"I don't know! Go shopping for a while, anyway, there will be harvest! " Jiangning shook his head, and now he also felt a little confused. After all, at this time, he really did not know where to go. Every place has been visited by them, but there is no other harvest. This is extremely depressing.

If they can get something from other places, it's OK! However, there is no harvest at all. This is a very depressing existence for others. Fortunately, in this, everyone's strength has been improved qualitatively, which can be regarded as comforting to their hearts.

If it is like some other people, time is also wasted, but there is no statement at all, it is a waste of their own strength, for such things, who will be extremely depressed.

"Well! Or are we going to look for some natural resources and treasures? " Yue'er can't help saying that for her, there is nothing to worry about now. After all, there is an elite team in the Yue clan. If other races want to bully the Yue people, they will be bullied back.

After all, no one can compare with an elite team. It can even be said that if there are not particularly powerful people in the past to the Moon Clan, then the Moon Clan can stand in the Wunan mountain, so yue'er has no worries at this time.

As for the stone clan, Jiangning is not worried about it. After all, in addition to an elite team among their races, the stone clan is also protected by Jiangning. In the East China Sea, the Donghai ethnic group is powerful, but they can't do harm to the stone clan. After all, their Donghai people have seen Jiang last time The power of Ning.

If they dare to bear up with the stone clan, they will be repaired by Jiangning. If they are repaired by Jiangning, it will be a state of being destroyed. This is something that should not be said. After all, Jiangning has already released its words. If anyone dares to fight against the stone clan, he will never show any mercy.

If a strong man says something, even if it is how powerful your race is, you have to weigh it. After all, if you get angry with a strong person, maybe the whole race will be finished, which is nothing to say.

If we say that this strong one has no strength, it can't be called a strong one. So they all know how to do it. We can even say that Jiangning can definitely take up this Donghai nationality as long as there is no other thing happening here. Because he has such strength.

"I also think it's time to drift away from the mainland. We have already dealt with so many things, and we are a little tired!" Jiangning shook his head and couldn't help smiling. For this idea, he had already thought about it. After all, Jiangning did a lot of things here.

Sometimes, he feels that it is much harder to do these things than other people to support a race. After all, in these days, he always runs to both sides. It can even be said that every time he runs, there will be problems, which is unspoken.

Especially in this, as long as there are no other things happening, Jiangning may not appear in the Central Plains again after this time, because he wants to find the whereabouts of this violent clan. Only by finding the whereabouts of this violent clan can he do more things.

Jiangning and others, without any accident, have left Wunan mountain. Their strength is extremely strong. Here, their speed is also extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, they are far away from Wunan mountain.

Suddenly, Jiangning's eyes could not help but congealed, and then his brow was slightly wrinkled, because he actually saw some monsters.

This kind of monster doesn't look like human beings or other animals. Anyway, it is the condensation of human beings and animals. After seeing this kind of creature, Jiangning people can't help feeling depressed.

As far as he knew, there would not be such a race in the Central Plains, but he was shocked by the fact that he met such races on the edge of the Central Plains.

"Let's go and have a look." Jiangning did not say a word, but directly said to the three women.

Now the strength of their team is very good. It can even be said that as long as they don't easily annoy other races, other races will not annoy them. However, when they meet these strange creatures, Jiangning is not allowed to go on.


Every woman should come down. After all, they also want to see what kind of creature it is. If they can get a little news from their mouth, it may be a good choice for them.After all, there are a lot of secrets in every place. For example, in this Central Plains continent, although Jiangning and others have already stood at the top, it is impossible to let Jiangning and others directly understand all this place. After all, there are some creatures that do not come out of the world.

This is a mountain top. These people are not human. What's strange is that they are standing in this mountain and blocking themselves with thick woods. If Jiangning's eyes were not sharp, they would not have been able to find these monsters.

When Jiangning and others appeared on this peak, these monsters were immediately alert. Then they only saw a monster that seemed to be the leader. They took a step directly and asked, "how many are you?"

"We are passing by! See rely on your appearance is very strange, want to come to have a look! There is another point, that is to ask you, what kind of a race it is Speaking of this, Jiangning's face can not help but show a peaceful smile.

Since it is already a life, it is worthy of respect. Although their appearance is not very good-looking, it is not so bad. After all, there are some things that we can not choose from here. ..

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