"Let's move on!" Jiangning said to the three girls.

In this place, if we stay too much, there may be problems, so we must first explore this place.

Jiangning's words are not wrong. If you have no self-protection ability in a place, you should leave that place completely. Otherwise, there will be big problems directly.

At this time, the three women also understood this truth and followed Jiangning's steps one after another, because they knew that if other things happened here, they would be completely finished. Secondly, there might be other things that might happen.

That is to say, when the four began to walk down, suddenly, a monster appeared. This monster was the size of a human, and had two horns on top of his head. It looked like a unicorn.

After the four people saw it, they were completely shocked. They didn't understand what kind of monster it was.

"Jiangning, what is this?" Liu Mei exclaimed and asked directly.

"I don't know! But I guess it should be a divine beast. Otherwise, how could it look so like a divine beast Jiangning's heart is also shocked, but he knows that he must calm down, as long as his formation down, then everything can have a turn for the better.

Because of the three women, they can not give any help, which he is more clear.

If even they were flustered, they would not be long before the day of death.

"Is there any danger? I feel that this fierce beast has such a strong breath!" Speaking of this, the face of willow eyebrow has become very white.

It's not that she has never met such a fierce beast, but it is the first time that she has met such a powerful fierce beast. The key is that this time, they have no strength to speak of. If they have strength, they may not be so afraid, but if they have no strength, there is no saying at all.

"Welcome to the land of seal! In this place, you can only go out if you defeat me with your flesh. Otherwise, you will become a fertile land here The unicorn, like a monster, opened his mouth and spoke directly.

After Jiangning and others heard the speech, they all showed a look of shock. In their hearts, there were ten thousand grass mud horses galloping by.

He has no strength, if you want to beat it, it is difficult to talk about what, which makes his whole person depressed.

"What are you that dare to talk nonsense?" Jiangning said coldly.

Although his strength has been reduced to a very low level, he will not have any fear. After all, as long as there are no other things happening here, he will be able to use the system ability.

At that time, once the system ability is triggered, Jiangning will not be afraid of any monster in the starting stage.

System, that is a lawless existence, even if you meet anyone, it will not have any statement, especially in the face of these things, as long as you have your own strong ability, then you can do a lot of things.

"Oh! It's the first time that I saw such a arrogant person. I didn't know what to do with it? In that case, let me take you first The Kirin said coldly.

In its heart, Jiangning and others have no strength to speak of. In its hands, it is just an object of arbitrary slaughter. If Jiangning's enemy is obedient, perhaps it is to leave a corpse, but now Jiangning and others are actually directly threatening it, which makes it suffer 10000 points of attack.

If a seal monster with strong strength is ridiculed by a person who has no strength, then there is no need to say anything. In the future, it will definitely be the bottom of the list and become a laughing stock. This is not what it wants to appear.

"Come on, let me see how capable you are Jiangning said this, his face also showed a sneer, for such a monster, he would not have any care.

When a person's strength is strong to a certain extent, so many things can be looked at with their own eyes, and there is no other statement, which is self-evident.

There are other things, that is to say, Jiangning can have its own self-protection strength as long as there is no situation here, and it is self-evident that Jiangning can kill the Kirin on the scene at that time.

"You're the first person I've ever seen so tough!" Speaking of this, Kirin sneered directly like a human being.

Jiangning didn't say a word, but directly started to attack, because he knew that he had to strike first, otherwise, he would fall into a difficult ending. After all, he had three teammates in the field. If he could not resist the unicorn, there would be a thorough problem.When Jiangning made a move, the three women also fell back. Although they didn't know how Jiangning could have strength, they didn't think too much. People all have their own ability to suppress the bottom of the box. Naturally, they thought it was Jiangning's ability.

And Jiangning here, or show their own super strength, this is what they can see.

"You all step back. I'm going to fight this beast. I'll cut off its legs and roast it!" Jiangning is directly cold said, without a little bit of mercy.

For this kind of animal, there is no need to be polite, because their own strength can be perfectly limited to this unicorn.

Although it may not be possible to defeat it, Jiangning is confident that even if it is unable to defeat it, then it can be defeated.

Just heard it say, it is the seal monster here, if you can get a little bit of news from its mouth, then for yourself, as well as for the outside people, are incomparably useful, this is no doubt. ..

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