At the moment when people are stunned, Jiangning strides out and directly takes over the task of eliminating demons issued by Bai Xiaosheng.

When he found out that it was a teenager who seemed to be no more than 16 or 17 years old to take over the task of Bai Xiaosheng, some people were furious after a brief surprise.

"Who is this man? It's arrogant to dare to accept Bai Xiaosheng's task. "

"Yes, he said that he was going to kill the king of black sky. I really don't know the height of heaven and the earth."

"It's true that the baby has confidence, but if it's overconfident, it's arrogant."

"You little doll, you don't even have hair. You'd better go back to play with milk."

The crowd burst into laughter.

For the sarcasm of a group of people, Jiangning didn't take it seriously, just looked at the top of the border city Lord and Bai Xiaosheng.

The city master and Bai Xiaosheng of the border town obviously didn't expect that the one who took the task was a boy who looked less than 16 or 17 years old.

"Young man, you have to think clearly that this task is not something that ordinary people can accomplish. Although I have definite news that the Black Mountain King was possessed by demons in practicing magic skill, how much skill he still has and how much skill he still has is beyond my knowledge. Are you sure you want to take this task?"

"Sure, of course." Jiangning said.


"Because I have the strength."

Bai Xiaosheng and the city Lord of the border town laughed at the same time.

"What a hero." Bai Xiaosheng and the city Lord of the border city praised the saying at the same time.

"The Lord of the city, Mr. Bai, I don't think it's proper to kill the Black Mountain King. He is just a child with yellow hair, and we have never seen him before. It is not too hasty to give him the task like this. " Said a big black faced man.

"For a long time, the task mechanism of our border town is to go to those who have the ability. Since this young man thinks that he has the ability, why can't he take the task? If you think it's inappropriate, you can take over the task Said the Lord of the border town.

The hall was quiet. After all, the name of Black Mountain King was there. No one wanted to die, but they didn't want Jiangning to take the task.

Because so many of them dare not take the task, but a yellow haired child in Jiangning dares to take it. What do you think of them? Isn't it slapping them in the face?

"Well, since you all think I'm not qualified for this task, you can try to see if I'm qualified for this task. It's not that I'm arrogant, but that all of you here are rubbish." Jiangning is arrogant.

As soon as the words came out, the whole hall of the city Lord suddenly burst into an uproar.

"What a arrogant boy. If I don't teach you a lesson today, you won't know the heaven and earth." Said the black faced man just now.

The situation was on the verge of breaking out. Neither the city Lord nor Bai Xiaosheng said anything. They did not mean to stop or agree.

The black faced man rolled up his sleeves and was ready to start. Jiangning said quickly, "wait a minute."

"What? Are you afraid now? Now my grandfather will give you a chance to kneel down and apologize to us, and he will let you go. " The black faced man said grimly.

"No, no, No." Jiangning waved his hand and said, "I mean you're going to fight together. My time is very precious. I can't afford to take turns to fight together. I can solve it together and save some time. After all, I still need to go to Heishan to kill Heishan king."

Ah ah ah ah ah!

All the people in the city Lord's house were puffing their beards and staring at each other. They had seen the arrogant, but they had never seen anything like Jiangning.

"Well, since you are determined to die, then grandfather will help you."

The black faced man roared and punched.

He is a four-star hunter in the hunter's club. His nickname is black bear. Even in the master hunter's club, he is No. 1.

"The black bear is furious. The boy is afraid to suffer a lot." Someone said.

"Yes, I have never seen a black bear so angry. I heard that the black bear is resting on the fury tactics. The more furious he is, the more amazing his strength will be."

The black bear was furious. With one punch, his whole body muscles quickly curled up, and his roots and veins quickly emerged, showing his fury power completely.

Jiang Ning dodged with a fist, and the black bear hit the Carving Dragon stone pillar on one side directly.

With a bang, the stone pillar trembled, and a huge fist seal appeared on the stone pillar, with cracks spreading around in the form of cobweb.

"It's worthy of being a four-star Hunter black bear. Even the magic crystal pillar can't bear his blow." Someone exclaimed.

"The black bear didn't hit the target. I'm afraid his anger will be more intense. The boy will die."

As they said, when the black bear failed to hit the fist, his anger became more intense. A pair of iron fists roared out like a storm, and a huge shadow of a wild bear suddenly emerged, manic, angry and powerful.Jiangning didn't confront him directly, but avoided blindly. The more he avoided, the more powerful the black bear's fist became.

"Do you just dodge? How can you take on the task given by Bai Xiaosheng with such strength? " Black bear roared: "if you have seed, don't run. Fight with Laozi for 300 rounds."

"Well, that's what you want."

Jiangning said calmly. Before, he always avoided, not because he was defeated by the black bear, but because he wanted to see the strength of the four-star hunter, so that he could define what position he was in the devil kingdom.

After avoiding the innumerable fists of the black bear, Jiangning has figured out the strength of the black bear, so he doesn't need to continue to explore.

The black bear roared, and the wild bear became more angry. With a blow, he gathered all his energy and spirit, and was bound to kill Jiangning under this blow.

"Wild bear roars!"

When the black bear used the secret method, a burst of black light appeared all over his body. The black light suddenly appeared, and his whole body strength suddenly increased by three or four times. Under one blow, the wind and thunder suddenly rose.

"The black bear is defeated." Bai Xiaosheng said, looking at the leader of the border town.

The leader of the border town nodded and did not speak.

Jiangning a change before the trend of avoidance, not moving like a mountain, facing the black bear's full strength is a punch.

It is a collision of absolute strength.

"The boy must have been so scared that he dared to confront the black bear who was in a violent state."

"I don't think he's scared, but he's really stupid. Who in the border town doesn't know how terrible the black bear is when he's in a violent state. Once he's in a violent state, even a five-star hunter may not be his opponent."

There was a boom and two punches.

The absolute power of incomparably manic collides with each other, making the score of victory and defeat, and making a high judgment. ..

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