the stone clan. Maybe after entering, they may not be able to come out. It is not necessary to remind them that they are a group. As a group, if there is an accident, they don't want to see it.

Yue'er also told her to get up and said, "be careful. If anything happens, come out immediately. We are waiting for you here."

"Well, don't worry, I'll be OK!" Jiangning laughed and said confidently. For his trip to the base of the stone clan, Jiangning has already thought about everything. If there is no accident, Jiangning will definitely bring out the God killing pot, because he knows that the stone clan people, even if they are strong, will not go anywhere. Even so, as long as there are problems, this stone clan will also be It will be stirred by Jiangning.

Jiangning will never allow a force that has harmed itself, and can say anything arrogant here. As long as there are no other things, Jiangning will be able to deal with it. After all, he has his own strength, and his mind is also very smart.

This is different from other races. It's just like those people of the protoss who want to do a big thing. Please, they can't plot at all. This is what Jiangning won't do. Of course, even if Jiangning's plot is strict sometimes, there will be problems. After all, at that time, as long as there is a fluctuation, there will be other things.

Jiangning didn't stop again. In his opinion, if you don't go into the tiger's den, you will get tiger's seed if you don't go into the tiger's den. Even if you want to go into danger, you will get some effect. Otherwise, if you are outside, you will never get any results.

"Be careful, Jiangning!" Yue'er tells her again. At the same time, she has taken good care of this person in the field. If there is an accident in Jiangning, then this person in the field can't live, because yue'er will never let a person who has a threat to them, and this person seems to be so indecent.

No matter from the practice or other things, we can see that this person is not a good man, let alone believe his words. But at this time, if you don't get into it, you can't get out the God killing pot, and then you can't punish the Protoss.

Therefore, at this moment, in any case, you have to enter the stone clan. Even if there are people in the stone clan, you have to go inside. Otherwise, you can't get the God killing pot effectively.

For this thing, Jiangning must get it. If not, the Central Plains will be lost. After all, the protoss are so powerful, and there is a resurrection altar in hand. They are absolutely not allowed to have any problems in the process of this matter.

There was no accident. At this time, Jiangning had already entered the base. However, just after Jiangning entered the base of the stone clan, there was a loud roar. Then, only a red light came down, as if it was the end of the world.

Seeing this situation, the three girls were completely stunned. They didn't expect that such a state would happen, and it was obvious that there was an organ in it. Now Jiangning just went in, and such a thing happened. It must have something to do with this person.

The three girls just looked at the stone people, and the man immediately became sneering, "do you think I'm so strong? I tell you, after he enters, he is bound to die, because under the siege of our stone clan, no one has ever been able to come out of it. Even how many strong people will only come out dead after entering, and no one can attack our stone clan, let alone get a god killing pot! ""Are you deceiving?" Yue'er was the first to react, because it could be heard from this person's mouth. After Jiangning went in, it was almost like a state of death. At this moment, she was completely shocked. Moreover, this person in the field seemed not to be afraid of them at this time. It was like two people before.

Although it has been expected, but when things happen to themselves, the three girls are still a bit at a loss. After all, they have never encountered such a situation. Even if they encounter such a situation, it will not happen.

"In that case, we'll kill you first." Although Yueer cares about Jiangning's safety, at this moment, she is also the first time to start with this person, because in this way, they can feel better. ..

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