After hearing Jiangning's words, they all nodded. After all, although they were temporarily safe, they were only for a period of time. If the danger came again, they could not resist it.

After pondering for a while, Jiangning directly said: "we should divide into four teams and explore in four directions. If we want to find anything, we will send signal bombs. I think this is a relatively reliable thing! If we don't separate, we don't know when we can finish exploring this place! What's more, how big this place is, or something we don't know! "

After listening to Jiangning's words, some people can't help but show a deep look. In fact, they all want to be with Jiangning. After all, Jiangning's strength is called a strong one. If there is no accident, there will be no danger at all, but even if it is dangerous, it will not be too big.

After all, Jiangning's strength is there, and even if big things happen, they can still help. They are afraid that they can't be with Jiangning. In this case, if there is a problem, it is impossible to do such a thing.

After seeing that all the people are silent, Jiangning can also guess their thoughts. After all, it is relatively comfortable to have such a strong person leading them forward in front of them, because in case of danger, it is not necessary for them to do everything well.

However, Jiangning would never do such a thing. If so, there would be no purpose for this expedition. Moreover, if everyone stayed together, they would not know when they could leave this place! Now Jiangning has an urgent desire to leave here, because he knows that if this place is not left early, it will be extremely dangerous.

"I'm with my three women. As for Dahan, you are with Li Ming and others. The rest of you can be divided into two teams." Jiangning directly said his ideas, and then turned to say: "you don't have to be too sad, some things, that can't be decided, and your strength is also very strong, and we may not have a long distance to separate!"

"Well! Since you have said that, we can't resist. We should explore this place directly. If anything happens, we can use the signal bomb! " One of them, who was slightly older, agreed to come down.

After all, this kind of person has been very open-minded, if there is a problem, it is already do not mind their own life and death, so when people reach a certain age, many things will not be taken into account.

At this time, Jiangning directly said to the people, "I hope you have good luck and we can work together to find the secret about this Jiuyou bamboo forest. I believe if we find the secret, we can go out to the Central Plains."

"Well! Come on

"We can get out of here

Everyone is with a firm color, because everyone knows that if they can not be firm, it will be a complete failure. A person walking on the path of a practitioner is relying on a firm heart. If you can't be firm in your own heart, you don't need to say anything.

"Come on, we'll have good luck!" Jiangning took the lead and left in the direction of the East. In Jiangning's opinion, the East is where the sun rises, and everything is possible.

What's more, in ancient times, there were other things that were firm and had something to do with it.

"Well! We will be lucky! " Liu Mei also laughed at this time. For her, it didn't matter where she was, because Jiangning had just made it clear that she was his woman.

For a long time, it can be seen from the East that the saints come out of the East. Sometimes, when you choose the right direction, there will be good luck everywhere. This is beyond doubt.

At this moment, after Jiangning and others have left, other people are also starting to follow other directions. In their opinion, although this situation has appeared, there will be other things deriving from it. No one can be sure.

But on the whole, that is a good thing. After all, Jiangning and others have seen the sun for the first time here, which also means that their life will be improved.

Other people, when they left, were extremely frightened. After all, their strength was not as strong as Jiangning, and in terms of their own opinions, they were not able to compare with Jiangning, but they could only do so. After all, Jiangning did not come with them.

Everyone, almost say here, can only look at luck, if luck is not enough, then everything is needless to say, directly there will be big problems.

After walking to the East for a short time, Liu Mei asked, "do you realize that this direction is beneficial to us?""I don't know. In any case, I always feel that we may encounter opportunities in this direction. As for what it is, I don't know, but anyway, even if there are all kinds of dangers, I can still stop it. After all, although I am not invincible here, who wants to touch me and the people who touch me still need to pass through my colleagues I mean it When Jiangning said this, it was a bully.

After hearing Jiangning's words, the three girls can't help but smile. They are all women. Since they are women, they naturally need the care of others. Everyone has an angel to protect themselves. But if you find this angel right, it depends on your luck. If you can't find it, you will live forever It's going to be lonely.

"I'm very happy to have a leader like you. Even if it's a real thing, I won't have any fear!" At this time, Fengying is also smiling. She has always been holding a happy smile. The second is here. As long as nothing happens, the wind shadow is extremely cheerful.

"All along, I know that Jiangning is a good man, but I can't dominate alone! A little sad The moon shook her head and sighed. ..

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