The procuress is still in the chatter of dissuasion, she is still pretending to be poor, but she did not know that she had missed the best opportunity to dissuade you Ruo. At present, youruo has become a rock.

Or those passers-by found something wrong, because they saw disdain from you ruo's eyes. This kind of disdain makes them feel that their self-esteem is seriously insulted. They think that they are well intentioned and want to dissuade you Ruo, and they want to be youruo good. But now, if you don't appreciate it at all, and even show a look of disdain?

This disdain makes all people feel afraid and angry, and because of this expression, these passers-by feel that they can stop to dissuade them.

Of course, even if stopped to dissuade, these unsettled people also did not want to let you go. They have decided to dissuade the kind-hearted lady from tolerating youruo any more.

"Although this woman is very beautiful, her appearance can't be eaten for food! In my opinion, if you don't listen to me, you won't have to pay so much for her! Just give it to a few strong men to train them for a few days. Maybe you'll have a good taste of pith? "

" ha ha! What this big brother said is very true, women, in fact, is not that the case? The first time I was always so pinched that I thought I was like a fairy in the sky. But it's not what we people hold up? What if we're not fairies? Is it not that no one knows? Don't you think of men secretly

"If you want me to tell you, it's true! The initial liquid may be very valuable, but sometimes you can see the silver is silver! If you don't give me this letter, you can leave her for two days

"Ah!! I'm doing it for my daughter, too! Who doesn't want to find a good family for his daughter? But I'm afraid there won't be such a rich family in this small town! In this case, the old lady has to find her the first man who is willing to pay for her! "

The procuress saw that the crowd was no longer so dull headed, and then began to cry about his own pain.

But I don't know whether it's the bustard's grandiose acting skills, or youruo has seen through the procuress's tricks. She was still a little moved before, and now she is not moved, as if her heart is dead.

The procuress is very depressed in the heart, this you if also did not happen what! Why does the heart suddenly become so iron? Where does the procuress know that you ruo's heart becomes so iron is not because of her grandiose acting skills, but because there is a shadow of a person in her heart.

This person, can be regarded as youruo's last persistence, which can be said to be the final motivation of you ruo's persistence. If the procuress knows what you think in your heart, she will definitely be able to break through your fantasy in a word, and then attack you ruo's last defense line from this weakness. Unfortunately, the procuress didn't know, so she had to worry.

Youruo doesn't know that her strongest motivation is her weakest weakness. Even if she knows, maybe she will still choose to insist. After all, this not only represents persistence, but also represents the best time in her life.

If you do not know how to come to this world, she is still a very happy princess. She is the daughter of the world guild leader, enjoying the love of all people.

But even so, youruo is still the kind-hearted youruo, she did not lose her goodness in those doting.

But all this changed overnight. If you just feel like blinking your eyes, the world suddenly changed. Her dear father is gone, Nie Feng, who she loves secretly, is gone, and the broken wave of her secret love has disappeared.

Instead, the strange world.

Youruo had secretly inquired, she wanted to know where she had come. Unfortunately, the result of her inquiry makes youruo despair, because there is no world association in this world, there are no tyrants and bu Jingyun, or even the existence of the supreme martial arts.

All these things are so strange that you Ruo has no way to adapt to this new world.

Fortunately, you Ruo met the Tianshan sect at that time. Although the Tianshan sect was proud at that time, it still needed many beautiful looking disciples.

This is what the Tianshan sect has always insisted on. They always insist on their decision to collect spiritual disciples. Perhaps it is this insistence that has made the Tianshan sect strong enough to become the most top Holy Land in the world.

You Ruo naturally joined the Tianshan school because of her beautiful appearance. Unfortunately, misfortune and fortune depend on each other. You Ruo joined the Tianshan sect because of her beauty, but also because of her beauty, she provoked unprovoked troubles.

You Ruo was valued by several legitimate disciples, and then caused the fight among those disciples. Finally, a big man of Tianshan sect gave a low-key direct treatment to the brothel. Maybe that big guy is the master of one of those legitimate disciples. He doesn't want to see his disciples confused by women and finally deal with the culprit youruo.

Being treated in this way, you feel at least the cruelty in this world. Unfortunately, this cognition has no effect, because if you know that you may have been in this world for the last time.Yes, you Ruo has already despaired of the world, especially when those passers-by are no longer hypocritical and show their desire to forget, she is not willing to go on like this.

Life is so difficult, it is not suitable for this world! You smile bitterly. Now she understood how close the tyrant had protected her before, and how attentive those brothers were to her.

Even if you are in the face of a just not vertical line of her beautiful Jiangning, you will feel grateful, and even take Jiangning as a savior.

Now you Ruo also knows how counterproductive her father's care for her. If you didn't receive such meticulous care, maybe you Ruo would not be in a difficult position in this cruel world, she could at least simply survive.

But now, you Ruo is even the simplest survival can not do. ..

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