In this ancient city of ten thousand years, there have been too many happy things these days.

Whether it's Jiangning's wedding or resisting the attack of the ten square city, or other ideas such as the return of Lingma and the idea of stopping flying to Yutian to assist the Daming Kingdom, everything is worth celebrating for a long time.

But now, when these things rush in, the ancient city has become more and more peaceful.

This is a kind of peace after the extreme joy, just like the cathode full of Yang and the anode generating Yin. This is the law.

At this time, the Jinguan city is the ultimate tranquility. Maybe these revelers are tired after another Carnival day and night. They are also like Zhang Wuji and Zhou Zhiruo, no longer ecstatic, but lead their own spirit horse quietly began to walk on the streets of Jinguan city.

The city of Jinguan is very big. After the 2000 horses are scattered, they can't even make a splash. However, the Jinguan city is very small, because all the spirit horses are favored by heaven, and their speed is incomparable. Let alone the size of the city, even if it is several times larger, these spirit horses can run through it in a few minutes.

Of course, these spirit horses have not let go of their feet and gallop in the city of Jinguan. They are all slowly walking on the streets of Jinguan city under the traction of their masters, just like ordinary horses.

But their bodies are always so light, and their horses' hooves are always so smart. On these bluestone slabs, they have left a little shadow, and there is no mark left.

In the past, I'm afraid that many new aristocratic children would be able to show off in this street, and when they saw such excellent horses, they would have snatched them without hesitation.

But today, those dandies are unexpectedly quiet, and no one is confused to rob the spirit horse of ten Jue army.

Not to mention whether they can take away the spiritual horses that have already recognized the Lord, the sign of the ten Jue army alone can bring down the new nobles.

The kingdom of Ming never said whether the ten Jue army was more noble than the ordinary nobles, but these people knew that the ten Jue army that could easily obtain the spirit horse was certainly not something that ordinary people could afford.

At this moment, the king of Ming Dynasty's officials and people's desire to join the ten Jue army became more and more intense. However, Zhou Zetian, the minister in charge of military recruitment, was busy.

Zhou Zetian has been very proud of his horse's hoof disease recently. He has not only been promoted to the rank of knighthood, but also become the military servant of the six ministries of the Ming kingdom.

Although the military sergeant is not the main person of the military department, he is No. 1 person in the military department without the Secretary of the military department.

Moreover, as the first military man, Zhang Wuji also had great trust in Zhou Zetian. Except for the ten Jue army, which did not allow outsiders to intervene, Zhou Zetian was responsible for all these ordinary conscripts.

Fortunately, Zhou Zetian is an honest and honest man. He doesn't have the mind to fill his own pockets. Otherwise, he will stretch out his hand at will, and maybe a spirit weapon will come.

But Zhou Zetian is Zhou Zetian after all, and he will never be lost in his eyes by these external objects. Even when he was in the smoky Sichuan Shaanxi alliance, he never thought of going out with those guys who were rich in their own pockets.

At that time, his position was not low. As the head of the four King Kong, his corruption was enough to replace him with a good weapon, instead of using a familiar copper stick.

But he Leng is to resist the temptation, stick to his bottom line, in the Sichuan Shaanxi alliance in the mud and not dye. This is also the main reason for Jiangning to appreciate him. At that time, Jiangning didn't expect that this man, who was the head of the four great vajras in the Sichuan Shaanxi League, actually only used an ordinary copper stick.

After that war, Zhou Zetian was naturally blessed by misfortune. He was valued by Jiangning and became one of the most powerful figures in the Daming kingdom.

Although he was only a bodyguard commander at that time, his position as a personal commander of Jiangning was definitely quite different from that of ordinary commander.

For example, after his meritorious service this time, he was not only awarded the title of knighthood, but also promoted him from the position of commander of bodyguard to the position of servant of the Ministry of war. At the same time, he was rewarded with the meteorite iron stick of spirit level.

These are the rewards that others are hard to get, but Zhou Zetian won easily after the war.

Even if Zhou Zetian does not move forward all his life, he is enough to become a famous figure in the history of Daming kingdom. But it is obvious that such a person as him can not stop at this little servant of the Army Department of the Ming Dynasty. Jiangning will not allow such a man to support his old age, nor will he allow his talent to be wasted here.

This talent is most suitable for him to become a great general and make a great contribution to the kingdom of Daming, just as the garrison showed on that day.

Such a peerless general will also become a nightmare for the enemy and a god of death for all people.

Of course, at present, Zhou Zetian still needs to polish his position as a military Chamberlain, hone his mind, and familiarize him with the operation of the military department of the kingdom of Daming, so as to lay a good foundation for becoming a general in the future.Not to mention other people's surprise and busy, Qingyang palace is so quiet at this time, and has shown any festive expression.

Jiangning has been away from the Daming kingdom for nearly 20 days. In the past 20 days, whether it is Xuelian, Zhuo or Tang Rou, they are full of concern for Jiangning's safety.

Although they have been praying for Jiangning in their hearts, hoping that Jiangning will have nothing to do, they also know that Jiangning is not easy to have an accident, but they just can't help worrying about him, eager to see him as soon as possible.

In order to comfort each other, Jiangning just gave up. But the day of separation is so difficult for them, such gathering is only a simple relief of loneliness, and can not fundamentally lift their thoughts. ..

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