Jiangning's army has entered the Sinan area in a few days, and there is a drought here. Most of the people have fled the famine. Many counties are empty, and there are refugees everywhere on the road. Seeing these people, Jiangning feels that these people are completely different from those living in Shuzhou. It's terrible to think about them.

Some people eat the bodies of those who died on the roadside without food, and most of the trees here have their skins pulled out by these refugees.

Jiangning's Jiang army kept rushing to the capital and had to pass through here. Therefore, Jiangning said to Chen long at this time: "Chen long, now you see how miserable those refugees are. Just tell the following. Send our surplus food to the refugees. They are also our people. We have to do something for the people wherever we go. Now we have to do something for these people when we go out, so go."

Chen Long said to Jiangning, "headmaster, you really have benevolence and righteousness. You have so much pity on those refugees. I'll order it now. Anyway, we brought a lot of food from Lianyi, so it shouldn't be a problem to distribute it to those refugees now."

After that, Chen Long got out of the car and went to the rear logistics department. Then he said to Liu Jian, the Minister of the logistics department, "President Liu said to distribute our food to the refugees."

Liu Jian, director of the logistics department, said to Chen Long: "Yes, I'm going to order the following people to distribute all the food just transported to the refugees, and our current food reserve should be enough for the whole army for a year, so the rest of the food can be given to the refugees, but the headmaster is really a good man. In this way, I don't know how many refugees have been saved."

The officers and men of the second army and the Fourth Department of the invincible Corps in Jiangning began to distribute the grain in large quantities.

In an empty County, Jiangning's army is stationed here, and the county officials here soon came to Jiangning's account.

These came to Jiangning with their own silver tickets and the delicacies they ate. One of the officials said to Jiangning, "welcome Lord Jiang to visit here. The Yamen of several counties came here to greet Lord Jiang."

Jiangning looked at these officials one by one, fat and wearing good silk clothes. Jiangning looked at these people with an unhappy face, and then said to them, "what do you officials eat? Your people are starving and dying slowly, and you are still enjoying it here."

"Lord Jiang, don't say that. You should know that we can't help it. This natural disaster has been dry for three years, and now people here are fleeing everywhere. We have no way. The food distributed by the imperial court to us every year is not complete at all. We help ourselves here, so we say These are from our own family, but we can't help it. "

Jiangning looked at these officials and said to them: "It seems that you think I Jiangning is so easy to cheat? Just like you, I feel sick when I think of you. Now you are still eating and drinking here, and you actually mean to say that you are all for the common people. But look at how painful the common people are now. I guess the people here are almost dead."

Hearing Jiangning's words, these officials turned blue with fear, and then looked into Jiangning's eyes and were afraid for a moment. They knew that Jiangning had dealt with all the white beards. Therefore, for these small officials, it was completely a start and they were sure to die.

"Governor, we are wrong now. We are not like this. We are all old and young. Otherwise, they will starve to death. Therefore, we have no way, and not all of us in this place. Everyone does it like this."

Jiangning became more and more angry, and then said to these officials, "I Jiangning don't want to hear what you say a few days. I want to get rid of you pests for these people."

All of a sudden, these officials were scared to the ground, and then kept crying on the ground, but now there was no way. Jiangning always did what he said, and now it seems that he really regretted it, but there is no way. After all, these people still deal with the people in this environment.

"Come on, take all these people down for me, and then escort them into the capital with me to show the emperor how these corrupt officials harm the common people. Unexpectedly, when they become officials like this, there is no way for the common people in the world."

Jiangning then came over a dozen soldiers, and these soldiers carried rifles one by one. How did they detain all these officials in handcuffs.

No matter how painful these officials are now, they still keep begging in front of Jiangning. Jiangning ignores these officials, and directly walks out of here, then comes to the street and looks at the refugees fleeing their hometown on both sides of the street.

Jiangning came to a very weak little girl. The little girl was about ten years old. She was wearing old clothes and her body was as thin as firewood. It was terrible to see the little girl trembling.

"Please, my Lord. I haven't eaten for a week."

Jiangning looked at the little girl who even struggled to speak. She couldn't help feeling that she was lucky to live in an age without hunger and war. Think about how hard these ancient people with hundreds of years of money were.

"Come on, help such a girl to my barracks and get her something to eat."

As soon as she heard the food, the little girl was excited and kept wriggling her mouth. Maybe she fainted because of hunger.

The soldiers of Jiangning hurriedly took such a little girl to the military camp and began to cook delicious food for her in the logistics. When other hungry people saw Jiangning taking the little girl away, they all surrounded and begged to Jiangning: "Please, sir, we are really starving. Just give us something to eat. We see that you are a good official."

Jiangning's immediately said to the logistics personnel: "immediately give all the food we have eaten at noon for several days to these refugees, and prepare more food for them."

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