On the way to Yaowang Valley, Jiangning suddenly had a whim. He wanted to see the town he had just passed by. He wanted to see how the kind-hearted old beggar was doing.

Since restoring his mind, Jiangning was dissatisfied with what he had done before, except for the old beggar. That was the only thing Jiangning felt comfortable doing, which also made Jiangning understand that maybe his nature was kind.

When entering this small town, Jiangning obviously felt the difference between this town and before.

The town is still that town, but it seems less hostile to outsiders.

Jiangning stopped by to find a peddler, threw a piece of silver to each other, and then asked, "do you know how the old man who was worshipped as his father by the mayor of this town is living now? You just have to answer this question, and the silver is yours! "

The peddler then went from heaven to pie. Originally, he was laughing, but after listening to Jiangning's question, the peddler's face changed instantly. He swept a team of samurai from time to time on the street, and finally gave the money back to Jiangning: "I can't answer the question you asked!"

Jiangning did not receive the silver, he frowned and looked at each other: "is it possible that the old man has a bad life?"

The peddler swept around and saw that there was no warrior patrolling. He was about to open his mouth to answer, but he suddenly thought of something. He simply shook his head and said, "great Xia, please! I really don't know your problem! You'd better ask someone else! "

"If you don't think the silver is enough, there are still here!" Jiangning took off his money bag and shook it. Suddenly, a series of JINGDING Dong sound of gold and jade collision sounded inside.

Hearing the sound of money, the peddler's glasses lit up, but it was only for a moment. Finally, he shook his head and said, "no matter how much money you have, you have to spend it! This old man, my life is cheap, but I'm not afraid of death, but I'm still young. Please hold your hand high and don't embarrass me any more! What do you want to know? Just go to the mayor's house and ask if you don't? "

"This bag of gold and silver is worth at least a thousand habits." Jiangning put the money bag into the hands of the peddler: "these money can guarantee your family a life of food and clothing! You take the money and I'll keep you out of this town

"Good! People die and birds rise to the sky It seems to be frightened by Jiangning's 1000 habits. The peddler gritted his teeth and took over the purse: "but you must keep your word! Make sure my family is safe out of town! "

"Don't worry!" Jiangning has a premonition that things are abnormal, but he still has a trace of fantasy in his heart.

"The old beggar... The old man was killed by the mayor the next day you left! And he died miserably. After his death, he took his body to feed the wolf, and his bones were ground into powder and fed to pigs! The old man can be said to have no bones left! " Recalling the experience of the old beggar, the peddler shivered all over his body, and then looked at Jiangning with supplication: "great Xia, you must keep your word and send the villain's family out of this town!"

"Don't worry! I mean what I say Jiangning at this time has been angry dizzy, he did not expect that the mayor's family would be so cruel. It's just a pity, old stubborn! I'm afraid this kind-hearted old man will not die in peace!

"Although I want to assure you that you will not be in danger even if you live in this small town in the future, I will surely send your family away safely!" Red eyes of Jiangning look at the peddler asked: "want to see someone to old stubborn revenge?"

Anyway, the peddler has spared the lives of the whole family, and he will be afraid of the mayor's family, so he nodded his head as a bachelor.

"Follow me!"

With this sentence, Jiangning pulled out the magic sword and stepped step by step to the mayor.

"Do you think it's especially unworthy of the old stubborn to die?" On the way, Jiangning even had the leisure to chat with the peddler. If he didn't see his murderous face, he didn't know he was going to kill people.

Jiangning asked casually, but the peddler didn't dare to answer casually. Now all his family's lives are in Jiangning's hands. He was afraid that one of his carelessness would upset Jiangning, and then he would be killed. Therefore, he thought carefully before he replied: "it's a pity that the old stubborn head died! But I never feel that his death is not worth it. Because of him, my dog's eggs can avoid becoming king Jiaolong's food! "

"Good!" Jiangning nodded with appreciation.

It's a pity that he would not regret the obstinacy of others when he was old. However, he would not regret the obstinacy of his old age any longer, but he would not regret it if he was old. He will only let people pay blood!

The mayor's house is still full of bright lights, but even the ignorant peddlers know that this prosperous house is going to be reduced to ashes today.

"Stop! The mayor is having a banquet for distinguished guests. Please do not enter At the luxurious bronze gate of the mayor's house, a guard dressed in black samurai's vigorous clothes dutifully stopped two Jiangning people.

"Today, you're in bad luck!" Jiangning is too lazy to talk nonsense. When the guard doesn't react, he kicks the guard to the bronze gate and makes a loud noise."But you're lucky, too." Looking at the guard who had fainted, Jiangning said meaningfully: "if I had been in the past, I'm afraid you have no bones now!"

Leaving this, Jiangning has already kicked open the door and stood at the door. Jiangning visited this courtyard last time. It is surrounded by iron walls. Except for the main gate, there is no place to get in and out.

I'm afraid the mayor never thought that someone could block his door to catch turtles in a jar, and his iron walled mansion would become his death.

"Who the hell is knocking at the door? Don't you know the mayor is having a banquet for your guests? Li Ergou, where the hell are you? Didn't you watch the door Li came out with a strong breath of wine. He had not seen Jiangning in a robe and the dodgy peddler behind Jiangning.

"Li! Needless to say, the old stubborn blood debt must have you! Let's start with you

Jiangning, carrying his magic sword, rushed to Li Xiangting like the wind. ..

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