Jiang Ningyi mentioned the place before, everyone was dignified. After all, everyone remembered the situation at that time.

If you do it again, it will be a thorough big problem. After all, there is no one who can crack it down. This is extremely depressing.

"Even if there are difficulties ahead, we have to step forward!" Jiangning's whole person is smiling, directly is to turn back to say to the public.

He is now the backbone of this great team. If even he can't step on this rough road, it will be completely despairing.

A general, with a pile of soldiers, if the generals are not confident, then it is completely over!

Because sometimes, people's confidence has a great impact on the overall situation.

"Well, even if we have to overcome the difficulties, we have to get through it!"

Everyone, at this time, is to strengthen their own confidence, if they can not firm up their hearts, then will be completely killed, this is absolutely not to say, even can be said, here, if there are no other things, it is impossible to do these things.

"Let's go, let's go together!" At this time, Liu Mei also cried out.

However, when the whole of them stepped into the place where things had happened before, they didn't have the things they imagined, but a channel appeared directly.

This passage, people do not know where to go, exuding a faint breath, so that all the people in the field are a bit frightened.

However, everyone came from the blood, so even if there was such a thing, in addition to a little surprise, it was quickly adjusted. Everyone was smiling at this time, and then stepped into this channel.

The channel is not very big. Only two or three people can walk side by side. Jiangning and Dahan walk in the front, while the three women come to the back. In the back, there are some other people. Although all the people in the field are good in strength, if something happens in this channel, it will be completely finished.

After all, in such a passage, a danger comes, which ordinary people can't bear. This is a very simple thing.

"Don't be afraid. Even if there is a great danger ahead, we can pass it completely!" Jiangning at this time, can not help but give the people behind a calm mind to come, after all, here in the head, if he does not have confidence, then there is nothing to say, there is bound to be problems.

People also obviously believe in Jiangning. After all, at this time, apart from believing in Jiangning, no one else can believe it. Moreover, no one can do such a thing here.

"Well! Even if there are ghosts and gods in front of us, we can get through it. We are not afraid

Everyone, ambitious, is with a firm heart.

When Jiangning saw the people in the field, he could not help smiling. Although they only knew each other for a short time, they were more like a cohesive team here. If we let them cope with other huge things together, they might win directly.

But in this place, Jiangning has no way out. After all, in this place, it is the most dangerous place in Jiuyou bamboo forest. There is no way out at all.

"The starting point is the end point, and the end point is the starting point!"

I don't know when this voice appeared in the passage. When this voice appeared, people's scalp was numb, because in the passage, they did not see any person, or even any breath.

However, there is such a sentence, constantly reverberating in the field, which makes them extremely depressed. Even some people are already shivering at this time, which is too frightening.

If you see a real person, maybe even if it's death, it won't be so afraid. But if you don't see a real person, and here, there's such a sentence that everyone's scalp is numb.

Even Jiangning, who was standing in front of him, was shocked at the moment, because he could not feel the voice. It was just like coming out of nowhere. For Jiangning, it was extremely depressing.

"My God! Is it impossible to be a man of great ability At the moment, there is a discordant voice in the field.

When this voice appears, all people's blood color is white. For the powerful people, they will know that it is just a legend, and other words, they do not know at all.

In any case, they will not reach the level of powerful people. It can even be said that if there are no powerful people here, no matter how strong their strength is, they will not know whether they are powerful or not.Many years ago, the great power has completely disappeared, and then there is no accident. Directly in this place, no one can see the great power again. Therefore, no one can clearly understand what kind of strength a powerful person is at the bottom.

But for the powerful people, the people in the field are inexplicably in awe. After all, the powerful people represent omnipotent. Even the land of death may not be able to suppress them, but they do not know where the powerful disappeared. This is very depressing for them.

Jiangning also nodded at this time, and then said: "almost, if it is not for the voice of a powerful person, it is impossible to stay in this channel!"

"But we don't need to worry too much, because in this case, as long as there is no big problem, it can be passed, after all, it is just a voice!"

After hearing Jiangning's words, they all put a hanging heart down. If there are really powerful people, then they can't resist it. If there are really powerful people to fight against them, they can only accept their fate. After all, no one can resist the power of powerful people. ..

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