With this closest to the divine level skill, all the group of heroes can not help but stop their own steps.

That is the closest to the divine skill! How could they dare to try the power of that move? Sure, the target of that move is Jiangning, but no one believes that the rest of the move will be harmless to itself.

Just the afterwave, let all the fierce group of pride stop.

Only the Tianshan school and Dali Temple people, still concentrate on surrounding Jiangning, panic and pale face finally showed a hint of joy.

This is the most unique school of Tianshan school, which can absorb all internal forces in the world! Then turn these internal forces into your own use!

Jiangning before was like a dead beast. No cliff son could find opportunities to contact Jiangning, and then use the northern Ming magic. But now, he has finally found a chance.

The face of the cliff son was shining with colorful light. His right hand, which was only on the back of Jiangning, turned into a steel claw and nailed Jiangning to death.

In the eyes of all, the cliff son, in addition to the constantly shining colorful light on his face, the white hair and beard also began to float with the wind with a strong breath. The cliff like a fierce beast, and Jiangning became an ant struggling to make under the foot of a fierce beast.

Everyone knows the fate of Jiangning, he will be sucked away by the cliff, and then become a hand without the power of garbage.

As for the cliff? Perhaps it will burst and die under the strong internal force of Jiangning, or replace Jiangning and become another invincible powerful person in the world.

In addition to several schools that have been made with Tianshan school, all the group are worried, praying, praying that the cliff child will die when he can not withstand the strong internal force of Jiangning.

However, they were disappointed, only to see that Jiangning's face has appeared silk abnormal wrinkles, these wrinkles are due to the wrinkles when the cliff son attracts Jiangning's internal force.

But without cliff, there was a little white in his face. This white, is Jiangning body to the cold internal force.

However, the internal force of the area is not so unacceptable for the cliff. The main subject of Wuya Zi is the northern Ming skill, which is close to the water attribute naturally. Therefore, the ice is cold and unstoppable, but he can still accept it.

I saw that the old face of the cliff became more and more red, and then it was covered by the cold ice. This is because the water attribute internal power has a strong ability to recover, so that the old and old people who have no cliff began to show signs of returning to the old and returning to children.

Just a little change, no cliff even feel that he has touched the root of Jiangning invincible! In his view, Jiangning can be fearless of injury, I am afraid it is relying on this ability of recovery the world's water attribute internal power!

Unfortunately, these internal forces have to be cheap themselves!

The face of the cliff son has already shown a ferocious smile. At this time, he said that he had absorbed the internal force of Jiangning for decades. The internal force of these decades may occupy the main internal force of Jiangning in his opinion.

But Jiangning did not fear the meaning of no cliff son, he smiled at the corner of his mouth, cold feeling behind the strong suction.

He certainly had a little panic when he absorbed his internal power, but when he saw the expression of quhao, he understood. Group Hao dare not take advantage of the fire at this time, because they are afraid to be affected by the afterwaves of the northern Ming magic arts!

As long as the group Hao does not interfere, Jiangning is not very anxious to resist, he just watched his internal power slowly reduce, and then revealed a slight contempt.

The northern Ming divine skill is worthy of being one of the first internal mental skills in the world, but this skill is really too chicken for Jiangning.

The northern hell magic can increase the internal power online, and also reduce the internal power of the enemy. But the internal force of Jiangning is fixed, and what no cliff absorbs is the internal force in Jiangning, but it can not reduce the upper limit of Jiangning internal force at all.

In this way, Jiangning has no intention of panic. He just quietly looked at the cliff pretending to force, looking at the wanton smile.

With the attention of the group, the hair of the cliff flying has begun to freeze, even the clothes and clothes of the cliff have been frozen into ice.

"It is no wonder that Jiangning is so ferocious. It seems that his internal force may have been several hundred years

"With the internal force of these hundreds of years, Jiangning is enough to spread the world. He has also learned the holy level skills of heaven and earth moving and xuanbing sword! No wonder we can't get him! "

"Hundreds of years of power, can no cliff stand?"

No matter the disciples of Tianshan school or other group of heroes around, they could not help but start to guess the victory and defeat of the contest.

At this time their expression is very relaxed, because for them, this competition has not won, except for the heaven faction. Tianshan school may still care about their life safety, pray that they can win.

But those group Hao, but in the heart in silence pray, pray for no cliff burst body to die! If so, they can pick up cheap and kill the weak Jiangning, and then rob Jiangning's treasures!If wuyazi wins, I'm afraid those present will not dare to fight with the mountain sect of that day?

As long as you think that you may compete with an old monster who has hundreds of years of skill, even the powerful one will feel chilly. However, they also had a hard time with Jiangning for so long before. Thinking of this, they could not help but admire their ignorance and fearlessness.

However, these ideas are just the ideas of those around the crowd. As for the ten square city that has always wanted to be a fisherman, they don't think so at all. At least the two decision makers of the ten square city don't think so. They have been sneering at those greedy tycoons for neglecting the role of the treasure Jiangning just got.

Obviously, neither Shen Linglong nor Shen Yinmo will tell this to those greedy people who are destined to be enemies of the ten square cities. They have identified Jiangning's defeat. Of course, they would like to see Jiangning help them remove more obstacles before dying.

After all, these obstacles will be the obstacles for the future ten cities to dominate the world. ..

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