"Can such a precious pearl really make me become a master of Dan in an instant?" Holding a little Pearl of Dandao, Jiangning murmured to himself. For the use of this pearl, Jiangning has no other idea except to eat it. If you eat it, he can become a master of Dan in an instant. If you take it with you, you may be able to cultivate one master after another. However, the divine war will start. Maybe even one dan master has not been trained, and the whole Oracle has been in chaos.


After Jiangning swallows the Dandao pearl, Xiang Yutian finally reaches the Tianshan Mountains.

"One day ago, I met an adult dark dragon!" For one of his most trusted subordinates, Jiangning finally had the patience to explain to the other party the reason why he launched the sacred fire magic order.

"That one, but killed that demon dragon?"

Have always been calm to rain field's eyes raised to become eager, voice trembling asked.

"Ha ha, I don't have the ability to fight adult dragon!" Jiangning raised his head and looked at the place where the three men disappeared. He shook his head and said: "the one who subdued the demon dragon is a girl named unintentional who claims to be a Protoss."

"Protoss? A girl? " To the rain field eyes a shrink, murmured: "is this the protagonist of God war?"

Seeing that Xiang Yutian didn't marvel at the strength of the other side, he sighed about the coming divine war. Jiangning happily laughed: "don't panic! My demon clan will soon be able to control the whole magic wheel sky sea! At that time, with the power of Ming religion, demon clan and the whole magic wheel of heaven and sea, we may not have the strength to fight together! "

"I believe that the Lord will rule the whole demon Kingdom one day."

Xiang Yutian recalls Jiangning's arrangement before he left. His heart is full of heat. Rao is such a peerless hero that he has to admire.

"He Zong Lian Heng, Shi Zhixuan is really a talent! You leave a message here, and then go back to Heishan temple to prepare for our army. I'll go to Yaowang Valley first! By the way, this reincarnation grass will bring it back for me! The resurrection of the Lord will be handed over to you. " Jiangning has not been flattered to rain field, faint smile way.

"But your strength? This is the future of the whole demon clan. Please be careful

Frowning to Yutian, he felt Jiangning's abnormality just after he arrived here, but he didn't ask about it because of the difference between the master and the servant. Now Jiangning asked to walk alone, out of worry about the future of the demons, Yutian had to ask.

"My power is only temporarily suppressed! Don't worry, it will recover soon! "

Jiangning deeply swept to the rain field one eye, light said. He is not worried about Xiang Yutian's loyalty to the whole demon clan, but he has just learned from Xiang Yutian's words that this ambitious man in history has not become a sheep, but Xiang Yutian or xiangyutian.

"It's subordinate Ji Yue!"

Xiang Yutian deeply bought his head to cover up the confusion in his eyes. He didn't understand why Jiangning, like lengtouqing, suddenly became so hot.

"Don't panic! After all, the left emissary is the master of our demon clan. There is nothing wrong with this move! "

With a wave of his hand, Jiangning put up the pressure in his tone.

"Leave me! I wish you the same strength as the heaven

"The strength is equal to the sky!"!!! It's going to be up to the sky! " Looking at the back of Xiang Yutian's disappearance, Jiangning suddenly finds that his situation is not so good. Even within the demons and the Ming religion, I am afraid it is not so harmonious. After all, these people who live in the devil's land are once the world's most famous experts!

The noisy noise around and the peddler's Hawking from time to time make this nameless town at the foot of Tianshan Mountain seem particularly peaceful. At this time, Jiangning is walking in the middle of this small town, facing the flow of people, Jiangning is quite leisurely looking at this peaceful town.

Jiangning's pace is very light, in the crowded people to and fro is particularly leisurely.

"Stop A big man in black Samurai costume and a group of his followers stopped Jiangning.

"Oh? Are you talking to me Jiangning pulled his mind back from the valley of medicine king and looked at the big man with a bad face and said something meaningful.

"It's not with you. Is my uncle talking to ghosts?" The big man glared at Jiangning with a grim smile: "the Tianshan sect issued a killing order, and the object of the order is a young man in a robe and carrying a huge black sword! This is a young Xiuluo, who is also wearing a huge sword! I didn't expect that my grandfather was lucky enough to meet you! "

"How do you know it's me?" Jiangning tightened the magic sword in his hand. Now his strength is not as strong as before, but it is not the small role that can jump freely. Although he has a clear mind and won't kill at will, if he is bullied to the door, he doesn't mind loosening his muscles and bones.

"Big brother, this boy looks weak at a glance. He should not be the object of the order of death and the order of Shura?" A young horse next to him asked weakly.

"Fool!" The big man slapped the horse to the ground, and then said: "I said he is, he is! I still need you to teach me how to do things? ""You treat people so cruelly that someone will follow you. It's really a bad luck for the wicked!" If Jiangning knows that the other party is not good, he will not be left to die.

"Baibu Shenquan!" Seeing that Jiangning was talking, he launched a sneak attack without hesitation.

"Be careful!" When a young man appeared in a hurry to avoid the appearance of Jiang Biao Ning.

The young man was naked, and his body was seven strong and eight. He had a scar on his face, almost from the corner of his eyes to the corner of his mouth. His black hair was not combed, but he tied a knot casually. He stretched out his limbs and reclined on the bamboo chair. He did not move as if the sky had fallen. In particular, there was a scar on the other face, which did not make him look ugly, but made his face more attractive. This lazy, naughty, full of scars of the youth, give people the first impression that he is a beautiful boy, the most beautiful youth. ..

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