Liu Mei uses her own power of command, because she is now an elder of the spirit clan. She is a new elder. After all, her strength is enough. She is the first expert in the spirit clan. People of the spirit clan know this, but a new elder orders an old elder. How can it sound like that one 。

However, it is depressing that after Liu Mei's words fell, the elder of the spirit clan immediately raised his face and said, "well, since you have said that, we can only wait. But I still hope that this matter can be completed quickly. After all, some people are not in good physical condition. If it lasts for a long time, it can be solved If you open your body's toxins, your strength will also be reduced! "

"For this one, you will be relieved. In half a month, if you can't get it, then the violent clan will be destroyed by me. I must be able to do it. After all, they have already offended me!" When Jiang Ning said this, he couldn't help sneering. He had endured for a long time for the violent race. If he got all the antidotes, he would do something to this race.

After all, whether it is a commander or some other people, it is extremely arrogant, and I don't know the height of heaven and earth. For such a race, we need to teach it a lesson. Otherwise, we can't let this race know how powerful he is, and then will do more harm to nature. This is not allowed to happen again Now.

It is impossible for anyone to poison the whole race. However, this violent clan has made such a thing. You can imagine how vicious they are. In this case, they may think that the spirit clan is completely finished, so they will spare no effort to achieve their own goal Here it is.

However, they did not expect that at the critical moment, Jiangning and others came back and directly appeared in the spirit clan to resolve their poisoning. It can even be said that the people of the spirit clan still don't know the truth. After all, some people's symptoms are completely different from others.

"That's good. On behalf of my spiritual people, I'd like to thank you first." The old man bowed slightly to Jiangning. He didn't know much about Jiangning's strength, but he was quite clear about the strength of the violent clan. After all, the understanding between the races was relatively clear.

In addition, they also have some news about some things. We can say that they are closed to the outside world, but they can also understand the external situation. They are not a closed race.

However, they are still not good at this point. If they can continue to open up a little more, they can do a lot of things. After all, their strength is not enough here. Even in the period of time when they closed their doors, other small races have been much better than them.

"It's not necessary. I'm just doing things for myself." Jiangning waved his hand with a smile on his face. After all, he did these things for himself. If he didn't do so, maybe some of his previous good races would encounter extermination, and then there would be a big problem.

In the Central Plains, it is absolutely impossible to let such things happen. If so, the pattern of the whole Central Plains will have changed. It can even be said that many ethnic groups will be in dire straits at that time, which can not be tolerated by some small races, or even by some large races 。

It can be seen that this decision of the fury clan and the protoss has harmed many people, but that's all. Because in this, they can't accomplish this task. With Jiangning, they can't do anything at all. Jiangning can feel it at the beginning.

Now the high priest of the protoss is afraid to appear in front of Jiangning, unless his own strength has been improved, otherwise, this person is afraid to do too much, and Jiangning can imagine this, that is, the protoss has been hidden, and the fury clan has run out, then it may be a violent clan It is used by the Protoss. If it is used, the fury clan will have a complete problem.

After all, the strength of the protoss, at any time, they do not show their full strength. This is very clear to Jiangning and others. Since they have selected a shooter, such things may happen. At that time, they will have nothing to gain.

The key point is that the people of the fury clan have to do the dangerous thing. Now we can see that it is very dangerous to take the spirit tree of the spirit clan into the hands of the fury clan. After all, although the spirit clan's strength is not so good here, it is not that the Fury clan can resist it if they try their best Yes.

Unless the fury clan is attacked by the whole army, otherwise, they can't resist the spirit clan. The spirit clan's inside information is the spirit tree. As long as the feedback of this decade is used, maybe a lot of things can be done. This is also what Jiangning thought.Therefore, at this time, he does not recommend the spirit people to face the violent people, because if they do, there will be big problems.

But in any case, since he has been involved in the management of this matter, it will not let this matter continue to deteriorate, because if it deteriorates, it is possible to provoke other things at any time.

"Now that things are settled down, it's not very meaningful for us to stay here, and I'm going to watch this frenzied clan. Who of you wants to go?" Jiangning pondered for a while and asked the three girls.

In fact, in his heart, he thought that this time he would go on his own, and all the three girls stayed in the spirit clan. After all, the people of the violent clan had been forced by him, and there must be some action next. ..

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