After hearing this, the people of Tianyan clan immediately began to ponder. They really didn't want to go with Jiangning and others, but they also knew that the lingzu had been poisoned. After all, in the Central Plains, the news was all well-informed, so they knew this for the first time.

However, they didn't expect that the spirit clan was saved by Jiangning and others, which was beyond their expectation. After all, although they understood the strength of Jiangning and others, they didn't think they had such a ability. They didn't think that it actually existed, and there were some other races in it.

"Shall we go with you The man of Tianyan clan, after pondering for a long time, said.

Although they are only five people, they have the ability that other people can't have. That is to say, they can see a lot of things with the sky eye. This is their advantage. They often rely on this advantage and directly eliminate many difficulties. This is what they are proud of.

If they didn't have this ability, they might have been devoured by other races before. After all, the land of Central Plains was not as peaceful as it is now. At that time, the smoke and fire of war were all over the whole area, and some powerful races and villages could stay.

If it is changed to a general race, there is no chance to stay. After all, things about their race will happen here, which is extremely understandable.

"Yes, why not! If I guess it's right, the people of the bala nationality have come out now. If they can meet us, we will add another team! " Jiangning said this, his face can not help but smile, for such a race, he is extremely want them to join in.

He also has his own ideas on such things. After all, at this time, if it is possible to unite more races, it is undoubtedly the best. After all, if you want to suppress these two races, you still need some help. If you rely on him alone, you may be able to do it, but it is difficult to do the things in it 。

What's more, Jiangning also wants to let them see the means of the fury clan and the protoss, so that they can know what can be done by these two races. At that time, they will also think about their own race. If they encounter these things, what should they do, and then they will work together to deal with the two races.

It is self-evident that this is what Jiangning wants to do as much as possible.

However, it will take some time for the protoss to unite with the hundred. After all, it will take some time for the protoss to appear before the alliance of the 100 tribes. Moreover, in this, the protoss appear again. Some remote small races still can't know. Only some big races will know about it.

However, in any case, Jiangning and others have played an important role in this, which is a hub. In this, as long as everyone has such an accident, it will be very difficult to exist.

As long as you think about it, you can understand that every race has been robbed of its resources, and the descendants are also killed. Then the people of the fury clan and the protoss will become more powerful. At that time, as long as they are strong to a certain stage, no other race can withstand it.

This is quite clear to Jiangning and others.

"Then we will decide to go ahead with you, and fight the fury and Protoss directly!" When the Tianyan people talked about this matter, they couldn't help but sneer. For such a race, they had thought of crusading. But before, they had no way. After all, they were just a small race. It was obviously impossible to do more things.

However, with Jiangning and others leading, it is possible to do a lot of things. After all, here, Jiangning and others only need to arrange, and as their backing, then they can do it. This is self-evident.

They also see the strength of Jiangning and others are so strong that they have such an idea. If it is other people who let them go, then they will not agree at all. After all, even their own safety is not guaranteed. If they follow the past, they can only have major events. This is self-evident.

Secondly, following Jiangning and others, they may be able to experience themselves, which is exactly what they think. After all, if there is a strong backing behind them, they can do everything freely. In the past, only one person is needed to ensure their life safety, and they will definitely do it Coming down.

Even if they are asked to face the protoss high priest directly, they will not have any hesitation, which is understood by everyone.Feng Ying and yue'er both smile when they see the people of the eye clan join in. As long as their team gathers more people, it will be easy to attack the two races. Of course, it is difficult to destroy the two races. After all, the altar of resurrection of the protoss, as long as it exists for one day, will be easy, This race will not perish.

As for the fury clan, they have an ancestor in it. If you want to wipe out this race, it is no doubt impossible. The ancestor of the violent clan will monitor you. There is no need to say. Even if there is any problem, that ancestor will protect the people of the violent clan Yes.

A race, a race created by painstaking efforts, he doesn't want to see it destroyed so soon. After all, it's all his own efforts, which is extremely obvious to people. ..

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