"Yes, headmaster, I'll do it now, but the Yanghu I went to is now the headquarters of the Japanese invaders' army, so we can't go anywhere now."

Jiangning said to Yang Yuqiang, "so now our army's defense is completely against the Japanese army. It's no problem, but now I don't know where the Japanese army still exists, and the land brocade is what the Japanese army wants."

Yang Yuqiang said to Jiangning, "there are as many as 100000 people in our brocade, so I don't think the Japanese army will attack here."

"Well, it's not clear. Dijin has been a favorite place for invaders since ancient times, and this Li can directly lead to the capital, so we still have to defend here."

In Shuzhou far away, Zhao Lili has started to go to Dijin to meet Jiangning, and this time she took a large number of people to Dijin.

All universities and institutions in Shuzhou began to move to Dijin, and even the three major factories in Jiangning began to establish branches in Dijin.

Jiangning said to Li Erwu standing next to him, "now hurry to gather a large number of people. We want to form a new army.

In Dijin port, the large cargo ship in Jiangning has crowded the small port slowly, and other ships can't stop at all.

In the distant sea, a boat that looks like a fishing boat floats on the sea.

On board, several people in Japanese military uniforms kept looking at Dijin port in the distance with binoculars.

"What's the situation?"

A man in an officer's dress said to another officer, "look, there is a huge ship ahead."

"It's impossible. According to intelligence, the current Qingguo dialect can't build such a big ship, not to mention us. Even in the state of Fu can't build such a big ship."

"Do you think our intelligence is wrong? The Qing Dynasty is completely a power to be slaughtered, and our big Japanese Empire completely crush these Qing Dynasty troops."

"Well, we'd better hurry back to Laiyi and report this information to the base camp."

Jiangning and Li Erwu stood in the port and watched these iron cars slowly start loading and unloading.

"Master, what are these things? They are so big and made of iron. They look like moving cannons."

Jiangning laughed and said to Li Erwu, "you don't know. Now we rely on him after the war, and these iron cars are invincible against those Qing troops."

"Wow, is it really so powerful?"

"Ha ha, you don't believe it. Then we'll take those little Japanese pirates to experiment and see how powerful the iron car I brought back is. It can be said that an iron car can resist the troops of a battalion. You say cow or not."

Li Erwu has been told by Jiangning. I don't know how powerful this iron car is. Since even the governor thinks so, these iron cars must be very powerful.

”So, Li Erwu, now you go and arrange. I'm going to Dijin city. Where am I going to gather a group of people? "

"Yes, master, now I'll do it immediately. And now it seems that if this iron car has entered our army at that time, our army will be invincible!"

Li Erwu left Dijin port in an off-road vehicle, and Jiangning began to plan the next step after watching all these iron vehicles and shells transfer down.

Early the next morning, Jiangning set out from the Dijin army headquarters and began to go to the forward positions of the army in the three northern departments.

On the battlefield, many soldiers saw Jiangning's arrival, and everyone felt very excited.

Yang Yuqiang accompanied Jiangning here, and Li Erwu is gathering a large number of young people in Dijin city.

Xu Hong is also in the urban area of Dijin, but what he is doing now is to establish three Dijin governor's offices and Dijin army governments in the north.

You know, Xu Hong was very famous before the brocade. In the past, he was the Daotai adult of the brocade. This time he returned to the brocade, he returned to his hometown, and this time he managed the brocade urban area himself.

On the front position, Jiangning watched these soldiers energetic one by one, wearing new military uniforms produced from Shuzhou. Jiangning said to the soldiers, "are you used to staying here?"

As soon as Jiang Ning heard the tone of booing them, the soldiers began to answer, "we are where the governor is. We are used to being here."

One of the battalion commanders walked up to Jiangning and thought that after Jiangning saluted, he said to Jiangning:

"Report to the governor, I'm Liang Qiang, battalion commander of the first battalion of the second division of the first part of the invincible Corps."

Jiangning looked at it and then said to the battalion commander, "Liang Qiang, what can I do for you?"

Liang Qiang said firmly to Jiangning: "report, governor, our first battalion has long had the confidence to fight against those troops who don't know where."

Looking at the soldiers' blood filled appearance one by one, Jiangning began to get excited, and then said to the soldiers: "You may not know that I haven't come back a few days ago, but the place we came to has been occupied by small Japanese pirates, and the armed equipment of those small Japanese pirates is no worse than ours. Although we had an overwhelming advantage when we fought against the Qing army, we may not be familiar with the Japanese army opposite you, so we should be careful Now we should treat those Japanese invaders with caution. "

When Jiangning finished speaking, he saw a Japanese Army soldier running from the opposite side.

At this moment, the soldiers of the army became highly nervous when they saw the Japanese Army soldiers, then picked up their rifles and began to aim at such Japanese Army soldiers.

When the Japanese Army soldiers came to the front of the position, they said to the Army soldiers, "I'm here to meet your commander."

Jiangning looked at the Japanese soldier without a gun, so he relaxed his vigilance and walked up to the Japanese soldier and said to him, "I'm the commander here. What can I do for you? But you know we don't talk about Qing army. If we dare to talk wildly, what's waiting for you is bullets."

So the Japanese soldier said to Jiangning, "you are the commander here. Vice captain Zhao of our Les army wants to meet you."

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