Jiangning was not in a hurry to return to the Daming Kingdom at this time. After remembering Ling Donglai in Kunlun Mountain, he wandered freely in the lake and lake.

Speaking of it, since Jiangning became the king of Daming Kingdom, he has not wandered in the rivers and lakes for a long time. Now that he can return to wandering in the rivers and lakes, Jiangning actually feels extra kind.

However, when Jiangning was enjoying the wine in a wine shop, his eyes suddenly saw a very beautiful woman who was being bullied and humiliated by an old woman with a mean face.

"You bought it with money! If you're welcome, you have to! If you don't accept guests, believe it or not, I'll throw you into the beggar's heap tonight and let those beggars come to bud for you? "

The old woman grabbed the woman's hair and face with her fingers and cursed fiercely.

Hearing this old woman's words, Jiangning hasn't come and responds. The beggars beside her are in a flash of spirit. They are laughing at the woman, and their mouth water has already flowed out.

These beggars are not members of the beggars' sect. They are just unlucky ghosts who have no food to eat for various reasons and end up in the streets begging.

However, no matter how bad it is, these beggars have never thought of earning a share of food for themselves with their own hands. What they want is a day when they can stretch out their mouths and stretch out their hands. In their opinion, this kind of life may have been a little bit bitter, but it's easy. At least, it doesn't need to use your brain or hands. It's not even life-threatening.

What's more, there seems to be a national beauty for them to enjoy?

This is the beggars want to be bad, such a beautiful woman, how can the price of budding be tens of thousands of taels of silver. How can the procuress be willing to take the tens of thousands of taels of silver to water? She said that only to intimidate the woman.

Unfortunately, that woman is also ice snow smart, she has long seen through the procuress's bluff, so it is just silent resistance.

In fact, you ruo's heart has been desperate, she knows that she may be bound to be defiled fate, but he and she just don't want to yield, she wants to see how long she can persist.

This is her insistence on herself and her own destiny.

Maybe she didn't think of it. Once she insisted on it, she persisted for several months. These months, for the pimp who has invested heavily, it can be regarded as having a nervous life.

The procuress naturally has innumerable means to torture the disobedient woman, but in front of you if, actually cannot use those conventional means to torture.

If you want to see the beauty of the beauty club, even if you want to see the beauty, it's not the beauty that attracts the guests.

If you are not careful to let the skin or where damage, it may now be a few thousand liang of silver income per day.

But even if she had the income of several thousand Liang silver every day, the procuress was still not satisfied. She imagined that if you began to receive guests, how prosperous would her red mansion be?

At least those who just want to see you if are willing to spend a lot of money, will certainly spend ten times and a hundred times for you Ruo?

The procuress is very greedy, if you break the body after that money rolling days, but if you do not cooperate, she has no way.

She thought that if you were willing to accept guests, it would be prosperous for at least several years, then maybe you could earn her 10 times and 100 times of investment in these years, which would turn you into a real cash cow.

But if you don't accept guests, so many guests are not satisfied to see her. Maybe they will tear down his red mansion if they are bored that day.

That is, in these aspects of consideration, the procuress did not consider the feeling of you Ruo at all, just thought you if hurry to receive guests.

In fact, the procuress also felt that she had done her utmost to be benevolent and righteous. She earnestly said to you Ruo: "daughter, it's not that mother doesn't love you! Look at you. Since you came to our Red Mansion, has mother ever treated you half a point? Have you ever been forced to pick up customers? In the past few months, how much money has Fei Hong Lou lost for you? "

Said here, the procuress can't help but pull up the finger: "you look at you, you wear this is the top-grade Shu Brocade production clothes! How can a piece cost thousands of taels of silver? The jewelry you use is made by Lao Fengxiang himself! It's about ten thousand taels, right? The rouge powder you used... "

in front of more and more onlookers, the procuress really began to settle accounts with you Ruo.

Many passers-by hear the old lady's words, can't help but feel to you if this woman's consumption of silver. They never thought that such a beautiful woman should spend tens of thousands of liang of silver to support it? Thinking of this, many people can't help pinching their own empty pockets and swallowing in the face of youruo.

Such a gorgeous woman, it seems that they can only dream about it, as for marrying home? I'm afraid if you want to follow them, they may not be able to afford it.Speaking of this time, many passers-by can't see you if the indifference, they are persuasive.

"Although the old lady's character is very bad, she is also in business. She bought a girl and came back. She didn't accept customers. She even spent as much money as a lady! In my opinion, such a woman might as well not buy it! "

"What do you know? That's called investment! You know what? The more you put in, the more you will gain in the future! Just like this girl, do you think she looks so watery? But the more watery the girl is, the more money she needs to support her! Otherwise, it's so watery. If you're not careful, you'll bump into it. Even your delicate skin will be abraded by ordinary clothes

"It's a pity that no matter how much you put in, people will not accept guests! Isn't it a waste of money? " ..

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