After leaving the town, Jiangning has been on the road, but in a few days it has reached the periphery of Yaowang valley. However, although Yaowang Valley is only a valley, it occupies no less than Tianshan sect. Therefore, although Jiangning arrived at the boundary of Yaowang Valley, it was still nearly a day's walk away from its sect's residence.

In order to better deal with the large number of enemies that may be encountered tomorrow, Jiangning, after settling Wang Mazi's family, makes a low-key search for an inn, ready to make a good cultivation.

It was the night when Jiangning was meditating and practicing in the inn, when he suddenly heard two soft sounds coming from the attic from the northwest corner. He knew that some people in the Wulin were walking on the roof, and they also made the same sound on the southeast corner. When he heard the noise on the northwest corner, Jiangning didn't care, but he was mostly aiming at himself.

Jiangning silently raised the magic sword on one side, but did not blow out the candle fire. The door of the room was half closed, so he went out on his side, went around the backyard window and stood against the wall.

I only heard someone in the upper room near the east of the inn saying, "is it Wan Er ye? Come down, please The man on the northwest corner said with a smile: "the west of the pass Cao Laoliu also arrived." The man in the room said, "great, wonderful! Come in, please Two people on the roof jumped down one after another and walked into the room.

Jiangning said in his heart: "Cao Laoliu, a famous hero in Guanxi, is called" quick knife Cao Liu. ". That Waner ye must be Wan Wudi in eastern Hunan. I heard that this man is good at supporting justice and wealth, and he is good at martial arts. These two men have been fighting with the demons all their lives. They are great heroes of the Terrans, but they are not treacherous. They have nothing to do with me. They must not come for me, but are suspicious. But who is the one who speaks in the room? "

I only heard Wan Wudi's saying: "Yan Wang Di's magic doctor suddenly released heroic posts and aroused the common people in the world. The momentum is so urgent. What do you say that" if a hero sees the post, please come. ". Brother Cao Liu, do you know why? "

Jiangning heard the news that "the king of hell is against Linghu's miracle doctor". At that time, he was a little strange: "it's said that Linghu's miracle doctor is addicted to medical ethics. Why do you publish heroic posts?"

Jiangning has long heard that Linghu miracle doctor is the best doctor in the world. In recent years, due to the fight between the Terrans and the demons, Linghu miracle doctor treats people equally, whether they are people or demons, and has left a great reputation in the river and lake.

"Boss Zhang, what good business have you done these days?" asked Cao Liu Jiangning said in his heart, "who is boss Zhang? Is it Zhang Shouyi, the leader of the most powerful clan in the border city? It is said that this man is the biggest partner of Yaowang valley. Most of the pills in Yaowang valley are sold through this person. Therefore, he is quite famous. He was heard in the border town not long ago, but he has never been seen. I don't want to go with him in Yaowang valley today. "

Jiangning knew that there were Wan Wudi, Cao Liu and Zhang Shouyi in the room, so he didn't want to hear people's privacy. He thought: "go to visit Zhang Shouyi in the morning tomorrow and ask him where Linghu's miracle doctor is located." Just as he was about to return to his room, Zhang Shouyi sighed and said, "well, I'm in a bad mood these days. I can't afford to be interested in doing business. I heard that a large number of people from the river and lake gathered in Yaowang Valley to do harm to him. I wanted to come over and say it for him. But today, I heard that he was a demon spy, but his face was almost lost! " Then Zhang Shouyi stretched out his hand and gave a heavy blow on the table.

Jiangning heard the word "demon spies", a Lin in his heart, but immediately thought of his current identity: the leader of the Ming religion, the descendant of the demon king!

"He was talking about me." Jiangning heart a Ling, he found today, his original body and man, the identity of the devil.

Wan Wudi said: "Jiangning is a very famous man. He killed countless Wulin fellows in the border town. He thought he was just killing people! I don't expect to commit such a heinous crime. "

Zhang Shouyi said: "not long ago, I met him once. I always admire him for his past conduct. Yuemanlou, the eldest disciple of Linghu doctor, said that he was a demon spy. I also tried to rebuke him. I quarreled with yuemanlou about this, and almost fought with him. Alas, a man with two sides and three swords is no different from an animal. He concealed it for a while, but later, he became very fierce. "

Zhang Shouyi stopped and said: "I'm afraid he never dreamed that the medicine King Valley, who has the grace of both human and demons, will cure his demon disciples. What's more, his demon disciples may not even know that their new leader is Jiangning, the former great demon of the human race! Therefore, if you slip your tongue for a while, it will make you look like a white man. "

Jiangning stood outside the door and heard Zhang Shouyi evaluate himself so much that he suddenly felt a chill in his heart: "Zhang Shouyi, patriarch Zhang and I have a nodding acquaintance. I heard that this person is not a faithful female Huang. Even he said so, I'm afraid others would be even more embarrassed. Alas, I thought that the medicine King Valley and his party were just to solve the killing evil created when they were confused before. I never thought that they would be stigmatized as evil spies. But now that I am a senior member of the two major religions, how can I explain and how can I deal with myself? "

Jiangning lost his soul, but heard wanwudi said: "according to my guess, I'm afraid that the Linghu doctor's hero post is to discuss how to deal with Jiangning."

Zhang Shouyi said: "yes, I don't think there is any other big event in the river and lake except Jiangning's evil deeds. Brother Wan and brother Cao, come here. Let's do a few kilos of liquor and have a long talk tonight. ""Ha ha! I highly admire brother Zhang's behavior and martial arts, but when it comes to drinking! It seems that Zhang Xiayi is laughing.

Wan Wudi coldly hummed: "Cao Liuge's drinking capacity is not bad, but if you say to drink, I wan Wudi, this invincible name is in vain?"

After Jiang Ning had no intention to listen to their boasting about each other, he returned to the room somewhat disappointed.

"If according to my previous nature of mind, I'm afraid it's easy to solve the problems after that, that is, God blocks the killing of gods and Buddhas. But now that I'm back to my original mind, do I have to solve things so bloody and brutal?" Back in the room, Jiangning silently pondered the solution of Linghu doctor hero post, but after thinking about it, he couldn't come up with a simple method that didn't violate his original intention, until he felt dizzy. He simply fell on the bed with his head covered and began to sleep. Since he couldn't think of it, he would talk about it at that time. It's a big deal. He gave up his identity. ..

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