That is more terrible than the sun in the world! It's more masculine than the most terrible flame in the world! Because it is impossible for the sun or the Nine Yang fire to burn the mental power of the red line.

"But met a strong enemy?"

Pang ban, as the apprentice of Meng chixing, sensed the injury of Meng chixing at the first time. He looked around with vigilance and then asked with concern.

Meng chixing slowly shook his head, but he did not stop pangban's vigilance.

Now when the treasure comes, it's no harm to be more vigilant.

Meng chixing took a deep look at Jiangning standing on the edge of the lake. He was the most outstanding person of their demon clan for thousands of years! He was the first one of the demons who was very close to the ascent. If this man appeared several years earlier, he and Pang ban would not betray the magic door.

Unfortunately, he was still a few years late, or in other words, Meng chixing still did not persist for so many years.

At least they're back to the devil's door!

As the world's top master of communication, Meng chixing and Pang ban are naturally not afraid of no power and are willing to accept them. They even went to Jiangning directly and declared that they were willing to return to the demons. I'm afraid Jiangning would not object.

But what they need is not an ordinary shelter! What they need is the approval the demon wants. They want to be his right arm, and then leave a reputation in the history of the demon clan as Xiang Yutian and shizhixuan.

Today, the demons have not yet flourished, but there is a clue. Meng chixing naturally does not doubt that Xiang Yutian and shizhixuan, who are great meritorious officials of the Daming Kingdom, will be forgotten by the history of the demons.

For people like them, maybe it's more important than flying. Because no matter whether they betray the demons or not, they always have the blood of the demons, and their martial arts can not be separated from the traces of the demons.

They are not willing to cover up the origin of their own demons, but also do not want to sink with the demons. Fortunately, today's demons are going to be in a big way! They are certainly willing to leave their own reputation in Daxing demons, rather than the group of people who become the disgrace of demons.

Although it didn't take much time to feel barefoot, the meteorite that can burn everything has landed in such a short time.

To everyone's surprise, the meteorite did not land over the lake, but landed in the center of Shijue Valley, which is dozens of miles away from the lake.

This is a strange feeling. Why does Shijue valley have two centers?

If the star does not land, they will not find this problem, they will only regard the lake as the center of ten Jue valleys. But with the fall of this star, another center of Shijue Valley shows a ferocious face in the eyes of the world.

It's a ferocious face. That's right, because the center is a hill only a few hundred meters high. By this time, of course, the hill had turned into a terrifying volcano.

The star landed accurately from the top of the mountain, and then shot the mountain out of a deep hole.

At this point, the big hole will continue to erupt towards the outside world rich fire attribute Aura! With the emergence of these auras, there is also the hot, fiery magma that can destroy everything.

"This!!! How can you take treasure in such a hell? "

The face of a strong Tongshen, who has cultivated Yang internal skill, is shocked. If there is anything else in the world that can make him feel afraid, it is the anger of the world. Of course, there is another Jiangning at this time.

The world's anger, in the eyes of these people, is the eruption of volcanoes, strong earthquakes and landslides and tsunamis!

Looking at the hill which can't settle down at all and has been covered by volcanic magma, no one despises the awe of the powerful man, because they also feel the reluctance from the bottom of their heart.

This is the only way they can see that they can surpass Jiangning at this time, but God makes people! It seems that they don't want them to get this treasure, and they don't want them to compete with Jiangning.

No wonder Jiangning just laughed so wildly. Maybe he had predicted that this treasure could be obtained by many people?

The faces of people in ten square cities showed a trace of reluctance, and their eyes to Jiangning were also full of reluctance.

Ten square city did not lose anything in this battle, but in their view, they did not gain anything, and Jiangning gained the most precious treasure, that is, the loss, which is the biggest loss of ten square city.

As for the Tianshan sect, which lost more, Xu Zhu's face was full of resentment.

He was originally a kind-hearted man, but when the kingdom of Daming appeared in his eyes, he felt an irresistible aversion to the kingdom. This is a den where demons gather! It's a cancer in the lake!

In order to remove the cancer, xiaoyaozi, the leader of Tianshan sect, even went out of the mountain to plot a plot against the kingdom of Daming in order to get the Tianshan sect out of the mountain.

Unfortunately, it seems that this man has the blessing of heaven!

This is xuzhu's only thought at this time. This is not his repulsion of his incompetence, but his resentment against the injustice of heaven!Facts have proved that Jiangning is the one favored by heaven. This is another preference that has been envied by everyone since he came to China.

However, lingdonglai is the Supreme Master. He is the executor and maintainer of the rules of heaven and earth. He enjoys the heaven and earth and has a preference for nature! What is the reason for such a Jiangning? Why does he enjoy the preference of heaven and earth? Why should heaven and earth favor him?

Every loser will always fail to see the efforts behind the success, he will only see his own pay, and then angrily complain about the unfairness of the world and the different fate.

But how did they ever know how much effort Jiangning had made in order to obtain tude skills? How much risk did Jiangning take in order to get the water virtue skill?

Jiangning will not hate, at this time he has felt the heaven and earth to his slightest preference, but he also saw the fairness of heaven and earth!

Yes, it's fair! If Jiangning used a little bit of the wisdom of the prophet to obtain the water virtue skill, what about now? Now in the face of this treasure from the sky, who can blame the injustice of heaven and earth? ..

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