What governor Li said to Jiangning, he also knows that this thing is not what he can do now, so it's better to give Jiangning a favor.

"Ha ha, Lord Jiang really has a big appetite. He wants both States. It seems that my old Li should learn more from Lord Jiang."

Jiangning also understood what governor Li meant, so he said to governor Li: "what's wrong? I don't dare. As long as Lord Li has something I can help Jiangning in the future, I'll just open my mouth. As long as I Jiangning can do it, there's no problem."

The two people kept talking in the car, while Xiao Wu looked at his adult and the governor talking happily and smiled.

After more than ten minutes, the car came to Jiangning's residence. As soon as the governor got off the bus, he saw that Jiangning's residence was very luxurious. A pair of stone lions on both sides looked very powerful, while Jiangning's door was actually open and looked very casual.

"Is the door of Lord Jiang's residence so open?"

The governor said to Jiangning curiously, and Jiangning immediately explained to the governor: "Governor, I don't know. In Shuzhou, my residence is a special place for people to work, and it's more convenient to work here than the government office. Because I opened a school in my residence, which specializes in teaching and educating people, so many children from Shuzhou come in and go out here every day, and I Jiangning like these children very much, so my door is ready at any time It's all on. "

The governor holds that Jiangning is really a strange man and should be a god man. What he sits on completely reminds us that such a person will be a god like person in the future. He is not comparable to such a person at all.

"Lord Jiang, it seems that you are really knowledgeable and still like learning. When you see that you use your residence as a school for children, it seems that your people in Shuzhou are blessed to meet a good official like you."

Jiangning immediately said to the governor, "Sir, I'm laughing. And I'm such a person myself. I know the governor is such a person."

At this time, Bruce Lee walked out of the mansion and came to Jiangning. The governor was amazed at Bruce Lee's slim figure and beautiful face.

"There is such a beauty in Lord Jiang's residence. It seems that it is really a hero with a beauty. No wonder Lord Jiang smiles every day."

Bruce Lee was originally sent to Jiangning by the historical system. Although Bruce Lee used to be a dragon, he is now in human form, and has become a half man and half immortal.

Seeing Bruce Lee wearing a combination of modern and ancient clothes, Jiangning said to Bruce Lee, "Bruce Lee, come and meet governor Li."

Bruce Lee looked at the governor and said to him, "Hello, governor, I'm Bruce Lee. I'm the housekeeper here and the one who supports Lord Jiang."

The governor immediately glanced at Bruce Lee's figure, and then thought that this woman is really a national beauty. If the emperor knows, maybe I can be promoted to the emperor.

"Bruce Lee, you look really good. It seems that you are honored to have such a figure. If you adults Jiang agree, then I Lao Li can introduce you to the palace. Then you can think of all your glory, wealth and honor."

Bruce Lee glanced at Jiangning, then smiled at the governor and said, "Bruce Lee won't go anywhere. As long as my master is there, I'll be there. No matter what you say, I'm not interested."

At this time, the governor looked unhappy at Bruce Lee, but he just said casually. You know, this woman is likely to be a woman from Jiangning, so it's not good to not mention it now, so as not to embarrass everyone.

Looking at the embarrassed governor, Jiangning said to governor Li, "it seems that the governor has a good eye, but I'm really sorry. This little dragon has been growing up with me since childhood and is now my woman, so now the governor thinks more. If the governor likes the best beauty, Then I'd like to ask the governor to find some, but in Shuzhou, we don't force others to do things he doesn't want unless we like them. "

The governor smiled at Jiangning and said, "Mr. Jiang misunderstood. My governor is not a lecherous person, but looking at your little dragon is really a beautiful woman. That's why I have such an indecent reverie."

Jiangning immediately said to the governor, "then let's go inside."

After that, they strolled into Jiangning's mansion and sat down in the Huating in the back garden. Jiangning said to governor Li, "governor, look at me. This is a shop gift I prepared for you. Please accept it."

Jiangning said that, under the leadership of the housekeeper, a dozen strong men carried several large boxes, and then came to Jiangning and Governor Li.

Governor Li felt very curious, and then said to Jiangning, "why is this, Lord Jiang?"

Jiangning immediately asked someone to open the box. As soon as the box was opened, it emitted a golden light. Suddenly, governor Li's face was photographed and turned yellow.

The governor of Tianzhou was excited when he saw so much gold in front of him. Then he said to Jiangning, "Lord Jiang, what are you doing? My old man is suitable for a clean and honest official. You know, I have clean hands in the imperial court and never take other people's things."

According to the investigation of the historical system, Jiangning has long known that Lord Li is not a good thing. He just looks like a clean official in front of others, but behind him is a big corrupt official.

"My lord Li, these are filial to you. I know you like to collect some strange things. My gold is for you to let you, the governor, give it to the court. You know, the court also needs silver, and only you, Lord Li, can help me do it. So these are not for you."

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