Even if they offend lingdonglai, the disciples of Tianshan sect are confident. They believe that xiaoyaozi can help Tianshan sect resist any enemy in the world.

However, when the inner part of the mountain sect began to collapse that day, even the herald disciple was afraid.

He is a disciple, so he is naturally well-informed. He has seen all kinds of intrigues and sinister human nature. Maybe he can rank in the front among the various disciples of Tianshan sect.

But even so, he felt a deep chill when he saw that Jiang Zeyun had the courage to disobey the supreme order of the Tianshan school and stayed in this border town for four days.

He is not afraid that Jiang Zeyun will kill himself. He is grieving for the future of Tianshan school.

As the herald disciples, their strength may not be comparable with the direct disciples, but their lightness skills are definitely the top of the Tianshan sect disciples. As a result, they will not be afraid of any attack by the great master and the master below. Because of this, the Tianshan sect sent these disciples who are very talented in lightness skills to be their Herald disciples.

However, the herald disciple still did not feel any sense of pride. When facing the enemy, they might run for their lives in order to save their own news. But what if facing the attack from their fellow disciples?

This Herald disciple knew that if so, he would not have any ability to resist.

It is precisely because of this that when Jiang zemun approaches the herald disciple with an embarrassed smile, the herald disciple subconsciously keeps a distance.

He was afraid that Jiang would kill people.

He was not afraid of these, because this is the place of the same sect and the sphere of influence of the Tianshan sect! It's a place where they can confidently give each other their back and rest.

But now he is afraid, because this disciple even dares to disobey the supreme order of Tianshan sect. What else can he dare not do in this world?

Defection school? I'm afraid that for him, what he's done is already a defection, right? How dare this Herald disciple to hand over his back to the other person who can even defecte from his school?

Don't say it's the back, even if it's the front, he doesn't want to face this seemingly smiling Jiang Zeyun.

This is the idea of this Herald disciple, but Jiang Zeyun's heart is more depressed. Because he did not know why this Herald disciple suddenly looked at himself and became so strange.

How can I say that I am also a direct disciple? Although the order of Tianshan sect was delayed for a while, it was not enough for this disciple to avoid himself as if he were avoiding the plague?

At this time, Jiang Zeyun still did not know what kind of orders he was disobeying. Perhaps he was so relaxed in Tianshan that he ignored the most important rule of Tianshan sect: when the three elders of Tianshan jointly issued an order, it was the supreme order.

The supreme order is the supreme existence of Tianshan sect. From the elders and deacons to the servants and disciples, they should obey the orders of the supreme order!

Even now, Jiang still thinks that what he is disobeying is a very common order of summoning elders. Therefore, he could still calculate the 20000 taels of silver he might get.

However, the words of this Herald disciple have already made all passers-by understand that Jiang Zeyun is originally the guard of Tianshan in this border town!

a passer-by suddenly pointed at Jiang Zeyun and said in a loud voice: "this guy is the guy who bet 1000 Liang! "

a curious passer-by asked," what a thousand taels? "

" you don't know? It's the biggest event in the border town these two days! This is the old gambler's plate! The gamble is how long the Tianshan sect will send troops to hunt down the old lady and rob you Ruo of that guy

"Oh!!! "Everyone showed a clear expression, even the constantly retreating Tianshan sect's Herald disciple has already understood why Bai Jiang Zeyun dared to disobey the supreme order of Tianshan sect!

It turns out to be intelligence! With a sneer in his mouth, the herald looked at Jiang Zeyun with a sneer. In his heart, he looked up at the direct disciple who used to need him to look up to.

A direct disciple! This is the most solid pillar of the Tianshan sect. They may be future masters of divination, or elders or deacons of the future Tianshan sect! In any case, they are the actual rulers of the future Tianshan school!

However, at present, such a person can even disobey the supreme order of Tianshan sect for a bet of only 20000 Liang silver! Does he really think that the Tianshan school has gone down? He is already preparing for his own future? The herald didn't know what Jiang zemun thought, but he knew that he couldn't stay in this border town.

With a deep look at Jiang Zeyun, the herald disciple patted the horse under his crotch and turned to leave the busy town.

Yes, it's a lively town. Perhaps in recent decades, this is the most lively time.

Even if you came to this small town, you didn't attract so many people.But now Jiang zemun has achieved all this. He needs nothing to do. He only needs to bet 1000 Liang, and then disobey the supreme order of Tianshan sect to achieve such a dazzling effect.

But what about this dazzling effect?

Those passers-by all looked at Jiang Zeyun with disdainful eyes, and there was a kind of self conceited pride in the eyes.

They despise Jiang zemun's cowardice and shamelessness, but they are also happy for their false existence of nobility. Perhaps compared with Jiang Zeyun, they are much more noble.

However, Jiang zemun is just one more direct disciple than them. Besides, there is no big difference in what they do. It is nothing more than 50 steps laughing at 100 steps.

"It's a good idea to take advantage of your position to participate in gambling! "

" shameless! Even the Tianshan sect that gave birth to you and raised you can betray. It's a shame! “ ..

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