However, in any case, Jiangning's strength has been improved, and the whole person can have great potential, which is a very good thing for him.

As for the three women, at this moment, they are not getting any chance. After all, this chance belongs to Jiangning, but they can also get some important clues. After all, if they have a vision, it will be extremely feasible for them in the future.

Just like some people, when their vision is not so strong, what they do will be tied up, which is self-evident.

If a person wants to grow up, he must have a wide vision. Only in this way can he obtain great strength promotion, otherwise, he will always be a frog at the bottom of a well.

Before, Jiangning and others have always believed that in this Central Plains continent, there is no one who can deal with them, and they are invincible. But they did not expect that after they came to this wasteland, so many things would happen. This is self-evident.

There is another point, Jiangning can be sure now. Gaozu and Liu Furong, as well as the high priest of the protoss, must have come to this place, because in the Central Plains, the so-called places concerned by Jiangning have been beaten to pieces by him. If they do not get the promotion of strength, it is fundamental It's impossible to move on.

Only by improving their own strength, they may be able to unify to the Central Plains, and the way they gain strength will also come to this place of ruins. There is no doubt that this is a place where gods are born.

Therefore, Jiangning has confirmed the whereabouts of these people here. After all, when Jiangning just entered the ruins, he had already met Gao Zu. At that time, Gaozu wanted to devour a relic by himself. Naturally, this legacy is a relic of ancient magic sword, but later Jiangning caught him, too There's no way.

It can be said that Jiangning has experienced a lot of things along the way. From the beginning, when he entered the ruins, his strength was still extremely weak, but now, his strength is strong to a very strong point.

Before, you can be afraid of a lot of people, but now, it is no longer any fear. Even if you occasionally encounter some powerful monsters, or meet some powerful people, Jiangning can have a way to stop it. After all, now his strength is very important.

There are other three women, now let them face some other masters alone, that is OK, after all, the strength of the three women is very good, compared with some masters, it has a lot of advantages.

"Well, let's go and find the next target. There are many possibilities here. Maybe you are the next lucky one!" Jiangning said this, the face can not help but show a smile, for this point Jiangning is also very clear.

As long as there is a place where he is, it is certainly easy to obtain the relics. Although it may not be possible to obtain them, at least compared with others, it is much easier. After all, Jiangning is a lucky son.

Other people can only rely on themselves, but the three women can completely rely on Jiangning. As long as they follow Jiangning, everything can become possible, and even some impossible things will become possible. This is beyond doubt.

Some things are doomed by nature. How to change this point can't be changed. For example, in this period of time, if the three women are organically predestined, Jiangning will help them.

Now it can be said that Jiangning has become the only one in the world, which is beyond doubt.

"Now you should be very confident. In the future, even if we can not enter into the strength as strong as you, you can protect us?" At this time, the wind can not help laughing.

She is a person who likes to be protected. After all, she is a woman, and there are no other relatives in Fengying, except Jiangning.

She has been integrated into this team. As a strong team leader in this team, she naturally wants to be protected. Moreover, she also understands her shortcomings, that is, she can't pursue Jiangning's strength. After all, Jiangning has given her too strong pressure.

If you want to pursue the strength of shangjiangning, it must be impossible in this lifetime. After all, Jiangning is now a fake powerful person. Although we all don't know what kind of strength a powerful person is, at this moment, it is impossible to compare with other people."It should be! Even in my current state, I can be fearless when facing the monster at the bottom of the pool before. Of course, if I have a killer mace of my own, I may still be able to kill this monster! " Jiangning said that, strong self-confidence emanates from the body.

He has always been in the pursuit of strong strength, and now he has finally experienced what is called strong strength. Of course, in this period of time, Jiangning is impossible to find the trouble of that monster. After all, at this time, he still has a goal, that is to continue to go deep.

From that shadow, I didn't get any news about the powerful person. Maybe after I grew up, I could find out the news of the powerful person. After all, I was strong enough to a certain level.

Liu Mei and yue'er, at this time, also very clearly understand that it is impossible for them to catch up with Jiangning. After all, Jiangning is now so powerful that they can't pursue it.

If it is like this again, perhaps he will be a very tired state. ..

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