This violent clan can only control the whole Central Plains, which is no different from bandits.

It can even be said that, if there are no accidents, it will not be the turn of a berserker or a Protoss to be the leader in this Central Plains area, because other non born races are also extremely powerful, and there are a lot of troops here.

Jiangning and others want to go, this Gaozu also has no obstacles, after all, he also knows his own strength, if blocked, then the loss can only be their own. After all, Jiangning's strength is already there, and there are still three women on the side.

Or it can be said that if he insists on doing so, he may not be able to get any benefits. After all, Jiangning and others are not vegetarian, and everyone's strength is so strong.

Without any hesitation, the Gaozu could only watch Jiangning and others leave without any action. However, Jiangning and others left this violent clan, but they didn't know where they were going, because at this node, if the people of the fury clan were not in the protoss, they could only go for nothing It's extremely traumatic.

After all, if the fury clan has already started, some other small races will also suffer greatly. After all, the hundred clans are still not united, and there is no one who can resist the fury clan. If they are also united with the protoss, they will suffer even more.

"It's a bit troublesome now. Although we know our important purpose, we don't know where the violent people are. If we run the wrong route, it will be a great disaster for other races. After all, some small races can't resist the harm of this violent clan!" When Jiangning said this, he could not help feeling depressed.

The most terrible thing is that this kind of thing happened, because you can't know where other people are. Even if you know, they can make any way to deal with these people. But if you don't know, this is what makes Jiangning and others extremely depressed.

Just now Jiangning had thought of forcing the violent clan's Gaozu to say where the violent clan's people had gone, but later thought or forget it. After all, that Gaozu's strength is also very good, and although Jiangning will not be defeated in his hands, but also won't win him, after all, the strength of others is there.

From this point, we can see that this violent clan still has its foundation, otherwise, it will not initiate such a thing. Moreover, this inside information is likely to be the ancestor of this high school, because if there is a strong one, it will be able to drive a lot of things.

Even the things that I dare not do in ordinary times, as long as there is such a strong person standing behind him, it will be done immediately. Even so, it can be said that such things can be completed at that time. After all, the real strength of the violent people is very good.

"What shall we do now?" At this time, Liu Mei was also a little depressed. She was also a little worried about her spirit clan. After all, at this time, the people of the fury clan had disappeared. If all the people of the fury clan went to the spirit clan, there would be big problems.

Although the spirit clan people have become more powerful now, they can't deal with all the violent people. After all, these people are too strong to fight alone, and they are also very powerful in group attack.

"Don't worry, the people of the fury clan will not go to the spirit clan now. After all, the spirit clan's people are already strong. Moreover, the fury clan's people should be going to do important things, that is, to unite with the Protoss. Only in this way can they achieve their goals. Otherwise, they will not be able to achieve them!" Jiangning saw Liu Mei's face, immediately understood her mind, and then comforted her.

It is also, for such things, everyone will be extremely worried, after all, those race people, can all be a new life, can even be said, every life is extremely precious, if lost at this time, it is not worth losing.

Liu Mei did not think too much under the comfort of Jiangning. After all, she also believed in Jiangning's words, and she could guess this situation.

At this time, Fengying also began to ask: "if the people of this violent clan really went to this Protoss, then we can only drive to the protoss quickly now, otherwise, we will not be able to bear the situation!"

"I think so too, but if you want the Berserker to be away from this Protoss, there will be real danger. Other small races will be in danger!" Jiangning said this, the look on his face has been extremely depressed. Now he is not sure of any idea. After all, it is useless to say anything in the face of this crafty and violent people.However, under the idea of the three women, they also quickly resolved this matter. They decided to go to the protoss first. If there are no fury people in the protoss, they will return to this spirit family, because there is a spirit tree among the spirit families.

In this, all four people know the secret of the spirit tree, and since the Protoss and the fury clan have already aimed at this spirit tree, they will certainly know the secret of the spirit tree. Therefore, they will fight against the spirit tree whenever they have a chance. This is not to be said.

"Go, let's speed up and try to reach the protoss in half a day!" After Jiangning said this, he immediately went to the front, after all, this time, time is life. ..

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