But if you choose the latter, you will have unlimited possibilities. After all, as long as you have a solid foundation, the way forward in the future may be much better than other people. It is even undeniable that no other things will happen here.

"Isn't that good for you? As long as the foundation is stable and solid, you can have unlimited possibilities. If you don't have a solid foundation, maybe you can only reach a certain level, so we must have a solid foundation! " When Jiangning said this, he could not help feeling depressed.

Liu Mei didn't know what he was lucky for, which made him depressed. Others thought about how to lay down his foundation. However, Liu Mei was not satisfied. She wanted to choose from a solid foundation and strength, but it was obviously impossible.

After all, Liu Mei is not a genie of that kind. If she is a genie, she may be able to do these things, but she is not a genie. Therefore, she can only choose one of these things.

But there is one person who can go hand in hand, that is Jiangning!

Whether it is a solid foundation, or in the promotion of strength, it can have great results, but this is also related to Jiangning itself, because once it is in danger, then Jiangning will put itself in a danger, which is self-evident.

So in this, his strength is also rapidly improved.

"Well, it's OK." Willow eyebrow showed a brilliant smile, in her heart, it is happy.

After all, as long as her foundation is stable, she can infinitely improve her own strength, which is not the same as yue'er and Fengying. The foundation of these two people is unstable, so now there will be such problems as Fengying.

But to solve these problems, it is extremely easy. As long as you have experienced strong cultivation, you can lay a solid foundation. In the battle, you can improve your strength. This is a very good idea.

Feng Ying and yue'er, at this time, are also envious of looking at Liu Mei. They naturally know this, and even can be said that in this, they also want to be the same as Jiangning, but they can't do it. After all, they have not experienced a strong battle.

In fact, Liumei has such a result, which is related to her poisoning situation before. If it is not poisoned, then there will be no Liumei like this. After all, she has suffered a lot here, and almost lost her strength.

The previous situation is still in her mind, so if there was no Jiangning present at the beginning, then she has become a completely disabled person. Whenever a person has experienced danger, then it is accompanied by a kind of unexpected blessing.

As the saying goes, if you don't die in a disaster, you will have a blessing!

"Let's go. Now, as a super team, we can do a lot of things. At that time, you will have to experience a strong battle before you can gather your strength in your body. This must be kept in mind!" When Jiangning said this, he could not help telling them.

Three women also nodded, very understand this point of things, after all, have been following Jiangning over, and every time the strength of ascension, Jiangning is warning them.

But there is one thing that makes them extremely depressed, that is, when they want to fight, there is no fight that can be suitable for them. It is not that the opponents are too strong, they can not resist at all, that is, the opponents are too weak to experience them. This is a very depressing thing for them.

As long as it is in the battle, it can make a person stronger. This is beyond doubt. After all, as long as nothing happens and no one is killed here, it is extremely powerful for a person's combat experience.

"Next time, if there is a fight suitable for us, please leave it to us!" At this time, Liu Mei couldn't help laughing.

For Yueer and Fengying's strength improvement, Liu Mei is also extremely happy. After all, after all, after all, after all, when they encounter difficulties, they will be very easy to cope with. It is obviously very difficult to rely on the strength of one person to deal with these dangers.

Before this, Jiangning has spent a long time in this way, because in this, Jiangning's strength is undoubtedly strong, but the strength of the three women is just general. Therefore, Jiangning needs to deal with the coming danger on the one hand, and take care of the three women on the other.

But in the Central Plains to the ruins of the land, the strength of the three women has been completely improved, so here, Jiangning can finally put the hanging heart down, after all, the three women have been able to deal with some simple dangers, and they also have the ability to protect themselves."Let's go, as long as you continue to fight, maybe you can have a very strong strength to improve!" Jiangning also laughed.

"Well, it will."

The three women are all in common. A team has been twisted into a rope. There will be absolutely no separation. After all, there will not be other things happening in this.

This time, we can say that the danger they encountered made them grow up a lot, and also got a great chance. After all, the upgraded version of the spirit tree is extremely rare. Even willow eyebrows don't know that there will be such things in this world.

So this time we got the spirit tree, and when Jiangning was detoxifying willow eyebrows, because of overdraft, it also improved the strength. This may be Jiangning's opportunity.

You know, Jiangning is now a rank of people, want to improve a little bit of strength, it is extremely difficult, even can be used to say, there is no strength to improve, if there is no opportunity, can imagine, Jiangning this level of people, it will be very difficult.

However, all of this can not stop Jiangning. After all, Jiangning knows that it is difficult to improve its own strength, so in some aspects, he has done extremely well. ..

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