Xu Hong standing next to him couldn't see what they were talking about, but he also knew that he had to go back and report to the emperor. Now Jiangning doesn't want to leave here so easily. Moreover, since Lord Mingfeng is in charge now, let's wait for Lord Mingfeng to go back and tell the emperor. He didn't say anything.

"Now that everyone has made it clear, Lord Jiang, let's go back now and wait for us to explain the current affairs to the emperor“

”Wait a minute, Mr. Xu, you are a very good person, and I Jiangning also love talents, so I'll ask Mr. Xu to stay. I want to talk to Mr. Xu about other things. "

Xu Hong doesn't know what Jiangning wants to say to him, but now he can only listen to his meaning in Jiangning's territory, so Xu Hong said to Mingfeng: "since Lord Jiang wants to keep me, go back and report to the emperor first, and I'll wait here for the news of Lord Mingfeng."

Mingfeng thought Jiangning wanted to keep Xu Hong as a hostage. Anyway, Mingfeng didn't like Xu Hong very much, so he said to Jiangning, "then please invite Lord Jiang to entertain our Lord Xu here. I Mingfeng will leave first. I'll go back to the emperor immediately. Where can I convey your meaning to you? You Lord Jiang will wait for my news here."

After that, Jiangning's soldiers took Mingfeng out of the barracks, and then Mingfeng rushed to the emperor without stopping.

And the hurt Xu Hong said to Jiangning, "I don't know. What's the meaning of Lord Jiang leaving me?"

Jiangning took Xu Hong to his military headquarters, and Li Erwu, standing next to him, said to Jiangning: "Master, this person is an outsider. Should we consider it? All our plans in this headquarters are now. In case he sees it and goes back to let the emperor know our thoughts, we won't say we know all. Do you think so?"

Jiangning said to Li Erwu, who was very worried, "Er Wu, Lord Xu doesn't talk about outsiders, and it's not the first time to deal with Lord Xu outside. You know, when I was governor of Tianzhou, Lord Xu put forward his opinions to the emperor, and then I became governor. Do you think Lord Xu is an outsider?"

At this time, Erwu didn't say anything, so he had to stand aside and look at Xu Hong. Xu Hong saw Jiangning's trust in him and said to Jiangning, "what's the good meaning? I won't go to your headquarters. I Xu Hong, but I absolutely don't say that kind of person. As long as you Jiangning believe me, what kind of person Xu Hong is."

Jiangning said to Xu Hong, "Lord Xu is so worried. How can I Jiangning be such a person? And you know that Jiangning can't deal with the emperor, but now it's a good opportunity."

Xu Hong didn't understand what Jiangning's good opportunity meant, but now he followed Jiangning to his army headquarters. He looked at a modern map in the headquarters, on which Jiangning marked the next target is the three northern departments.

Xu Hong is puzzled. Jiang Ning did well in Tianzhou. Why did he suddenly come here? Then he must have other ideas. That is to say, Xu Hong's opinions are appreciated by Jiang Ning, and Jiang Ning lacks officials like this. He thinks Xu Hong knows a lot of people in the imperial court, but Ming Feng obviously doesn't like Xu Hong.

Jiangning means to dig this talent, and Jiangning brings him to his headquarters, which is his trust in Xu Hong.

"Lord Xu, look at our current Qingguo. Do you think you want a strong man to come out? And now, I'm the strong man. Although I'm a strong man, I still need talents. As long as you Xu Hong are willing to come and follow me, when I control the whole three northern departments, you will be my right arm of Jiangning. Look Is that all right? "

Xu Hong was shocked when he heard that Jiangning wanted him to come and work for him. You know, he is also an important Minister of the imperial court. Although many people in the imperial court don't like him very much, especially taking corrupt officials, he still has a good position and won't betray the emperor, so Xu Hong said to Jiangning: "Lord Jiang, you've made a big joke. How can I be your man? And now the emperor still needs me. You know, my Xu Hong has been celebrating the dynasty all his life, so don't say such words again."

Jiangning knew that Xu Hong was a capable and loyal minister, so she appreciated him, but also knew that he would not agree, so she said to Xu Hong: "Lord Xu, you haven't finished listening to me. I Jiangning will certainly not treat you badly. First of all, I dig you up in good faith. I want you to be the manager in charge of people's livelihood in the three northern departments, and I want to pick up your family, give you 1000 liang of gold every month, and give you 3000 mu of good land. What do you think?"

Xu Hong is really generous when he listens to this Jiangning. It's 1000 liang of gold a month, and he has to pick up my family, so this condition is very tempting. The key is to take charge of all the people's livelihood in the three northern departments, so he may be a local emperor.

But thinking about how Jiangning could dig him in the name of justice, he said to Jiangning, "Jiangning doesn't know how to dig me from the emperor?"

Jiangning said directly without hesitation: "this time I am besieged, Emperor. I will propose three conditions like the emperor. The first condition is to appoint you and me as the vice governor of Jiangning, and I am appointed as the governor of the three northern departments. All finance and people's livelihood of the three northern departments are under the jurisdiction of Jiangning.

The second is to withdraw all the Qing troops in the three northern departments. My foreign diplomacy is under the jurisdiction of Jiangning alone and does not accept the jurisdiction of the imperial court. However, I still admit that we are part of the Qing Dynasty and we cannot be separated.

The third is this time. I'll take down the corrupt officials of the imperial court and deal with them myself. The imperial court won't have to deal with them. "

Xu Hong was obviously shocked when he heard Jiangning's words. He never thought that he recommended Jiangning to the emperor. Now Jiangning seems to be in charge of the whole three northern departments. It seems that his ambition is really great. It's not enough. What they saw here won the people's complete trust in Jiangning, and Jiangning began to stop disaster relief when he came here, So deep popular support

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