Jiangning was immediately happy. At the thought of dominating the world here, but without delaying to find Zhao Lili in the modern world, it seems that this is a very meaningful episode. “

Jiangning looked at Bruce Lee and didn't say anything. She began to walk out of these fields. Then Jiangning saw a bright light in the sky in the distance, and began to go in the direction of the bright light.

Slowly, Jiangning came to the outside of a city in less than half an hour, because Jiangning got the power of the dragon. Now Jiangning walks faster than ordinary people.

Jiangning looked up and saw that Shuzhou was written on the city, and there were soldiers on both sides of the city.

"Standing here, what do you do?"

"Oh, this is the Shu state of Tianfu kingdom. It looks like an ancient city wall. Jiangning doesn't adapt to it.

Jiangning said to the soldier, "I'm here to find someone, but it's late now, so I want to go into the city and find an inn to rest“

Qingbing looked at Jiangning dressed strangely, and then said to Jiangning, "I think you look like a foreigner. Tell me if you are an undercover sent by bandits on the mountain“

Qingbing then put the big knife in his hand on Jiangning's neck. At this time, Jiangning is not afraid of these Qingbing. You know, in modern times, those modern weapons don't work for Jiangning, not to mention these cold weapons.

"Brother, don't be so impulsive now. I'm not a bandit on the mountain, and do you think my clothes look like a bandit“

Qing Bing looked at Jiangning, and then shouted to Qing Jun on the tower, "come down quickly. Here comes a man who doesn't know what he is doing."

Maybe Jiangning's dress is really strange to these people three hundred years ago.

After a while, the city gate began to open, and then a dozen people like the Qing army came out, and then Jiangning surrounded them.

"What do you do? Why do you suddenly come to Shuzhou outside in the middle of the night?"

Among the soldiers, a man dressed differently from other soldiers asked Jiangning.

In Jiangning's mind, the history system began to scan the people in front of Jiangning, and then a string of data appeared in Jiangning's mind.

"Li Erwu, 25, from Shuzhou, is now the Yamen Pukuai in Shuzhou. He has a wife, an old mother and two children."

Jiangning immediately said to the officer, "Li Erwu, I'm here to help you. I came to see that you are being bullied by the bandits on the mountain, so I came from a distance to help you defeat the bandits on the mountain."

Li Erwu wondered why this man knew his name, but now that he is a person, take him back to the Yamen and talk about it.

"Brothers, take it back to me. Anyway, he's all alone. He can't make a moth on it."

With that, the other Qing troops took Jiangning into Daocheng, and Jiangning followed these Qing troops into Daocheng at will.

Jiangning knows that these Qingjun are not sure who he is now. Even if they explain it outside, these fools may not make it clear. If they don't do well, they will become more and more complicated. It's better to enter the city first.

Jiangning entered Daocheng and walked towards the Yamen under the leadership of these soldiers. The surrounding houses looked really shabby. There were many corpses lying on the roadside. There was no one on the street. There were soldiers everywhere.

Soon, Li Erwu took Jiangning to the Shuzhou government office. The government office is not big, but there is a facade and two houses. There is a table on it in the hall, and there is a plaque on the table, which is written in big characters.

"It seems that the ancient times are really like this. If they were replaced by modern times, they would be very valuable."

In the back came out a thin man, dressed in Qing Dynasty's seven grade official clothes, and then walked to the table.

"Er Wu, what do you do with this man?"

The historical system in Jiangning's mind began to analyze the man standing opposite, and then came up with a string of data.

"Yang Yuchun, 30, is now the county magistrate of Shuzhou. Jiangning suddenly came to this. Yang Yuchun was a famous general of the Qing Dynasty. Later, he made great contributions to Emperor Jiaqing. Now he actually met such a famous general here. It seems lucky."

Li Erwu said to Yang Yuchun, "report to your excellency, this man who doesn't know where he came from. Just now we were intercepted outside the city gate. Now we press over and wait for your excellency to get angry."

Lord Yang looked at Jiangning's clothes, and then said to Jiangning, "where are you from and why you came to Shuzhou suddenly? You have to go now. Shuzhou is fighting against the bandit Wang long on the mountain. No one should come to us at this time."

Jiangning smiled and said to Yang Yuchun standing above, "General Yang, it seems that you have improved your strength through this battle, and I'm here to help General Yang this time."

"Speak wildly. You dare to say such words to our adults. It seems that you want to die."

Li Erwu said angrily to Jiangning. It seems that he is defending General Yang.

"Ha ha, if I want to die, I won't come to your Shu state. Now you look like a reckless man with no mind at all."

Jiangning said to Li Erwu in a very contemptuous tone.

At this time, Yang Yuchun didn't open his mouth. The person he went to below must be very unusual. From his clothes, it can be seen that he is not a level figure at all.

"What! You say I'm a reckless man. Come and kill him. He must be a spy sent by bandits on the mountain."

As soon as Li Erwu finished speaking, several Qingjun standing next to Jiangning began to pick up their weapons and began to stab Jiangning. Jiangning didn't care about these people's actions at all, but smiled.

When Qingjun was about to meet Jiangning, Jiangning gently grabbed the weapon in Qingjun's hand.

Then the voice of Bruce Lee appeared in Jiangning's mind, and then he said to Jiangning, "master, now you can use your dragon martial arts to deal with these people."

Jiangning wondered that he thought of his own body, but he didn't think of his new martial arts. It seems that he should use it well this time.

"DPCA system starts to start......"

"First class power“

Jiangning naturally began to paddle with her hands, and when Jiangning's hands were paddled, a green halo began to appear around Jiangning

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