Jiangning has no outsider to stop this time. Walking in this newly developed cave with fresh soil attribute flavor, Jiangning feels like being in the lake before.

Walking closer and closer to the middle of the mountain front, Jiangning felt the heat that seemed to melt everything. At this time, Jiangning felt that the water attribute was so gentle to him before, and even opened the back door for him.

It is true that the process of obtaining the water virtue skill is extremely difficult, but this is just because the internal force in Jiangning has not been converted into water attribute in advance. If Jiangning transforms the internal force attribute into the water attribute in advance, I'm afraid that the water virtue skill will be a treasure at hand.

But what about the fire virtue skill? Even if Jiangning has converted all his internal power into fire attribute, he still can't feel the friendliness of this fire virtue skill.

Fire attribute is to devour and burn everything. It never stops invading because of the same attribute. Among the five attributes, I'm afraid none of them can match the invasion of fire attribute.

According to the art of war, aggression like fire is the greatest recognition of the attribute of fire.

Now Jiangning is finally able to meet the challenge in front of the Huode Gongfa which was thought to be easily available.

No fire tongue licked him, but Jiangning felt that he was baptized by the aura of fire attribute from inside to outside. This is a baptism that even the soul seems to melt. The process of baptism is extremely hard, because the fire attribute does not recognize Jiangning's friendship at all, they just want to assimilate Jiangning! Assimilate Jiangning's soul.

This kind of assimilation, in short, is to burn Jiangning into complete fire attribute energy! Not a trace of ashes.

This kind of assimilation is very domineering. Even if Jiangning practices wood skill which is much higher than Huode skill, Jiangning still can't resist that kind of assimilation.

Jiangning only felt that there was a group of children joking around his ears, and then showed him the beauty of all kinds of flames, so that Jiangning even the heart and mind began to sink into it, and then gradually no longer resisted the acceptance of the nature of fire.

Jiangning's total internal force is only 40W, but he only feels that his internal force has exceeded the limit of the internal power limit and is slowly overflowing.

It is reasonable to say that Jiangning should be happy with the increase of the total internal force, but he knows that this is just an illusion. If it's water or soil, Jiangning will be happy. But the fire attribute, Jiangning will only deeply fear.

In fact, Jiangning can feel the pure and good consciousness of fire attribute, but sometimes, purity and goodness do not mean justice, or sometimes purity itself represents evil.

The elements of fire have no thought, they are just pure hope that the world will evolve in the direction they want. As a result, they are trying to transform the world into what they think is reasonable.

But what would the ideal world of fire look like? It must be a world of fiery red or purple blue flames.

There was nothing but fire.

These are the purest ideals of fire element. From the point of view of fire element, these things must be beyond reproach. There is no such thing as good or bad for anyone.

But from the point of view of the elements destroyed by the fire element, the situation is a little unusual. At least, not everyone wants to become the ideal of others and give up their own thoughts.

Jiangning may understand the idea of fire element. After all, what he practices is wood skill, which is the first skill in the world to experience the road of heaven and earth.

However, understanding does not mean that we can identify with it. In fact, Jiangning does not agree with this idea, which is different from our own. In Jiangning's mind, all existence has its significance.

For example, the existence of the minions killed by Jiangning or Zhou Tianyong, the heroes in the world, must have many more meanings to show. But in Jiangning's eyes, this kind of existence is to make Jiangning more refined martial arts.

If Jiangning did not cross them, then Jiangning will step into reincarnation without regret, and then willingly become the stepping stone of these people. But if they fail, Jiangning will regard these people as their stepping stones.

Jiangning will not pay attention to other people's ideas, he will only care about his own road! It's a real existence that can face all the changes. Even if his world outlook is destroyed, even if Jiangning returns to the original world and becomes a common hanging, Jiangning will still think so. After so many life experiences, Jiangning has never changed her view.

He would not comment easily, but if he stepped into a higher realm, he would analyze his own shortcomings before, and then make more efforts to improve his previous shortcomings.

Maybe he will not look down on the people in the same realm before, but in his opinion, those who only know how to guard their own interests are just rubbish of a group of mediocre corpses.

Everyone who loses the enterprising spirit will become garbage, which hinders the progress of the world.

In this world of chijiguo, lingdonglai is still like this, whether he is a master or an ordinary third rate expert.These people may be happy about their entry, but it is not too realistic for them to strive for it.

This has become the difference between all the experts in the Jianghu and the common thugs.

Lingdonglai is a supreme master and the master of the rules of heaven and earth, but he is still thirsty for knowledge. Even for such a small role as Jiangning, he can still condescend to come to Jinguan City, and then talk with Jiangning without any barrier.

Perhaps it was such a heart to heart talk that made Lingdong realize Jiangning's unusual. Therefore, lingdonglai confirmed the identity of Jiangning's next successor. ..

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