"Well, we'll be right there now!" Although yue'er says she doesn't know anything, she can see something from Jiangning's dignified look. Moreover, after her transformation, the whole person has become eye-catching. Even so, many decision-makers can't compare with yue'er.

There is no doubt that Yueer is still in charge of this matter.

"Let's go, and we'll follow." Fengying also nodded. Although her strength was a little lower than yue'er's, now he wanted to be able to degenerate. So at this moment, what should be done and what shouldn't be done is clear to her.

In addition, Liu Mei is also the same, because she is very aware of Jiangning's ability, so Jiangning no matter what she says, she is incomparably supportive. In addition, among the three women, Yueer Lai is the most obedient. Because of Yueer's accident, Jiangning has already taken out his own heart, so yue'er understands Jiangning's mood most.

Although many small races have not been attacked by the protoss, if the protoss become active again, it will obviously pose a great threat to some small races. This is needless to say. After all, the protoss have started a new stage. It is certain that they want to complete such things again.

As for other things, Jiangning can't decide. For example, apart from the balas, other small races are willing to join him in fighting against the Protoss. He can't be sure. Although he can kill the protoss by himself, at this time, if someone else does it If you help, it obviously has a great effect.

After all, in addition to the protoss, maybe the protoss have contacted some other race people to help them. After all, the protoss have not moved in such a long time, and now they must have figured out a way.

A race has a resurrection altar. It is obviously impossible to do anything else. Therefore, Jiangning would rather believe that the protoss are in the process of recuperation, rather than believe that the protoss have stopped. After all, according to the characteristics of the protoss, there will be no stopping.

Even if Jiangning is from the perspective of the protoss, he will not stop any more. After all, he has already encountered a lot of racial Crusades at this time. If we don't continue like this, it is obvious that something big will happen.

"It's almost here. How can I feel a faint sense of danger?" At this time, yue'er can't help frowning, because she is also a more powerful person. In some aspects, yue'er's insight is much better than others. Although she is unable to compare with Jiangning, in some aspects, she still has a huge advantage.

"Nothing! Just go to the protoss! " When Jiangning said this, he couldn't help but sneer, because he also felt this sense of danger, but he didn't pay much attention to it, because he already knew the strength of the coming people. If there was no accident, he would be the same level as the stone clan.

Although in terms of combat, they will be a little bit ahead of the stone clan, but that's all, because both yue'er and his Jiangning are rare experts. On this point, if they are afraid of other people, they are obviously a fool.

When your strength is superior to the others, it doesn't matter. You can kill this person completely. It can even be said that it is possible to ignore any threat. After all, under the condition of strength, some threats have become obsolete.

Although, in the end, there will still be a little bit of difficulty, but that's all.

When Jiangning's words just fell, only two Protoss, who seemed to be twins, appeared directly in front of Jiangning and others. These two people looked very young, but Jiangning knew that this kind of people had been living for a long time. After all, Jiangning could find the breath in them.

A person's breath, represents a person's strength, more represents a person's age, because no matter what aspect, others can't avoid Jiangning's pursuit, after all, Jiangning's strength is there.

"What do you want?" Jiangning frowned and looked at the two men and said indifferently.

For these two people, he was not very afraid. It can be said that he had no fear at all. However, Jiangning wanted to ask a little bit about the protoss, so he did not immediately take action at the moment, and wanted to slowly set up the opposite words.

One of them, a little younger, saw the wind and said, "nothing, just want to take your life."

"Hiss! I haven't seen such a beautiful girl for a long time. If you give me a girl later, I'll make you happy Another man, with a silver smile on his face, said, and when he spoke, he made some extremely disgusting gestures, which looked like he had not seen a woman in a thousand years."You'll die faster in this way!" At this time, yue'er can't help but say that for such a person, she is incomparably disgusted. Even if she has that strength, she has already gone up to fight with these two people.

It's a pity that Jiangning didn't say anything, and she could see a little bit from the breath of these two people, so she couldn't immediately go up and pick up these two people. Otherwise, these two people would not have a chance to say these words at all. They had been killed by yue'er.

"Hey, don't you think our two brothers are very handsome?" One of them, also falling, said the Lama. It was very disgusting. It was even more disgusting than the orcs I met before. ..

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