However, because of the success of Jiangning's surprise attack, all these changed. At this time, all the people were shocked and looked at Jiangning, even undeniably. In this case, Jiangning's strength was fully demonstrated.

Although it is a little weak, but this skill makes all the people take a breath of cold air, such as the leader of such a strong person, are directly killed in battle, if you change to other people, it is not to say, perhaps a face-to-face, is already dead.

And in this, Jiangning may not have shown his strongest strength, after all, no one saw him have any fighting situation, and his own breath is extremely strong.

"Done! This is to solve a problem for you, but also for ourselves At this time, Jiangning could not help but walk out of the darkness. This difficult problem that has plagued the bala people for many years was finally dealt with by Jiangning's sword.

"Thank you very much! If you do not come, we may be dead in the land of Bala, will be completely destroyed, all this is your help! Maybe, this is fate The old man of the bala nationality bowed deeply to Jiangning.

He is a very understanding of the people, Jiangning now this one, but their entire race has been saved. After this time, perhaps the bala will not be in danger. After all, the people of the bala nationality are very powerful, but they have met a tribe with a large number of people.

Therefore, in the battle, the enemy on the opposite side can crush themselves and others with cannon fodder directly, which makes them extremely helpless.

But fortunately, this danger has been completely solved. Thanks to Jiangning, if there was no Jiangning, they would have really had a big event.

"You don't have to do this. You're wasting my life!" Jiangning said again.

He felt that his attack might be a turning point. After all, if he didn't do it this time, the people of the bala nationality would not be able to beat this strong man. At that time, he would suffer a lot, and then he would be locked here, or even be killed directly.

Therefore, in this, both the people of the bala nationality and himself want this person to die in battle. Only if this person is killed can they be safe. This is needless to say.

Secondly, the ba'er people may have a little worry in this, that is, they can't fight at all, and they will be killed in battle at that time. So when they meet Jiangning in front of them, they will be so excited. There are reasons for all this.

"No matter what, I want to thank you. Without you, all this can't be accomplished!" Speaking of this, the ancestors of the bala nationality could not help bowing again.

When the three girls saw this, their eyes were moist. What a wonderful old man, she was bitten by a snake and a scorpion. Fortunately, she did not die. If she did, she would die unjustly.

"Let's go back." Jiangning finally couldn't stand this appearance of the ancestor of the bala nationality, and immediately put forward the idea of going back.

At this time, all the people cheered. They all understood that Jiangning might be their luck. After Jiangning arrived, all these things had been solved. If there was no Jiangning, it could not be solved at all, and even other things would happen.

After solving this crisis, there will be no other crisis coming. This is a very good thing for the bala people. It can even be said that as long as this situation is maintained, the bala people will be able to develop as powerful as the Central Plains.

"By the way, I'll tell you a secret!" After returning home, the ancestor of the bala nationality directly told Jiangning that his look was very dignified, even more dignified than when he first gave Jiangning that ancient book.

And at this time, all the people have been paid by him, leaving only Jiangning and him.

Seeing that the old man was so serious, Jiangning was also depressed, and immediately said, "you can say it, but I have seen some people with big waves!"

"Well! You have such an experience, that is the best thing The old man nodded, and then the conversation turned. He said in a deep voice: "actually, the way out may be in the bamboo forest of Jiuyou. I have heard of an elder who saw the mainland of the central plains there. As long as you cross over, you can go out. But there seems to be a small labyrinth inside. This labyrinth has killed many people. Many people are strong When people are looking for this way out, they all die there one after another

As soon as his words fell, Jiangning people became dignified. After all, nothing can be compared with such news. If there is any, it is only about other ways to go out.All along, all people are looking for a way out, but no one has been able to succeed, so this message, it is extremely exciting, even can be said, dignified up is extremely normal.

In this, Jiangning can feel the vitality, because once entering the Jiuyou bamboo forest, it seems to have found a way out.

However, the following old man's words completely depressed Jiangning and said: "in that small labyrinth, human strength will no longer exist, but become a mortal. So you have to decide whether to go to that place or not. Anyway, I am old, there is no way to go!"

For this news, the old man also told others for the first time. After all, everyone wants to leave this place of death. If some people who can't stay are going to the Jiuyou bamboo forest directly, they will be completely killed in battle.

Therefore, in order not to harm so many people, he has always kept this news from saying, otherwise, it would have derived some other things, and not just the little things now.

"There are things like this Jiangning was depressed. ..

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