But in any case, this breath has exceeded their expectations. Now they have anticipated that the real danger will come, but they are also looking forward to whether there will be an opportunity to come to their side. After all, they are waiting for others, but they are extremely lack of strength.

If there is an opportunity, then it will be very satisfied. After all, with an opportunity, their strength can also rise rapidly. At that time, they do not have to be afraid of other people, and even can participate in all the battles. If there is no chance, then they may be in danger, after all, in this, every time Everyone knows that.

"Wait a minute, don't get close again, this breath, even I can't understand it now!" Jiangning at this time, the whole person has been completely speechless. Although he would like to know whether this kind of breath is the breath of ancient powerful people, he did not see many people coming, and there is no other statement here.

"Can it be a real power?" At this time, Liu Mei asked again, because she found that under this breath, she could not detect the real breath. If it was normal, she would have known all this. But now, it is impossible. After all, there are many incredible situations happening here.

Everyone, at this time, are depressed. They originally wanted to get the chance, but they didn't expect that they didn't get anything. This is the lightest thing. The important thing is that they don't know where this breath is released.

If she knew it clearly, there might be a better arrangement, but she didn't know at all. The so-called enemy is in the dark and we are in the light. There is no way.

At the moment, Jiangning's brows are locked. He knows that at this critical juncture, if it is his own improper handling, it will be completely finished. At that time, it will not only be himself, but also the three girls. After all, this breath is really too strong.

At this time, when Jiangning did not continue to speak, a virtual shadow appeared directly, and then only this shadow was seen floating in front of Jiangning.

After Jiangning saw this virtual shadow, the whole person's scalp could not help getting numb. If it was to see a real person, then there would not be such a scalp numbness. However, in this case, Jiangning did not see this person, but saw a projection, which made him palpitating.

A powerful person can often appear in front of other people by various means. Even in ordinary times, it can be separated to fight with other people. This kind of person is the legendary power. Is it difficult to say that this person is a powerful person now?

At this time, Jiangning has already thought of this problem, but he will not worry about it now. After all, if he worries about it, he will expose his own strength, and then he will say coldly: "what do you want?"

At this time, the three women were completely shocked. They knew that this person was absolutely a powerful person. If the noumenon appeared in front of them, they might be killed instantly. After all, the breath was so strong, not to mention the difference of noumenon. So they were all shocked and wanted to know why There is no such situation.

At this time, Jiangning has already made a lot of preparations. If this virtual shadow is dangerous to all of us, he will give it a heavy blow at the first time. After all, he has some strength, but he also knows that if the real person comes, there will be no way.

From the time when he thought he was the first person in the Central Plains mainland, Jiangning realized that he was not the first person. Sometimes, he could not understand many things. Even if something happened here, it would make their team completely perish 。

Therefore, Jiangning has now put his posture very low, the purpose is to understand these facts, if not, it will be completely speechless.

"I don't want to do anything, but I haven't seen human for many years. I'm excited to see it all of a sudden." This man, speaking, actually shocked Jiangning. He even said that he had never seen human beings, which in fact surprised him.

Don't they all mean that in this secret place, there are only some hidden monsters, but no human beings? Don't all mean that some powerful people have disappeared completely in this secret place? Why are you still here?

Jiangning can't understand, but then, this virtual shadow has been clearly stated.

"This is a trace of my residual thoughts. You can think of me as nonexistent!""I see!" Hearing that this was the case, Jiangning's heart was immediately put down. If this person is really the existence of the real version, Jiangning will still be a little worried, but in this case, it is just a little bit of miscellaneous thoughts, then there is no need to worry about it.

After all, at this moment, they still have some strength. Although they can't hurt some real masters or kill some really powerful monsters, they must be able to deal with a virtual shadow in minutes.

However, the words of the next virtual shadow actually made Jiangning's whole person change color completely.

Only to hear the shadow murmured: "wait for so long, and finally wait for a suitable person, I must be able to swallow success at this moment!"

At this time, the three girls were completely shocked. It can be seen from this empty shadow that he is going to devour Jiangning. They have seen such situations in some ancient books and records. They did not expect that now they are really facing up to it. Although they say that they are not the target, Jiangning is a void The target of the shadow. ..

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