"Well, I don't understand what happened to you, but on a certain basis, I can understand what happened to you and the situation of Li Ming. If you understand, I hope you can say it, because everything seems too difficult to handle at this time."

It's really a troublesome start, though I don't know what to do. It seems that there are some problems at this time, so the whole person doesn't know what to do. His existence is like a mistake.

He may not be able to adapt to the present situation. He soon dealt with his emotions. Although he didn't understand, Jiangning also found that he was not suitable for the current situation and left soon. If he stays for a long time, he will not be able to solve the current problems and new problems may arise.

Jiangning on the way to the blood clan, because he can't bear the abnormal things of the blood clan, he has passed out several times. Every time he wants to move on, he always feels that his body has changed and he is powerless. And I'm disgusted with what's in front of me.

Jiangning can't help but fantasize. Is this the way of blood clan? Because there is no strength to contend with, so we use such a bad thing to stop others from moving forward. Let them give up the idea of eliminating the blood clan on the way to the past?

It has to be said that this situation is really great, not only let them destroy everything on the way to the past, but also their situation seems very bad, as if they will let everything collapse inadvertently. This is a scene that Jiangning and the Lord do not want to see, so when they are close to the blood clan, they come back.

On the way back, Jiangning found that as long as he was farther away from the blood group, his body would be more comfortable. Even if there is a smell of blood around, but at this time there is no feeling.

"Is that the reason? Even if others are very disgusted with them and want to eliminate them, they are abandoned by everything on the road before they get there? "

When he was in better health, he began to ask about everything at present. It had to be said that all this happened too quickly. He didn't think that these things would happen at all, and looked at their situation, he knew it. Why didn't you say it at all?

But now Jiangning is more confused. How did those people get in? If he is not wrong, no one from Jiangning can have Jiangning's ability, so what are they doing? Jiangning looked at Qingfeng in doubt, hoping to give himself an explanation.

Now, I don't understand what happened. However, since it has been so, it means that some things can be dealt with. However, I didn't expect that those people didn't have any idea to explain to him at all. Jiangning looked at the speechless people and really didn't know what special discovery to make.

"Although there is nothing special at this time, right! But can you speak faster? In addition, I don't have any idea about everything now. Your action really makes me not know how to deal with it. So when you change something, tell me as soon as possible, and let me have a premise that I can prepare for. Of course, you can also give up directly. "

I really don't know what to say at this time. It's reasonable that everything is like this. But reality makes them understand that it is not so simple.

"Jiangning, don't be angry. Now they are not here, and you can understand what to do. And don't you see their ability? Or do you mean you're blocking them, and they've entered? "

Qingfeng doesn't say anything now. Everything else seems too ordinary for him. What's more, their situation is quite complicated, which has no effect at all. However, they are very surprised by what they say. What's the use of the results here? Will it be the change they have made again?

Jiangning now has a feeling that they want to beat them. Now they are laughing at them, and their situation doesn't look very good. In addition, everything here is the beginning of their challenge. So it's still breeze. They're talking about something unexpected.

"Have you ever heard of the wolf? Do you know why there is that name? Because of you people. So at this time, I will not have any sense of trust in you. Of course, this is temporary. If you perform well, you can still change it? "

When Jiangning said these words, they didn't have any reaction, like they didn't have any idea about everything now. Let them deal with everything directly. However, after trying to understand the current things, I suddenly found that there should be some people who can understand clearly. Besides, the two people in front of me are not so useless.

"Jiangning, you should have no place to go now, so it's better to follow us now. If anything happens. Although it doesn't play a big role, it can also help you, but I don't know what you think? "

I don't understand what is the reason of the current situation. Shouldn't there be no relationship between the two people? What's the use of talking about these things now? Jiangning looked at them suspiciously. He really didn't understand what to do now.

Especially at this time, although nothing special happened, I'm really embarrassed to say everything at present. It doesn't have any effect, especially when Qingfeng said these words. I don't know why, he has some reaction

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