What's more, the events at this time have made things extremely complicated. People must also see clearly the inside of the car. For such a thing, people will completely see clearly what is terror and what is that extremely incredible feeling.

Of course, it is not in anyone's eyes that they will encounter such a thing now, such a terrible degree, but if they only encounter such a thing now, it will naturally make people clear how curious and incredible the things they encounter at this time.

Because no one can understand whether such a thing now will make people feel incredible, and whether it will make people feel that such a thing is true will make people feel that they have a more strange feeling in their hearts.

Of course, perhaps such a feeling is not the same in anyone's heart. At this time, people will really see how terrible and unexpected things are at present.

Moreover, it is because of such a feeling that everyone wants to see a different scene.

At least, the event organizers at this time basically think so. In fact, they all think the same idea in their minds, that is, what should we do when we encounter such a thing now.

Now the idea of this kind of thing is becoming more and more elusive and less clear. To what extent will such a feeling be incredible? Even if you encounter such a thing now, it will be very clear and understandable. Therefore, Now it will be very clear and understood at this time. What kind of terrible degree has it reached.

Even if you encounter something, it has reached a level that no one can understand.

Because not everyone's heart will be very clear about whether there will be any kind of experience and feeling under such a situation. Therefore, it is because under such an emotion, people will be completely clear about what kind of feeling such a feeling will be.

After all, at this time, it is time for many things to come to the surface. Of course, everyone thinks so in their hearts, because not everyone has such an idea in their hearts, that is, they will give themselves a result under such a situation.

Of course, the result is also an inevitable phenomenon.

In other words, it is really understood and clear that such a thing will be inevitable now, which makes people begin to have that kind of extremely strong change in their hearts.

Because even anyone will have such a strange feeling and experience in his heart.

Now think about it, not everyone can clearly and accurately figure out the livable degree of things in their hearts, and no one can.

"Well... If I don't compare my consciousness with you, how about my popularity?"

At the moment, Jiangning inevitably smiled. Now it's not what he wants. It's because under such a feeling, everyone will have such an experience now.

Of course, not everyone can understand such a thing in his heart. What is the degree of horror.

Because it will be completely clear to meet such a feeling now. At this time, even Jiangning should know what is the importance of such a thing now.

Therefore, even anyone at this time should be able to understand the importance of such a thing at present.

Now such a thing will really produce a very strange feeling and experience in anyone's heart. I believe that at this time, no one can understand such a feeling and what kind of feeling it will be.

But it has been completely clear at this time. Now that such a feeling has been met, it has been completely clear.

Perhaps, at this time, it has completely made more people understand what kind of feeling it will be right now. After all, at this time, it has completely made people understand what kind of feeling it will be right now.

Of course, it has been completely clear at this time. Maybe it has been completely clear at this time, and it has become extremely clear and transparent.

The only thing you can compare with this guy is the draw in popularity. You may not be sure about other things, but once you compare this thing, Jiangning doesn't have to say how confident he is.

Of course, no one will think of such a thing and such a feeling in anyone's eyes.

Even now, at this time, you have completely made your heart clear. What kind of feeling will it be? Not to mention, at this time, you have completely made people understand what kind of feeling and feeling it is. Of course, at this time, you have completely made people clear.

"Than what... Than popularity?"

At the moment, a trace of confusion and doubt, even ridicule, also appeared in the Dragon King's eyes.

Since ancient times, his reputation has been an existence on the road that makes everyone tremble. At this time, there is a young man who wants to be more popular with himself. Isn't this a joke?

Who has no points in his mind? Compared with prestige, the Dragon King thinks his strength and popularity are no worse than Jiangning in front of him. Especially at this time, in whose opinion, things are not the same?

At least when you want to return the most, you can't lose.

Once I think of this time, it has been completely out of stock. People know what kind of degree things will be for all people at this time. Now that it has reached this level, it will inevitably make people a little afraid

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